1st Indoor Grow Using a Stealth Cabinet with CFL's


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looking good happy, sometimes lower leaves just yellow off and its not really a big deal, do keep a good eye on them and if it seems to spread then may want to take action but for now i wouldnt mess with em. dont abuse the nutrients and you should be a ok :)


Well-Known Member
how many days in flower, the yellowing is common when a plant gets about 4 weeks into flower.

also them seedlings dont have the droop going on, this is good :)


Active Member
Yea thats def a good thing about the no droop! Idk what I did so wrong at the beginning of LowLa's life but I reckon it was quite detrimental to her. She is right now around 30 days since 12/12, the others are on a constant 12/12, seems to work but I can tell that the plant grows alot slower


Well-Known Member
yeah growth is definatly stunted with 12/12 as the plant is transitioning to flower. but it also knows it is too small and that limits it chance to reproduce so it grows vegatativly under poor light conditions untill its feels it is big enough to have a sucessfull cahnce to reproduce and then begins to flower.


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UPDATE!!!!! Pics are from Jan 14th. Northern Lights 95days from seed, 45 days in flowering- ish!
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Lowla is looking pretty good! I do have a few questions pertaining to her! She does not have much of a smell, she smelled alot stinkier in Veg than she does now? I have never had a plant in mid flower not stink? How much longer u think til she is ready? I flipped the 12/12 cycle first of Dec.


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BM before lights Jan 13th.jpgBM Jan. 14th showing pistols.jpg

This is my Billy Maze, I dont know why but it gets very droopy during its dark times! The pic above shows a picture about 3 hours apart before and after the lights kicked on!
Also, this plant has been 12/12 from seed, it has not grown much and is already showing female pistols at the top. This is not what i had planned lol i was hoping for a much bigger plant!
I dont have a picture but the other plant Lemon Skunk is budding too! luckily from what i can tell is they are both females but the plant is not big enough to produce a healthy crop like i have seen some ppl do on a 12/12 lighting schedule!


Well-Known Member
your most mature plant is defo one of a kind looking with its droopyness but it looks great all the same!! how long till harvest like 3 weeks?

oh and love the pink hammer so manyly LOL fuck it i would use it too if it was the barrier between me and a grow :)


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Yea i figured Feb 9th would be harvest day, it may be a little after that! I know right i have never had a plant like this one! I have grown to love her all the same though, she is def a good looking plant and one of a kind like u said! Hopefully she will be some good smoke even though her smell is not very potent right now!
I bought the pink hammer for my lady when we first got the house to try to get her to do some shit while i was at work! It was a breast cancer one lol and no it didnt work, i dont think she ever used it!


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this is my hammer, have hadit for over 10 years now, used to fram with it and now it just sits unused and solom, this used to be my main tool that made me the big bucks.



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That hammer has seen some work, i can see that! Im still kinda young(24) starting to gather all this shit that i will keep for many years! Just recently bought my first Dewault Drill lol i feel kinda like a Bad Ass now lol?


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Dude, Hppy2balive +reps! I just read your thread and I'm impressed. I'm in the process of converting a dresser 24W*18D*40T and have been popping in on similar grows for ideas on design. My last grow took place in a 20*20*48 cardboard box and just expanded on my construction plan and applied to this dresser I got free from my neighbor.

The issue with the drooping of your leafs on the NL, I'm curious why I haven't seen any suggestions to boost Calcium. My last girl was a bit cal def toward the end and looked exactly like yours does now. And IMHO I think she's looked cal/def almost its whole life...just speaking from my experience but I've been wronge before haha. Also the yellowing on the lower leafs is to be expected but as I see it creeping upward now I'd boost you nutes just slightly. Looks a little N def now but depending on when you plan to harvest you just may want to start flushing.


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Hey buddy thanks for reading up on my thread! I really do enjoy growing out of my Cab, wished it was a little bigger from time to time but then again when work associates, family, friends, and whoever else comes by its just the right size to keep hidden.

As far as the plants, thank you for ur oppinion! I am currently using the General Organics kit and using the CaMg, the amount the box calls for per gallon of water. Its very possible it could be that or it could be from the constant use of TAP water through its growth, up til like 25days ago! The droopy-ness of the plant is still present but no where near as bad as beginning of the grow! ( i hope were still talking about the NL plant)

The smaller ones could have a N def, i will prob check on them in the morning and may do a extra small feeding for them! Still looking for an answer on if the plant will grow larger or focus on just budding and stay close to the same size it is now?