Correct Use of The Word Energy

another way to look at it is this...u see how some people get all the luck in the world? liked by everyone and praised? They get all kinds of good awesome nurturing energy from everyone donated in little chunks, get the awesome job huge paychecks .wealthy and family life luck all over the place. Well, they are usually very nice and donate to charity and whatever, to spread the good energy around, show them just how awesome life can be. This energy in the form of gifts and whatever makes other people feel good. So its a chain of energy starting from people giving another the courage/social responsibilty to spread the goodness around. This also works with the energy, or momentum, of bad agendas. people who are abused, littered with bad energy, often spread this bad energy around. Theres many ways to see this concept. Its all based on potential. Example of bad energy: Being in the same room as a psychopath murderer who kills anyone and he has no handcuffs. Or, being threatened by a mean person with a weapon. Both of these situations have a potential for a negative outcome. Even if something goes bad or not, this potential happened, and energy was transfered, and an appropirate reaction underwent and thus went on to potentiate further transfers of energy.

...there's a 'law' (sorry Heis :) ) about this sort of thing. I think someone dubbed it 'paying it forward'. There are more hardcore metaphysical terms but I won't post them.


In my current understanding, there are only 2 movements, up and down (sine). The rest is energetic byproducts, so to speak. To me, this makes all points valid, and traceable to their source.

"Shivalingam" and "The Flow"

The Shivalingam denotes the primeval energy of the Creator.It is believed that at the end of all creation, during the great deluge, all of the different aspects of God find a resting place in the Lingam; Bhrama is absorbed into the right, Vishnu to the left and Gayatri into the heart. The Shivalingam is also a representation of the infinite Cosmic Column of fire, whose origins, Vishnu and Bhrama were unable to trace.
spirit would be what controls the energy, not the energy itself.

the is that isnt :D lol
Conflation at it's best. Scientific words can not be used outside of science and still hold any sort of credible meaning. Using energy to describe spiritual, psychological and metaphysical concepts is a legitimate method to help you to convey the ideas, but does nothing to give them validity. You seem to be using energy as a way to skip over the mechanics of your theory. What are the principals governing this chain of bad and good energy? How is bad energy transferred? Is it subject to entropy? What distinguishes bad energy from good energy? What allows this energy to influence luck? These are just a few of the questions it would seem need to be answered before we could believe these ideas reflect reality.

I was going to write a rather long winded response, but you beat me to it Heis! :D


"Good" and "bad" energy, isn't passed between humans like energy is passed between a load and a battery. Trying to compare the two with such a simple analogy steals from the intricacy, and amazing complexity of how the human body uses/stores energy.

If you're upset, and you yell at a co-worker, you could very well make that co-worker upset as well; but don't say it's from energy transfer of bad "mojo" or some other cockamamie reason. The co-worker might expend energy reacting to you, but that has nothing to do with the type of energy transfer you are referring to. Just because you continue the causal chain does not mean you are conducting energy to people.

Edit: Ok, that was still kind of long winded.
bad or good makes no difference its still energy..momentum..potential...there doesnt have to be a "balance" of good vs evil ( even tho there may be morality/ethical wars ongoing )....i simply meant it as an example of two different scenarios..but its also interesting to note without this friction of the good vs evil a lot of work and energy could be directed elsewhere

the concept of thermodynamic entropy relates in a way as to why lovers, or enemies, blow each others heads off, "situations comes to a head", people have orgasms, laugh, applause, scream, yell, go postal, start business ventures, midlife crises, propose, etc etc.

luck is an illusion. its all about positioning and probability and potential, mixed with inflated egos
bad or good makes no difference its still energy..momentum..potential...there doesnt have to be a "balance" of good vs evil ( even tho there may be morality/ethical wars ongoing )....i simply meant it as an example of two different scenarios..but its also interesting to note without this friction of the good vs evil a lot of work and energy could be directed elsewhere

the concept of thermodynamic entropy relates in a way as to why lovers, or enemies, blow each others heads off, "situations comes to a head", people have orgasms, laugh, applause, scream, yell, go postal, start business ventures, midlife crises, propose, etc etc.

luck is an illusion. its all about positioning and probability and potential, mixed with inflated egos

An orgasm, a laugh, or applause expels energy but that energy isn't received from the; sexual partner, the funny joke, or the performer. It's energy you already have stored inside you. What you are describing would be energy being passed from one sexual partner to the other in order for the orgasm to happen, which is blatantly false.

If a situation "comes to a head" and two people start fighting, if one person punches or pushes the other, there is energy transfer, but it's not like the energy transfer from being punched makes your punch harder because you store the energy; in the same way slam-banging a chick from behind doesn't "power up" her orgasm.

There is no "Dragon Ball Z-type" ki, or chi energy transfer that humans can perform to give each other energy whether it be sexual, anger, or humor based.
If your going to link a 10 minute video, at least have the courtesy of a general overview "cliffnotes" rather than hoping 4 of us look at it to reply ;) :)
Very interesting! I remain skeptical, but I wish there were tests done on this gentleman!

John is well known in skeptic circles, and considered to be a fraud.

1. "Generating electricity" - this is normally done with the use of a small high-frequency, high-voltage, low-amperage device taped to the performer's body. James Randi mentions this device here, regarding others who have done this:

Randi wrote:
This “chi” scam artist on YouTube is probably using the very same setup as the Malaysian crook did, a small battery-powered device worn on the body that develops very high voltage at very low amperage, that can be directed from the body of the performer to anything that’s at a lower potential than he is. It’s a form of Tesla coil, and it’s very effective. There’s also a rabbi in New York using this same gimmick to convince the faithful…

2. Catching a "rifle bullet" - what is shown is the firing of a very low-speed pellet that can pierce the wall of an empty soda can. Then, Chang puts his hand in front of the gun. He is in no danger, and there does not appear to be anything extraordinary about what he is doing.

3. Moving a knife - Chang carefully balances a knife on its sheath. It is shown moving slightly in one direction, twice. With such a precariously-balanced object, the slightest breeze will move it readily. All Chang has to do is wait a bit. In the first movement, he has his mouth close to the knife, "talking" to it. In the second, he has leaned back, so either he's caught a breeze, or he started the knife in a position that would naturally swing away, or else he's using his knee (either one would work, but it's hard to tell from that angle which, if either, is in position), to slightly lift the glass tabletop.

4. "Fooling the experts" - they have a CEO, a doctor, and a physicist. They really needed an electrical engineer. They try to use an ordinary volt meter. If he's using the high-frequency device, of course they will not get readings from this! Some experts they are! Maybe they actually do use the metal detector on his back and feet to check for the device, but this is not shown. Chang seems to be flexing his back to produce his electricity. I would check between his shoulder blades. I mean, they strip him almost naked, but they let him leave his shirt on?!? Oh, and the color-changing LEDs have different colors depending on the direction of the current, not the amount.

5. "Chopstick through the table" - has anything ever looked more like a set-up magic trick? First, he takes them to his local restaurant. Then he can't make the "chi" work on Formica, so he needs to use the bottom of the table. This trick requires nothing more than a cheap table with a seam in the wood.

Chi masters do not have a great track record. Chi should be just about one of the easiest things to prove. On the rare occasion that they submit to controlled testing, they do not survive even the most lax of controls, and like all pseudoscientific constructs, they immediately engage in special pleading.


Many are found to use magnets and other common stage tricks. Many magicians also have reproduced tricks such as throwing a needle through glass, moving bowls and breaking objects, withstanding sharp swords, setting oneself on fire, ect. I am reminded of a Christian based group of body builders who perform very similar tricks and blame it on Jesus.

There are many ways this “miracle” can be performed, but since the church won’t let anyone investigate, there’s no point in trying to solve it. Why are they so secretive about it? Because it’s a sham, a trick, a swindle designed to deceive the faithful. The church knows that any investigation will immediately reveal that they’ve been lying to their members.

The potassium permanganate + glycerin trick is accomplished by preparing two pharmacy-style gelatin capsules, one with the KMnO4 crystals, the other with glycerin (glycerol) (C3H8O3). They are taped together, then concealed within the cloth, paper, or other flammable material. When the material is crushed so as to fracture both capsules together, the mixed contents produce a powerful exothermic chemical reaction that ignites the package. The permanganate, a powerful – poisonous – oxidizing chemical in the form of dark purple crystals, can be obtained at any store selling water-purifying supplies. The glycerin – a harmless, thick, clear, syrupy liquid, is found at any pharmacy.

The mixture of carbon tetrachloride (CCl4) and carbon bisulphide (disulphide) (CS2) – both clear liquids – is about 50% of each. It is not too highly inflammable, but can easily be ignited. The result is a pale blue flame, which can only be seen in subdued light. Neither liquid should be imbibed, and should be washed off the skin quickly.

Of course if you don't practice, things can go wrong,



What empirical evidence is there for chi or its harnessing? Testimonials and self-validating statements are offered in lieu of controlled scientific tests. Nevertheless, advocates are convinced they are not deluded in their metaphysical explanations. The acupuncturist is convinced he or she is unblocking chi. The reiki therapist and therapeutic touch nurse think they are channeling ki or prana. The Reichians think they can heal the body by harnessing and directing orgone. As a philosophy, chi kung and its relatives may provide one with a sense of harmony, power and meaning. As a metaphysical belief there is no way to disprove the existence of chi. However, explanations of events in terms of controlling and harnessing chi are superfluous by Occam's razor.
On an unrelated note, but since this is my thread...

I start college this week! In 4 short years i'll have a philosophy degree and actually be qualified to speak on these subjects.
On an unrelated note, but since this is my thread...

I start college this week! In 4 short years i'll have a philosophy degree and actually be qualified to speak on these subjects.

Having a degree doesn't make you qualified, my friend.

You are already more than qualified to speak on the subject.


You'll have a blast doing Phil in Uni... it's a daily mind fuck, or should I say "mindphuk"... :D
Thanks guys. I'm sure I will use my discussions here as a platform to support me. I've learned something unique from each of you.

I'm actually a bit reluctant to give up my disclaimer of only having a GED. I get accused so much of being corrupted by 'book learnin' or for flaunting my higher education. I think people assume from my avatar that I am some crotchety old man who doesn't understand kids and their new ideas. I sorta like being able to point out that I am a typical mid-west stoner boy. My life consists of pizza, video games, porn and pot.

And dtp, I read your post before you deleted it. You have a fair point and it's something I am already noticing. It's seems to be all about numbers instead of demonstrating what you have learned. They make the assumption that you are career oriented. I am driven by the pursuit of knowledge. I care nothing about what I can do with a degree, and I can already tell I will butt heads with some of the authorities. I have to do two years at a community college, then switch to a university. I am told that things are much more lax at a university in terms of pursuing your own goals.
So all the masters of physics are wrong when they say everything is energy???... I do agree energy doesnt linger around like a ghost... Unless it is a ghost.
So all the masters of physics are wrong when they say everything is energy???... I do agree energy doesnt linger around like a ghost... Unless it is a ghost.

E=mc2 <-- if from this you surmise that everything is energy, you must also accept that everything is mass. Doesn't really make sense. They are two sides of the same coin with very different properties and meanings.

I hope these masters you speak of do not include Deepak Chopra or Wayne Dyer.
I think you should study these modern findings on matter, atoms and energy, the people at the large Hadron Collider should be able to give you some insight... An interesting experiment was held there, scientist were trying to prove if atoms were an energy wave or a particle, the ones supporting the particle viewed the atom as a particle, and the ones supporting the energy wave viewed the atom as an energy wave, and they concluded that its eye of the beholder that decides what it is... We have more control over things than we know.
I think you should study these modern findings on matter, atoms and energy, the people at the large Hadron Collider should be able to give you some insight... An interesting experiment was held there, scientist were trying to prove if atoms were an energy wave or a particle, the ones supporting the particle viewed the atom as a particle, and the ones supporting the energy wave viewed the atom as an energy wave, and they concluded that its eye of the beholder that decides what it is... We have more control over things than we know.

LOL the poster who you talking to is named after the scientist who discovered that effect


i'd also stop watching crappy spiritualist documentary for your science information as whoever told you that the scientist at cern concluded that its in the "eye of the beholder" was lying thru their teeth