predictions and repercussions of tomorrow nights primary?

"They" are the Obama machine and this is not about the republican primaries. "They" knew going in who the nominee would be. But any story that can be pumped up takes oxygen away (temporarily) from focus on Obama and his miserable failure. But once this process is over, the spotlight turns on Obama, the damage he has already done, and his total lack of a plan for the future.

The ballots may as well read - "Do you want four more years of this? Yes______ No________"

Hey dumb ass. Look at the title of the thread. This is about the Rethuglican primaries.
romney wins, but not by the margin he needs. like tsongas in 1992 won, but clinton proclaimed himself the winner.

we could see something like that happens if huntsman leapfrogs paul for second place, which is what polling trends point to.

32% romney, 20% paul, 18% huntsman and the rest doesn't really matter.

an optimal outcome for huntsman would be something like 29% romney, 21% huntsman, 20% paul. although statistically, huntsman could get as much as 26%, especially after a series of romney gaffes today.

I agree with this. In NH, failed Romney votes will go to Huntsman.
No he won't. Huntsman is running to get his name out there so he can make a real run in 2016. He comes from a wealthy family. He can afford to stick with it.

perry is next to drop out, after SC. he is not even hanging around NH if i remember correctly, so there will be no announcements tonight.

as far as who drops out after that, your guess is as good as mine.
I think yall are underestimateing Perry in the south. We really won't have any idea yet. Iowa and new hampshire are but small slices of the pie.
perry is next to drop out, after SC. he is not even hanging around NH if i remember correctly, so there will be no announcements tonight.

as far as who drops out after that, your guess is as good as mine.

Yep. Perry is done after SC. Maybe Newt too depending on his financial situation.
How so? I have read up a bit on it and all I've seen has at least had a good Outlook. Why do you say not true?
To elaborate, Texas has only created "half the jobs in the US since 2008" - or whatever the claim is - because their population is so large. Using measures that matter, like the employment to population ratio and unemployment statistics, Texas fared no better than New York and worse than uber liberal Massachussets (sp? lol) over the same period of time. Furthermore, Perry's policies didn't even influence any job creation that took place because most of Texas' economic growth has come via 1) the oil industry in the state, and 2) people moving to Texas. Perry didn't do shit.
To elaborate, Texas has only created "half the jobs in the US since 2008" - or whatever the claim is - because their population is so large. Using measures that matter, like the employment to population ratio and unemployment statistics, Texas fared no better than New York and worse than uber liberal Massachussets (sp? lol) over the same period of time. Furthermore, Perry's policies didn't even influence any job creation that took place because most of Texas' economic growth has come via 1) the oil industry in the state, and 2) people moving to Texas. Perry didn't do shit.

How about posting those numbers and their source.
I think yall are underestimateing Perry in the south. We really won't have any idea yet. Iowa and new hampshire are but small slices of the pie.

Sure, but South Carolina is a good slice of what southern voting turns out like, and Perry is polling at 5%. Ouch. 4.5% in Florida. That's not good. Santorum is going to parade his homophobia around the south and take Perry's votes IMO.
Sure, but South Carolina is a good slice of what southern voting turns out like, and Perry is polling at 5%. Ouch. 4.5% in Florida. That's not good. Santorum is going to parade his homophobia around the south and take Perry's votes IMO.
I hope not I happen to be leary of huntsman.
I hope not I happen to be leary of huntsman.

Huntsman is my preference over every candidate in the field. But he has no chance this time.

Right now Paul is beating expectations getting 25% of the vote. Romney, Santorum, and Perry are all doing much worse than they were projected to.

Romney is still easily going to win this.
Romney is the projected winner.

He looks unbeatable at this point.
He's not exactly surging too far ahead of the "unelectable one" Romney vs Paul, who do you think has the advantage amongst the Bible bashing religious nut-bags? Don't discount their vote.

Dont mean to make this another RP thread, but he is basically overall second place and can win alot of deligates in States Romney couldn't.