Ron Paul Has A Legit Shot.

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cwatch out for huntsman, especialy if romney does not do well in iowa, which is likely given how the state breaks historically.

huntsman could be the final "anyone but romney".

If I were Christian, I would pray you would be right over Santorum or Bachmann. Last thing our country needs is religious war mongers in the oval office.
what about all the times it was not important?

chicken and egg here.

would i ever respond to a ron paul worshipper if they didn't throw out something for me to respond to?
it is what it is.

That's how we balance each other out a little :)

i think you are annoyed that anyone DOES support Ron Paul. So, yes, i can see you doing that ;)
Not wanting to spend trillions on war and to mind our own business is totally insane? Wanting to get the government off our backs and stop kicking peoples doors in and killing their dogs is insane? Not wanting to molest citizens at the airport is insane? Wanting to save billions and billions and many many lives by stopping this drug war is insane? Balancing our budget is insane? I ask you what is sane then?

He is labeled insane by the owners of the media because they are very afraid of an actual honest politician. The bankers own the media duh. He cant be bought so he is insane. Dissenters in Russia were labeled insane and sent to mental institutions. Dont you get it yet?

Well congrats to all you Ron Paul cultists. It looks as if the republican field is now so bad Paul has a legit shot at this thing. Romney is on his way down and it's only a matter of time before Newt says something so stupid he blows his chances.

So Paul in 3rd place behind two candidates who have a very high chance of self destruction. Unlike those two front runners Paul has a much more consistent platform that's easy to understand. He's not a flip flopper, he believes what he says, the way he speaks makes him easy for republican primary voters to understand, and the fact that his positions are totally insane is actually a bonus in a republican primary.

This means not only is Paul likely to be considered a front runner at some point, but if he does manage to gain a lead, he's by far the most likely to keep it since he doesn't have inconsistent positions that other candidates can use to attack him with.

So have hope cultists! Ron Paul is for real at this point. He might actually win this.
would i ever respond to a Ron Paul worshiper if they didn't throw out something for me to respond to?

You don't have to be a worshiper, to be a supporter.
For example, these two don't agree with Ron Paul on a lot of things,
yet they still know he's the only logical choice!
That's how we balance each other out a little :)

i think you are annoyed that anyone DOES support Ron Paul. So, yes, i can see you doing that ;)

not always. there is a core group of ron paul supporters that i accept even if they annoy me, and a large mass of people who are just ron paul worshippers who really fucking annoy me.

you know there are some ron paul 'groupies' out there as well as a good percentage of some of the really fringe loonies.
Not wanting to spend trillions on war and to mind our own business is totally insane? Wanting to get the government off our backs and stop kicking peoples doors in and killing their dogs is insane? Not wanting to molest citizens at the airport is insane? Wanting to save billions and billions and many many lives by stopping this drug war is insane? Balancing our budget is insane? I ask you what is sane then?

He is labeled insane by the owners of the media because they are very afraid of an actual honest politician. The bankers own the media duh. He cant be bought so he is insane. Dissenters in Russia were labeled insane and sent to mental institutions. Dont you get it yet?

No, I don't get it. I don't think he's insane because the media instructed me to think so. I think he's insane because of his extremest fiscal policies. Deregulation of the financial services industry increases economic inequality which is already at an all time high, so no, I don't want to make that problem worse. The real insanity of Ron Paul is how he always seems to jump to the conclusion that if something in government does work, it always needs to be destroyed instead of repaired. What ever isn't working at 100% efficiency he seems to want to get rid of.

And yes, I do think balancing the budget in this economy would be insane. It would send us into something worse than the great depression. It is insane to want that. Real people will suffer because of it.

IMO Ron Paul preys on the uninformed. He sounds very convincing so people believe him without really looking into what he's saying. He's made a career on that. Everyone except Ron Paul supporters understand this.
No, I don't get it. I don't think he's insane because the media instructed me to think so. I think he's insane because of his extremest fiscal policies. Deregulation of the financial services industry increases economic inequality which is already at an all time high, so no, I don't want to make that problem worse. The real insanity of Ron Paul is how he always seems to jump to the conclusion that if something in government does work, it always needs to be destroyed instead of repaired. What ever isn't working at 100% efficiency he seems to want to get rid of.

And yes, I do think balancing the budget in this economy would be insane. It would send us into something worse than the great depression. It is insane to want that. Real people will suffer because of it.

IMO Ron Paul preys on the uninformed. He sounds very convincing so people believe him without really looking into what he's saying. He's made a career on that. Everyone except Ron Paul supporters understand this.

It is always better to rebuild than to patch a hole. Why always think ignoring problems is a viable answer
It is always better to rebuild than to patch a hole. Why always think ignoring problems is a viable answer

when i moved out of my last apartment, i patched a hole i made in the wall for venting rather than tear it down and put up a new one.

you "my lai" approach to governing is overly simplistic. and in a general election especially, that dog won't hunt.
when i moved out of my last apartment, i patched a hole i made in the wall for venting rather than tear it down and put up a new one.

you "my lai" approach to governing is overly simplistic. and in a general election especially, that dog won't hunt.

that fix will never be as good as just tearing down 1 sheet of dry wall and replacing it .cost about $ 5 and some elbow grease

so for the same price you payed for that puddy you could of had a bran new section of wall..

To simplistic? only to those that don't know any better. just because they don't know what to do, they assume its complicated.
that fix will never be as good as just tearing down 1 sheet of dry wall and replacing it .cost about $ 5 and some elbow grease

so for the same price you payed for that puddy you could of had a bran new section of wall..

To simplistic? only to those that don't know any better. just because they don't know what to do, they assume its complicated.

i would have had to texture an entire wall as well as match it's paint. that is a couple pieces of sheetrock (not $5 a piece, genius), an entire can of paint, hardware (screws), putty (to cover the screws), and a huge amount of texture.

instead, i used materials i had laying around, a $5 can or texture spray, and some free touch up paint that the apartment gave me.

i was not charged anything from my security deposit for the wall. they did hit me for $100 to clean the carpet by my growspace, but i am not worried about being the best carpet cleaner. i am a carpenter type of handyman.

sometimes it i better to patch than to tear down.

in any case, the "my lai" approach will not go well in the general election.
It is always better to rebuild than to patch a hole. Why always think ignoring problems is a viable answer

I don't think ignoring problems is a viable answer, Ron Paul does. When a necessary part of government doesn't work, he would choose to just eliminate that necessary part of government ignoring the problem. For example, the EPA is a necessary part of government. If some of their regulations are not having the desired result, the answer is to reform those regulations, not get rid of the EPA and leave environmental safety up to corporate America.

It's incredibly short sided for him to just repeat a bunch of non-sense about how we need to get rid of government because it's not as effective as it could be. I'd prefer someone interested in fixing problems, not creating new ones via blowing up the whole system.
I don't think ignoring problems is a viable answer, Ron Paul does. When a necessary part of government doesn't work, he would choose to just eliminate that necessary part of government ignoring the problem. For example, the EPA is a necessary part of government. If some of their regulations are not having the desired result, the answer is to reform those regulations, not get rid of the EPA and leave environmental safety up to corporate America.

It's incredibly short sided for him to just repeat a bunch of non-sense about how we need to get rid of government because it's not as effective as it could be. I'd prefer someone interested in fixing problems, not creating new ones via blowing up the whole system.

That's debatable imo.
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