Well-Known Member
...I see what you're saying, but how is it holding anything back if cern exists and functions. It's the 'apparent' leading edge of technology. It is an attempt at proving mass to complete the theory, correct? If not, science must accept a different reality - the one behind it. They are teaching toward this science in classrooms now, wouldn't you say? I mean, this is just my experience so far, this is what I've been able to make of it.
Cern is run by some of the fore-most experts in their fields. These are people who have already accepted that science is correct in most areas it delves into (with varying degrees of course) and have chosen to make it their life's work. Creationism is an affront on people who are still developing the faculties to make an honest, and accurate decision. No CERN physicist is suddenly going to say "Oh shit, everything I ever studied is wrong and the world is really 6000 years old etc, etc, etc, etc..."
To learn about many fields of science you have to take the appropriate courses in school, a lot of them you have to actively select to enrol in. Creationism is being taught at an exceedingly early age, and can severely impede a persons ability to make rational decisions based on available evidence.