Insomniacs Unite!!!!

What if the they purposely screw with your old technology and make it run slower (like my old ass iPod touch runs like shit now) so that you will buy their next line of badass stuff? Like how my iPod takes 5mins to load... So I would rather have the faster working iPad. Or MAYBE my dro is just great... I would go with the non-batshit crazy talk one. Yes yes
Hey if you get bored, take a look at my new grow.

I think apple does that without a doubt heph. Mine worked perfect up until the newest ones came out. My old nanos however work flawlessly to this day. I think zunes are better tho but would be better with itunes etc...
Aww that sucks... Make sure to drink plenty of water to avoid a pain in the ass hangover lol. Just smoke in the garage or something... Unless you don't have one, then you're screwed. I personally love smoking in the cold.. It's soo soothing on the throat.

Im watching fear and loathing and being paranoid about college tomorrow.... My professor is most likely gonna make me do a class introduction since its the first day of the new semester.. Bunch of bullshit IMO.. I'm just gonna say my name is hepheastus and I think class introductions are pointless.. Yes yes

aww. i hope u r getting some rest.

if u think ur ipod sux, u should see mine. i have one of the first ones ever made, it's a piece of shitt. i never take it out of my car because it's only useful in there. it doesn't get a charge otherwise. i won't get any ipad or a newer ipod though, i can't afford htat junk
aww. i hope u r getting some rest.

if u think ur ipod sux, u should see mine. i have one of the first ones ever made, it's a piece of shitt. i never take it out of my car because it's only useful in there. it doesn't get a charge otherwise. i won't get any ipad or a newer ipod though, i can't afford htat junk
Yeah I got about 4 hours of some strange rest last night.. You know that sleep where your mind wanders off into a dream like state for 30 mins or so? Well yeah I kept doing that. I think for now on I'm gonna lay down from 4-8 am even if I don't sleep.. It's at least still "rest".

Lol.. When I bought my iPod, it screwed me up soo bad financially. I probably shouldn't have bought it, but it looked so amazing at the time ha. It's just a matter of a few days before my iPod officially craps out. That's when I'm gonna drop my iPod off at the nearest apple store with a note saying they can kiss my ass.. Then I'm going back to my burnt CDs ha.
One of my favorite Star Wars clips with Full Metal Jacket dubbing!

[video=youtube;EgFgEqm3o60] 44&feature=plpp_video[/video]