Why Should I Vote for Obama?

I like the way you are looking at candidates critically. My approach is normally to oppose the GOP. I'm a hopeless liberal. I want corporations to follow the law, not lead it. I want progressive agendas and personal liberty for everyone including gays and racial minorities. I want wars to end and weed to be legal. Definitely what most conservatives would call head-up-my-ass. I was overjoyed that the Iraq war ended. I applaud that gay people can serve openly. As an ex-infantryman, I would not care if the guy I shared a fox-hole with was gay. I'm sure I'm not the only one.

You may not be able to tell that things are better for you, but the man took office with two wars going on, the biggest deficit in history (which admittedly he increased). Things should CERTAINLY have gotten worse for all of us. Awesome defense I know, saying things would have sucked way worse. It seems you want facts and not opinions, so explicate the criticism that my post receives with that eye and see how much of it is BS. Most of the anti-Obama rhetoric I hear is devoid of facts. It only appeals to conservative passions, not objective logic. Some Obama complaints are quite valid though, NDAA comes to mind.

Despite that you have repeatedly said you think it is ludicrous to even care about cannabis prohibition as an issue in a US presidential election, there is also much to consider in that debate. This IS a grower's forum anyway right? When I say 'we' or 'us' referring a group with political interests that includes me, I am referring to growers. Obama has done more for us than anyone has since the drug war started. I know I will have to defend that statement and I am prepared to. It is undeniable that the recent progress in this fight did not begin while the previous president was in office. The recent crackdown on dispensaries is seen as Obama's betrayal by some but I am also prepared to defend Obama there if you are interested. It is legal to grow cannabis plants in about a third of the country.

Obama is not my first choice at all. If the race narrows down to Obama vs Romney, I will vote against Romney. Obama gives us some personal liberty with one hand while with the other hand he signs NDAA and that scares me but it is only logical I would be even more afraid if he would have signed NDAA after limiting our liberty. Don't be so hasty to say Obama = Romney.

Yeah, that's it! I'm better off but just don't know it. What a classic nanny-state thing to say.
I'll even stipulate that the republicans are not really coming to grips with the issues either, so I don't even expect a huge improvement from them.

I just mean - I'm not better off than I was four years ago, I think Obama mislead me, and I don't see what he is going to do in another four years except spend more borrowed money. I'm looking for a reason to maybe vote for him again. If I don't find it I may as well give the republican (probably Romney) a chance. I don't want to hear that Romney is even worse than Obama, or that the unemployment rate went down a little, I want to hear specific plans.

This is post #1 in your thread where you speculated that things may have been better had he never been president. Everything in my post (#200) was directly related to this speculation, to how Obama has handled the problems he inherited and earned his Nobel Peace Prize (do you have one?) , and lastly to how he differs from Romney (cannabis prohibition). I spent my time writing this for you. If all you wanted to do was insult a liberal, that is all you did. That is all you GOPers can do. I named things a Liberal man has done for this country, why don't you list your party's contributions to my freedom?

I'm a soldier, all I care about is freedom. Talk about Liberty, this is a free country right? How is the GOP going to bring us freedom? Why shouldn't I use my vote against the GOP?
And you believe a government bureaucrat who is un-elected and unaccountable should make this decision about your grandmother?

You sure as hell have a lot more faith in government than I do.

What I'm saying is that your grandmother's health insurance should turn off at a certain point. If she has no chance of survival, the rest of us shouldn't have to pay higher premiums because you don't want to pull the plug. If you want to pay for machines to sustain her life, that's your business, but I shouldn't have to. Right now, we all are paying extremely high premiums for this problem exactly.

Either kill grandma, or you pay to keep her alive. All I know is I shouldn't have to if she has no hope of ever leaving a hospital bed. Right now, I am paying for that. It accounts for a large portion of all health care costs. It's actually very cruel in a lot of cases where grandma is in pain, has no chance of ever walking out of that hospital, but the family can't let her go.
To give a serious answer to the question of "why should you vote for Obama":

He will continue with MM crack down thereby propping up the price of Cannabis. This benefits all participants of the war on drugs, except the ordinary users, of course. It's a total win for our NorCal growers and everybody else who floated the, "evil corporations will take over the Cannabis business if Prop 19 passes" jibberish.

Well if Obama does manage to shut down all the dispensaries, that will effectively double my income. So there's a bright side I guess.
50% of all health care expenditures in the US are spent on people in the last year of life.

New technology will make it possible to extend that year on and on, at millions per year.

What "are" the implications of that?
50% of all health care expenditures in the US are spent on people in the last year of life.

New technology will make it possible to extend that year on and on, at millions per year.

What "are" the implications of that?

If my aunt had balls, it would indicate that she is actually my uncle.
It may be hard for some of you to understand or believe, but I believe Obama will not be elected for a 2nd term. He won the presidency by a slight margin before, and people now know what they are getting with him. The Independants will again sway the election, and polls show they are leaning slightly to the right. Republicans take back the Senate and the Presidency after Obama's failed term.
It may be hard for some of you to understand or believe, but I believe Obama will not be elected for a 2nd term.

That is very hard for me to understand or believe. It looks like he'll be up against Romney who's the John Kerry of the republican party. I don't think a bunch of out of work Americans are going to vote for a president who looks like the guy that just fired them.

He won the presidency by a slight margin before, and people now know what they are getting with him.

The margin he won by was more than the total amount of electoral votes McCain got. Obama won 365-173. On what planet is that a small margin?

The Independants will again sway the election, and polls show they are leaning slightly to the right.

ummm, no they don't.

The current polls have Obama beating everyone in the republican field.

Republicans take back the Senate and the Presidency after Obama's failed term.

The congress since the republicans took over in 2010 is the most unpopular congress in the history of our country. Polling has democrats keeping the senate and taking back the house. You are delusional.
1. He won the electoral votes but didn't win the actual people vote by Americans by much...

2. In most major polls, the country sits slightly to the right- exactly where the majority of independents are.

3. Obama is NOT beating all Republicans, when you take account the margin of error. He's statistically tied with 1 or 2 candidates.

4. And lastly, it doesn't look like it will be Romney after all. Maybe Gingrich or maybe a NEW candidate.

The Democratic spin is in full force..........again, but I stand by my comments- Obama won't win the next election with his failed policies, lies and Chicago politics. Watch and see........

That is very hard for me to understand or believe. It looks like he'll be up against Romney who's the John Kerry of the republican party. I don't think a bunch of out of work Americans are going to vote for a president who looks like the guy that just fired them.

The margin he won by was more than the total amount of electoral votes McCain got. Obama won 365-173. On what planet is that a small margin?

ummm, no they don't.

The current polls have Obama beating everyone in the republican field.

The congress since the republicans took over in 2010 is the most unpopular congress in the history of our country. Polling has democrats keeping the senate and taking back the house. You are delusional.
1. He won the electoral votes but didn't win the actual people vote by Americans by much...

too bad we don't go by popular vote, we go by electoral vote.

and a 10 million vote difference is pretty fucking significant.


3. Obama is NOT beating all Republicans, when you take account the margin of error. He's statistically tied with 1 or 2 candidates.



please point out two candidates that rank even with obama.

your best one has a 2 point spread BEHIND obama. :dunce:


4. And lastly, it doesn't look like it will be Romney after all. Maybe Gingrich or maybe a NEW candidate.

do so at your own peril. romney is the best hope you have, which is incredibly sad ... if you want obama out.

The Democratic spin is in full force....

i think we've seen who is spinning webs of lies and tall tales.
1. He won the electoral votes but didn't win the actual people vote by Americans by much...

He won by more than 8 million votes.

2. In most major polls, the country sits slightly to the right- exactly where the majority of independents are.

Then how come people say they'd rather have Obama as president than anyone in the republican field?

3. Obama is NOT beating all Republicans, when you take account the margin of error. He's statistically tied with 1 or 2 candidates.

He's losing to exactly zero of the republican candidates and you're acting like he has no chance of reelection. lol

4. And lastly, it doesn't look like it will be Romney after all. Maybe Gingrich or maybe a NEW candidate.

Too late for a new candidate. And you forget, people hate Newt Gingrich. They may not respect Romney, but they just don't like Newt. No one wants that scumbag as president.

The polls have Obama beating Newt in a landslide.

The Democratic spin is in full force..........

Says the guy coming on here pretending all the polls say exactly the opposite of what they actually say.

again, but I stand by my comments- Obama won't win the next election with his failed policies, lies and Chicago politics. Watch and see........

So you are going to complain about spin and then use generic republican talking points like "Chicago politics" as if Chicago was part of the Soviet Union or just a big Al Queda training camp? lol GTFO

I'm surprised you didn't ask to see his birth certificate in that post.
Only two presidential candidates have won the Presidency without winning Florida: Clinton in 92 and Kennedy in 1960. In 1960, the south still voted Democrat - so that map is invalid - and Clinton won a few southern states in part because he's from Arkansas. My point here is that no Republican has won the presidency without Florida in the post WW2 era, which means Mitt Romney (a 2 pt underdog to Obama in Florida) is the only remotely electable candidate the Republicans have put forward. Gingrich has a 9 point disadvantage to Obama, also in Florida... No chance.
So you are going to complain about spin and then use generic republican talking points like "Chicago politics" as if Chicago was part of the Soviet Union or just a big Al Queda training camp? lol GTFO

Clearly you do not know much about Chicago politics. It is not talked about the way it is because some isolated event made it the brunt of some joke.

It is, and it has been for many decades, been the home of some of the dirtiest politics to ever occur.

If not for Mayor Richard J. Daley "The Last of the Big City Bosses" there is a good chance that JFK would not have beaten Nixon and the U.S. would have had President Nixon eight years earlier, which could have changed Vietnam entirely since it was LBJ that first sent in large numbers of forces after his manufactured Golf of Tonkin event.

Take the most dishonest person, the dirtiest conman trickster cardsharp you can find and thrown him in with a bunch of typical Chicago politicians and by comparison he will appear as a nun or priest (minus his little boyfriend) among them.