Why Should I Vote for Obama?

Illegal Smile

Well-Known Member
I'll even stipulate that the republicans are not really coming to grips with the issues either, so I don't even expect a huge improvement from them.

I just mean - I'm not better off than I was four years ago, I think Obama mislead me, and I don't see what he is going to do in another four years except spend more borrowed money. I'm looking for a reason to maybe vote for him again. If I don't find it I may as well give the republican (probably Romney) a chance. I don't want to hear that Romney is even worse than Obama, or that the unemployment rate went down a little, I want to hear specific plans.


Well-Known Member
I'll even stipulate that the republicans are not really coming to grips with the issues either, so I don't even expect a huge improvement from them.

I just mean - I'm not better off than I was four years ago, I think Obama mislead me, and I don't see what he is going to do in another four years except spend more borrowed money. I'm looking for a reason to maybe vote for him again. If I don't find it I may as well give the republican (probably Romney) a chance. I don't want to hear that Romney is even worse than Obama, or that the unemployment rate went down a little, I want to hear specific plans.
You shouldn't vote for Obama, what do they say about trying the same thing over and over and exspecting different results, just dumb. The man isn't capable of handling the job, nothing personel, but we all have are limits.Think of it this way, if he was hired as a CEO of a major company he would have been gone along time ago.
Just my op.

Illegal Smile

Well-Known Member
Healthcare reform
I hear that most often as a reason to vote against him. Obamacare is not at all popular. If you ask people about certain aspects like pre-existing conditions, they'll respond favorably. But I don't think Obama can make Obamacare into a positive message for his re-election. His plan seems to have been (and it was a good one) that the popular aspects would hit before the election, but the downsides and costs wouldn't become apparent until after the election. But it isn't working out that way.


Well-Known Member
I hear that most often as a reason to vote against him. Obamacare is not at all popular. If you ask people about certain aspects like pre-existing conditions, they'll respond favorably. But I don't think Obama can make Obamacare into a positive message for his re-election. His plan seems to have been (and it was a good one) that the popular aspects would hit before the election, but the downsides and costs wouldn't become apparent until after the election. But it isn't working out that way.
Most people wanted more like the single payer option...what other candidate is offering anything on healthcare reform... I think you better get ready for OBAMA 2012


Well-Known Member
I'll even stipulate that the republicans are not really coming to grips with the issues either, so I don't even expect a huge improvement from them.

I just mean - I'm not better off than I was four years ago, I think Obama mislead me, and I don't see what he is going to do in another four years except spend more borrowed money. I'm looking for a reason to maybe vote for him again. If I don't find it I may as well give the republican (probably Romney) a chance. I don't want to hear that Romney is even worse than Obama, or that the unemployment rate went down a little, I want to hear specific plans.
Well, it depends who you are. If you are pro-union then Obama is good for you. He is in the pockets of the unions.


Well-Known Member
Ndaa and sopa.

Romney is too rich imo to be president, he dont what it is to be low or middle class.

Santorum wants "judeo sharia" law system.

Ron paul, only suitAble option


Well-Known Member
I know rp has baggage, but compared to the rest of field, i think rp would be the least puppitized choice.

We want a bettter country, not the same shit. I think all other candidates will continue to please big corps and the wall street "fat cats"!

Id rather have a politician with racist comments then a prez who is manipulated by greed and money.

If you think about, everyone is an undercover racist, they just wont admit it.


Well-Known Member
I know rp has baggage, but compared to the rest of field, i think rp would be the least puppitized choice.

We want a bettter country, not the same shit. I think all other candidates will continue to please big corps and the wall street "fat cats"!

Id rather have a politician with racist comments then a prez who is manipulated by greed and money.

If you think about, everyone is an undercover racist, they just wont admit it.
Most of us have some bigot in us , but not everyone is an undercover racist.... are you telling on yourself ???

Illegal Smile

Well-Known Member
I dunno. I decided to give Obama a chance. He's had his turn at bat. Why shouldn't I give Romney a chance? He has a much better resume. Because he is too rich? Some of our best presidents have been rich. And by the way, Obama has been pretty much a pampered debutante his whole life, too.


Well-Known Member
I dunno. I decided to give Obama a chance. He's had his turn at bat. Why shouldn't I give Romney a chance? He has a much better resume. Because he is too rich? Some of our best presidents have been rich. And by the way, Obama has been pretty much a pampered debutante his whole life, too.
How is growing up without your father and at times without your mother considered a pampered life. ???


Well-Known Member
I dunno. I decided to give Obama a chance. He's had his turn at bat. Why shouldn't I give Romney a chance? He has a much better resume. Because he is too rich? Some of our best presidents have been rich. And by the way, Obama has been pretty much a pampered debutante his whole life, too.
He supports War and abortion and a tarrif on China that will hurt the poor he supports forcing you to buy health insurance he supports death panels that will deny coverage for health care treatment he supports the war on drugs he supports the police state and govt expansion