1st Indoor Grow Using a Stealth Cabinet with CFL's


Active Member
Thats another thumbs up to you on the nutes. I've struggled with staying purely organic and I've found its dam near impossible. But like you I hooked up with the friendly growers at my local hydro shop and spoke with them about my outdoor tomato garden and they highly suggested the Go Box as well :D and so far I'm happy with the switch from Organicare/Botanicare. I experienced 2 nute burns at 1st when I got the box but have found the happy ratios to use.

I live in a state known for its awesomely aweful tap water(look up C.A.P. water project and you'll figure out what state I'm refering to lol) so I went out and bought a misting system made locally for our harsh water deposites and chlorine. You should do as I do with my water, I fill up a 5gal bucket and let it sit out for a day or 2 before giving it to your plants. The chlorine will evaporate away after about 24 hrs leaving you with a ph as close to 7 with out filtering it. I'm just doubling up my efforts cuz 2 grows back I had bad chlorine burn, after that I got the filter.


Well-Known Member
Hey buddy thanks for reading up on my thread! I really do enjoy growing out of my Cab, wished it was a little bigger from time to time but then again when work associates, family, friends, and whoever else comes by its just the right size to keep hidden.

As far as the plants, thank you for ur oppinion! I am currently using the General Organics kit and using the CaMg, the amount the box calls for per gallon of water. Its very possible it could be that or it could be from the constant use of TAP water through its growth, up til like 25days ago! The droopy-ness of the plant is still present but no where near as bad as beginning of the grow! ( i hope were still talking about the NL plant)

The smaller ones could have a N def, i will prob check on them in the morning and may do a extra small feeding for them! Still looking for an answer on if the plant will grow larger or focus on just budding and stay close to the same size it is now?
i doubt the plant will grow any bigger. its final stretch is probally over with and it will more than likely just focus on bud production


Active Member
Glad to see ur happy with ur GoBox!! Im enjoying mine, im also very excited to use it for my tomato garden as well!

Also matt! The question i was asking was about the smaller plants that have been on 12/12 from seed? im not sure if u thought that it was about the bigger plant?! Im gonig to upload some more photos today and hope for some suggestions on the smaller plants!


Active Member
First off i will start with LowLa again! Im hoping she will be ready by Feb 9th, she was planted on Nov 9th. She is approx 2.5 feet high w/ quite abit of Buds. She does have noticable Nute burn but nothing i can do about that now but Flush w/ water! I have been using Mainly Rain Water for my plants collected from my home made hippie water collector.

Jan 17th Lowla again.jpgLowla Buds Jan 17th.jpgLowla Jan 17th full pic.jpgLowla Nugs Jan 17th.jpgLowlan Jan 17th Main Cola.jpg


Active Member
Here are my younger plants! They have been on 12/12 from seed since Dec 9th. Luckily they are both Females and showing their pistIls but i wonder if the plants will continue to grow or just focus on the buds. I have heard ppl saying when using CFL's you want to do 14 on and 10 off ? Also they are still getting droopy during the lights off time and i also noticed them starting to lay down about an hour before lights kick off! So weird? Billy Maze Haze and Super Lemon Skunk #1

Babies in Cab Jan 17th.jpgBilly Maze Jan 17.jpgLS Jan 17.jpg

1st single pic is Billy Maze Haze
2nd single pic is the Lemon Skunk both aprox 39 days old (very small)


Well-Known Member
Here are my younger plants! They have been on 12/12 from seed since Dec 9th. Luckily they are both Females and showing their pistIls but i wonder if the plants will continue to grow or just focus on the buds. I have heard ppl saying when using CFL's you want to do 14 on and 10 off ? Also they are still getting droopy during the lights off time and i also noticed them starting to lay down about an hour before lights kick off! So weird? Billy Maze Haze and Super Lemon Skunk #1

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1st single pic is Billy Maze Haze
2nd single pic is the Lemon Skunk both aprox 39 days old (very small)
wish i could help but i dont really know. i would like to say they will grow a little more but not much. and yeah above i thought you were talking about the bigger plant. if you dont like the size just revegg, all you gotta do is take them out of the grow room at lights out and lket them get light from the house, then by the time they revert your big plant will be done and you can flip your cab back to 18/6 :)

thats my 2¢ for what its worth :)


Active Member
First off i will start with LowLa again! Im hoping she will be ready by Feb 9th, she was planted on Nov 9th. She is approx 2.5 feet high w/ quite abit of Buds. She does have noticable Nute burn but nothing i can do about that now but Flush w/ water! I have been using Mainly Rain Water for my plants collected from my home made hippie water collector.

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I hope you mean after curing, properly for about a month i mean. Cuz she looks far enough along and about ready for plucking. If you have a minute to check out my current grow, I'm about finished with the conversion and will post pics once it is. As you will read, I lost the cherry kush mentioned in the title :/
[h=3]Kryptonite and Cherry Kush Clones Grow[/h]


Active Member
Hey Guys forgot to take pics?! fuck! I will try to upload some pics tomorrow night! The buds on the Northern Lights plant are getting very Dense which is wonderful to see cuz first thing i was told when growing with CFL's was that the buds would be very fluffy! psssh! The smell burns ur nose and is very sweet smelling and thats very exciting for me, she has not smelled very strong at all this grow! I have alot of Browning of the Pistils and thats a good sign, im prob at about 40% now-ish? Guess Weight 12grams dried, hoping for more expecting less!

The other 2 plants, Thanks matt i have put them back in 18/6 and they are taking off again! praise!!! Hope that it wont cause any problems later on down the road! The 12/12 from seed idea was an awesome thought but i think it would be best to continue to Veg 2months+ so i can make the most from a plant! Thanks guys for following and i promise to get those pics up ASAP!


Well-Known Member
putting them back to 18/6 wont hurt them, they might grow a lillte fuked up for a couple weeks depending on how far into flower they were but they know how to straighten themselvs out.

yeah looking at the pics above they may have some slight leaf deformation at first going back into veg but like i said they will straighten out so dont let it get ya all worked up :)


Active Member
Hey! Im back with those photos i promised! A day late of course! I got some pics to upload, im actually at home working on this instead of work which is a nice treat!

Here we are with my NL plant, im still shooting for her due date somewhere around Feb 9th? She was flipped on to flowering on Dec 9th and planted on Nov 9, Rule of 9's? anyone lol?
full shot 2 lowla jan 22.jpgLowla full shot Jan 22.jpgTop cola Jan 22 Lowla.jpg

Should be decent smoke? still amazed that CFL's grow plants! lol

and now for my next 2 plants, which are kinda screw around plants until summer time. Hoping to pull of a clone or two from them after i put them back in Veg for a while! Id like to get some decent size clones and start a few outside later on closer to spring! Im not sure how well that will work with these sillly looking plants! lol I really have not gave them much attention and u can kinda see it in the plant! but ohh well :)

Billy Maze Haze Jan 22.jpgBilly Maze Jan 22 top.jpg
Billy Maze Haze ^


Well-Known Member
just make them mother plants, in about a month (almost march) cut some clones and get them vegging for outside. once the ground thaws (not sure if its frozen or not for you) you can go out and prep some nice big holes to put them in when they are at about 1-2 ft tall, then they will vegg all summer and be monsters during harvest !!!! in sept/oct

make sure to get some clones, then just keep vegging them mums for clones, or just flower out the mums and clone from the clones lol. jeesh all someone really needs to do is buy 1 bean and they can be set for a long ass time if they do it properly and have some patience.

plants are looking great, the little ones seem to be taking on the droop as well not really sure what it could be but seems the bigger plants are doing just fine :)


Active Member
Already got those outside holes made Matt! I grow my weight outside every year, i have a spot that once its done growing its cleaned up and reset for the next years grow! I will have to upload some pics at the end of the year and just show u personally! :p Trust issues online?!?!
Yea the BillyMaze is getting Droopy i have noticed, might just be a Flaw in the Cabinet? Running fans during off hours? Cool Day Temps during dark periods getting to mid 60's?
I personally think that its just stress on the plant due to the massive 6in duct fan on the inside that runs almost top notch when the CFL's are on! I think im going to buy my LED panel tomorrow for the Cab and still use CFL's or my T5's for supplemental lighting!
Also yesss Matt i do believe im going to just grow those two plants to mommas and make a few clones for outside along with my left over feminized G13 seeds. (I have had these seeds for 2 years now, they grew great plants last year, will age effect it this year?)


Active Member
Awesome! I love the size! Check the PH ? I'm still trying to get use to ph levels and such.
Xoshua I dont worry about PH, I currently use Rain Water that i collect from outside! I started out with tap water and PH tested it, PH was high and Chlorine was High. Tested PH of water found in rain and it was spot on


Well-Known Member
i dont think age affects them as long as they are stored correctly, they get the slightest bit of moisture to them and it can ruin the seed as it starts the germ process then dries out and dies.

i have heard stories on here about people germing 20 year old beans so i think you will be OK.

definatly interested in your outdoor grow lemme know if you start a thread. i need to find a nice location this spring to plant some. i think i know of a good spot buts its about 45 miles away from here ><


Active Member
i dont think age affects them as long as they are stored correctly, they get the slightest bit of moisture to them and it can ruin the seed as it starts the germ process then dries out and dies.

i have heard stories on here about people germing 20 year old beans so i think you will be OK.

definatly interested in your outdoor grow lemme know if you start a thread. i need to find a nice location this spring to plant some. i think i know of a good spot buts its about 45 miles away from here ><
Goood, these beans have been stored in a dark dry place so they should be good to go! They grow some fire or did last year, i think i ended up getting 2.2lbs ish
Thats a little to far away to keep a constant Eye on them! Im lucky enough to be living on lots of Farm Land! I prob wont make a thread on it due to the size but will throw some pictures up here and there. Stay connected Matt!


Well-Known Member
i want to be ready to put about 20-25 plants in the ground this spring that are already sexed and vegged for a month, like i said i just need a good location.


Active Member
Id like to get my plants started early like that as well! Hoping this year i will be able to with my clones. I will start a bean or two tomorrow also! Hopefully u can find a good spot, I love my outdoor grows!

Lowla buds on Jan 22.jpgTop cola Jan 22 Lowla.jpgView attachment 2016696Bud.jpgbilly maze haze.jpg

Some Random pics i took yesterday!!