Mushrooms - Pf Tek Supply list, Questions, Other Teks

Yeah the only way you can grow mushrooms without a pressure cooker is with the PF tek. I would get a pressure cooker, maybe check craigslist? They may be on sale at your local Target/Wal-Mart also. As long as the pressure cooker reaches 15 PSI/250 degrees fahrenheit it will be sufficient enough to sterilize jars for grain and PF tek.
I got my All-American 25-quart pressure sterilizer on craigslist for $40 (and they drove 2 hours to bring it to me). I made a Want To Buy post and they responded.
I got my All-American 25-quart pressure sterilizer on craigslist for $40 (and they drove 2 hours to bring it to me). I made a Want To Buy post and they responded.

Hmmm, I should try that sometime. I paid more than that for my cheapo aluminum wal mart special.
That shit's $600 on Amazon. :lol:

I know man, I was so stunned that that's what he brought me. He asked $25 at first, then I said $15 if he'd bring it all the way to me. I just figured it was a decent PC (he said it was 18 quarts, lol). Crazy thing is that he drove 2 hours to bring it to me in a SUV, then 2 hours back. There's no way he didn't lose money there haha.

Technically, if I just bought these pre-sterilized substrate jars online ( and bought spores, would that be all I need for simple cultivation? Or do I still need to buy vermicullite on top of that? Any advice/tips appreciated. Working with limited space and money here!

That's just to make the spawn. From there you would still need to spawn that to a sub of hpoo /coir/verm/gypsum
this is a good pf tek thread sturdy knowledge and i like your little sig about psycadelics thats kind of how i feel now as well but not as enlightened
Really don't feel like going through all 20 odd pages, but my suggestion to anyone is to skip brf/verm and go straight to grain. Grains cheap, you can buy it in bulk and its much more nutritious.

Wheat berries and rye berries are what I've played with before. Take a quart jar, put 1 cup of water, 1 cup of grain. Let those molds germinate for 24 hours so a pressure cooker can deal with them. After that, put them in a pan, rinse until the water comes out somewhat clean. Top off with water, boil until just under 20% of the grains have cracked. when you pinch one between your fingers, it should be closer to translucent than white. From there, toss it into quart jars, toss on your lid with filter/tyvek and foil lid. Pc for 90 min at 15 psi. After its cooled, knock up and incubate.

This is great for cubes and some of the sclerotia varieties.

As far as casing, for first timers I don't reccomend using coir or poop. Both of these things are nutritious and can invite contams. Straight vermiculite at a 1:1 will work fine, and you can get away with it with the right grain.

For potency, Penis Envy, Albino Penis Envy and Great White Monster are the best cubes.

Hi guys, may be a little off the actual topic but I can't get any further without crossing this bridge... Any Aussie mycologists out there willing to post a print to a fellow in need. Thus far all other attempts have turned up nil, including posting myself from amsterdam. I really luuuuurve shrooms and have been preparing to grow them for the last 2yrs, begginning with PFTek but already have a little cab set up for sort of bulk set up. Been growing weed for years and worked and studied in many a lab so the spores will not be wasted...

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Completely new to this....considering buying the substrate bags.....question is can you still dunk and roll these or is it better to break em up and do the three layer sandwich method????.....again...cube newbie!!!
Completely new to this....considering buying the substrate bags.....question is can you still dunk and roll these or is it better to break em up and do the three layer sandwich method????.....again...cube newbie!!!

I wouldn't dunk the substrate bags unless its pf tek you run the risk of it breaking apart in the dunk... sometimes i dunk my trays carefully but a bag has no suport.. what kind of substrate are you using?

best to just mix the substrate with Hpoo or some other bulk sub after full colonization.
was looking at the rye berry bags.....haven't ordered anything yet...just getting the list built you're saying you can't pf tek the bags....i understand the tek with jars....just wondering if it's possible to do the same thing with the bags...i see what you're saying about the bag substrate possibly breaking apart during the roll.....would this necessarily be a bad thing....then I would just have smaller colonized chucks to roll???...IDK..just trying to skip the substrate prep step for inoculation....would i just inoculate the bags...let colonize....then crumble up between two layers of hpoo??? or just mix it up with like the same amount of hpoo as I have substrate then place in tray???
was looking at the rye berry bags.....haven't ordered anything yet...just getting the list built you're saying you can't pf tek the bags....i understand the tek with jars....just wondering if it's possible to do the same thing with the bags...i see what you're saying about the bag substrate possibly breaking apart during the roll.....would this necessarily be a bad thing....then I would just have smaller colonized chucks to roll???...IDK..just trying to skip the substrate prep step for inoculation....would i just inoculate the bags...let colonize....then crumble up between two layers of hpoo??? or just mix it up with like the same amount of hpoo as I have substrate then place in tray???
dunk and roll is really just for pf tek, and the roll is only for pftek, DO not try to roll your bulk sub in dry verm. its probably best not to dunk it either unless your willing to risk loosing it all.
your gonna be doing bulk if you go with the bags, I mix equal parts hpoo with grain (after grain is fully colonized) but i know people who use like 1 part colonized sub to 4 parts hpoo, try different ratio's or look up different ratio's used by people on shroomery or mycotopia and compare. the more bulk sub you add the longer the full colonization will take but the more mushrooms you'll get.
Sounds good man....thanks for the info....I have access to fresh you sterilize your poo?.....and is fresh too "hot" or should I go for a more dried poo(like a dump from 6months ago)
Sounds good man....thanks for the info....I have access to fresh you sterilize your poo?.....and is fresh too "hot" or should I go for a more dried poo(like a dump from 6months ago)

Pasteurise (170 for 2hrs)is better for bulk hpoo than sterilise, old stuff way better than fresh. You want really old grey stuff that when you break it apart doesn't have any turd smell, it should only smells like mulch/old grass clippings. Hope that helps!