LED Without LEDs -My First T5 Grow

Well, no one else is going to do it for us, right? And I decided when I applied for my state medical license that I was going to put my ass where my head and heart are. The only way to get rid of a taboo is to openly and unashamedly discuss the topic and keep your cool / keep your side of the debate "clean." If this somehow results in my getting some time, well then I'll just go full activist. Putting a mom in jail for trying not to be a pilled-out zombie or neurotic hypervigilant meanie all the time SHOULD embarrass the powers that be.

Your mistake here is assuming that they have hearts. They "may" when they get in office, but it is soon taken out (ala Dick Cheney). These people eat their young
LED TV are only BACKLIT with LED... so it doesent work...

Why the emphasis on back-lit? I'm not sure that I understand. The light is refracted through an LCD panel(which was my initial query, not specifically about LED's, all LCD's are back-lit, whether by led or cfl array), which I'm sure diminishes it somewhat, but I'm sure that a decent sized monitor, like a 20" could produce enough light to grow a single plant. My question is if the colors would come out right. I'm going to see.
What do you think of those videos I just posted Professeur using all 1 type of bulb?

I bought 8 each Quantum G/B bulbs when I bought my light. That first crop was all males so I killed it. I then found Pr0fs thread and never tried sticking with Q bulbs. Very enlightening (NPI)
Would my sig be a good mixture for lights? I'm getting ready to start some cuts I got from the local dispense. Want to make sure.
Your mistake here is assuming that they have hearts. They "may" when they get in office, but it is soon taken out (ala Dick Cheney). These people eat their young

Heh, that's what people told my grandmother when she helped found the ARC. It is no longer societally acceptable to lock your mentally/physically handicapped child(ren) in the basement and beat them in the head with 2x4s. My grandfather once spent christmas day locked up because he'd dressed up as a vietnamese peasant and feigned death on the white house lawn. It's in my blood. I won't say anything if someone insults me because I don't care. I leap into the fray to stand up for someone else's rights though. Gotta work on doing on my own behalf more often.
Looks good to me BlueB... let us know how that works out!
Sure will! I have never tried out these types of lights before so nothing like tossing all the eggs into one basket! I may get some of those Ultra Sun lights for backup. Those cuts were not easy to come by.
WOW 225 pages how many people are using this method?
I read most of this post, but skipped the middle a little bit, to much bickering

anyone have a journal of there work with just T5's?
hey everyone after all the problems i have been haveing im finaly under way with my new grow

I have a journal in my sig but I started a thread also cuz I don't kno much about doing journals I don't even think I started this one correctly lol

I'll be happy to answer any questions tho and I'm always open to information
They should have labeled the Zoo Med Ultra Sun bulbs 8500K or 10000K because they appear way more blue than that chart shows. Sure is confusing how they label them now. So does the CRI rating of 98 mean anything good for these lights? Or is that another meaningless number for growing pakalolo? What do you think of the lights I am using in my sig, will they be a good mixture?
that chart is just an illustration (approximation)and not reality...
Today I substituted a Zoomed Ultra Sun for a Flora Sun in my veg mix. I was kinda thinking that it was a similar spectrum to most 6500K's which people have reported good results with. I immediately noticed that within an hour, the leaves stood up, reaching for the light. I had seen this in some early pics on this thread. I interpret this type of phototropism as a good thing, though I suppose I could also take it to mean that the plants are reaching upwards because they are deprived of something. I cannot speak for any increase in growth yet because it's only been about 12 hours since I stuck it in, and it's only 1 bulb.

I think those including 6500K type spectrum in veg might be onto something. Not entirely sure about flower. I know that the pr0f doesn't really care for those bulbs, and I understand why, but I can't argue with what I have observed. I will update more about the growth as time passes. In looking at the spectral graph of the Ultra Sun (much like the 6500K) it does seem to be less than optimal. In fact, as far as PAR goes, it wouldn't even make my top 10 list. So it is a bit counter intuitive that this bulb would trigger any kind of growth surge or provide any benefit at all in the face of all these other superior PAR bulbs. Yet of all the combinations I have tried, it was this bulb that made the leaves stand up. Perhaps it is only one peak in there that is causing that to happen, and maybe this peak is also present in some of the other T5's I haven't tried e.g. 75.25, Fiji, 454. This might explain why others experienced this phenomenon. I'm not sure what it is about the Ultra Sun that the plants seem to like (or hate depending on how you interpret phototropism), but it has clearly elicited a response from the plants.

I'm not advocating these bulbs...not yet anyway; just thought I'd note the observation.
This probably doesn't help that much, but I found a program to analyze the color mixture of the Fiji Purple light. It's just a basic RGB program, but here are the results anyway,
Fiji Purple RGB.jpg
I'm not sure how it works, but it is still interesting. I think it could be useful for trying to find a general red to blue ratio. I wonder how it will compare to the actual spectral analysis if it ever gets here. Here are the values for the Red Sun light,
Red Sun RGB.jpg
Here are the values for the ATI Blue Plus,
blue plus RGB.jpg
Here are the values for the UVL Super Actinic,
Super Actinic RGB.jpg
Here are the values for the Zoo Med Flora Sun,
Zoo med Flora RGB.jpg
And finally here are the values for the Zoo Med Ultra Sun 6500K,
Zoo Med Ultra Sun RGB.jpg
This is the actual color of the light reflecting off a white surface. I was surprised to see that some red light registered in the UVL Super Actinic, therefore I question the accuracy. I think it gives a general idea though. :)
I read an ok portion of this post but it is quite long and a lot of useless info as stated above (along with a lot of useful info) so I still haven't caught what the best mix is? My website is www.thebushdoctors.com and I run the Quantum 16 bulb units with their bulbs. I am planning on purchasing 2-4 of their 12 bulb units very soon and this post caught my eye (particularly because I'm a big LED advocate and am in talks with one atm) so I'm looking for some help in finding out what is going to give me the best results?

I'm not even sure if I will be gaining any yields if I were to not run the Quantum bulbs. Their peaks listed on their website don't seem to be to too far off and they have a spike in the green as well. I have grown denser nugs than HPS with them on multiple occasions and pulled down some impressive yields so I'm still skeptical about not running the Quantum bulbs. Now I do understand though that any energy used to produce white light is for the most part wasted so I still have hope that my spectrum can be improved.

Any help is greatly appreciated.
Here is an example of a color mixture where I think this program could be more useful.
Mixture of 8 tubes. 4 Red Sun, 2 Fiji Purple, 2 Super Actinic
4 red sun 2 fiji purple 2 super actinic RGB.jpg
The color square to the right is how the color looks to the camera. The analysis is the breakdown of red green and blue of that color square.