Insomniacs Unite!!!!


Well-Known Member
Lol, I'll go pick it up sometime. Ooh you had one of those lucky nights where you crash out for a full night ha. A couple of weeks ago I was at a friends house and crashed on his couch.. He just left me there and woke me up way later the next day and he was like "damn dude you sleep alot". Lol I just laughed since nobody has ever told me that.


another post in this thread..... still battling my insomnia and it only seems to get worse.... I sleep from about 11pm-3am and that is all she wrote.


Well-Known Member
Don't battle.. Go with the flow man ha. If you battle it you end up wasting all night tossing and turning only to get 2 hours of sleep.. Instead, you can stay up and get 2 hours of sleep when you're actually tired. Don't force anything


Don't battle.. Go with the flow man ha. If you battle it you end up wasting all night tossing and turning only to get 2 hours of sleep.. Instead, you can stay up and get 2 hours of sleep when you're actually tired. Don't force anything
I dont battle with sleep, I battle with my own personal demons, thus effecting my sleep.... kill the demons and sleep would come back around... easier said than done though..


Well-Known Member
Lol dude... Your honesty is funny. I'm doing nothing... Absolutely nothing. Well smoking some blue crack (lol dro in case you don't know the strain), and just sitting and staring at my wall.. I went into some weird trance state of mind.. It was pretty cool. Now I'm probably gonna burn through another bowl and listen to some music.


Lol dude... Your honesty is funny. I'm doing nothing... Absolutely nothing. Well smoking some blue crack (lol dro in case you don't know the strain), and just sitting and staring at my wall.. I went into some weird trance state of mind.. It was pretty cool. Now I'm probably gonna burn through another bowl and listen to some music.
I'm jealous bro.... I would settle for just 'crack' at this point... at least have a reason to not catch a wink. I've not been able to find shit in 10days... got sentencing on tuesday, so there's not gonna be much sleep without some good pot and some pills/beer to top it off. Smoke 2 for me bro.


Well-Known Member
Awww that sucks.. Wanna tell us why you have sentencing? I mean it's cool if you don't want to haha.

And I guess I'll have to smoke another bowl for you ;)

Just stick with your porn and those 10 days will zoom by lol.


Awww that sucks.. Wanna tell us why you have sentencing? I mean it's cool if you don't want to haha.

And I guess I'll have to smoke another bowl for you ;)

Just stick with your porn and those 10 days will zoom by lol.
no, its been 10days since i was able to find any smoke....
as for what i did... I backed into a guy at a store by my house... was drunk so I rolled out. Ran from the cops in the car later, and then on foot... they didnt catch me, turned myself in in the morning, but my charges got crazy. Now it seems I RAMMED the guy THREE times, so they are trying to hit me w agg. crim. damage, which carries 2-15yrs.

there it is in a nutshell.
Still not sleeping obviously, but only 45mins til the stores can sell beer again :)


I say you pack up, buy a shit ton of beer and leave your state.. Fuck the 2-15 years man.

Damn dude.

yeah, I've thought of that, even have a friend in texas all in my ear about it. I'm just hoping for the best. I got 3babies, kinda hard to run with them, and thats not the life I want for my children. Just say a prayer that it gets dropped down to a misdemeanor.


Well-Known Member
I honestly think you should come to Texas.. Don't you start on a clean slate once you enter a new state? Or maybe I'm just crappy at knowing my laws

Whatever you do, I hope the best for you.


Well-Known Member
I've worked construction with illegal immigrants lol.. They don't have anything to do wit the bank, all they do is make money and buy whatever they need. I say you should just come on over to lovely Texas and do some private work and just live with your buddy. How old are your kids anyways?


I've worked construction with illegal immigrants lol.. They don't have anything to do wit the bank, all they do is make money and buy whatever they need. I say you should just come on over to lovely Texas and do some private work and just live with your buddy. How old are your kids anyways?
oldest is 5, youngest is 4mos

my problems with running are many, starting with the wife; she's not down for that lifestyle and honestly would rather me in jail than her on the run. Also, I dont know how long I would have to hide out for it to be a non-issue legally.