Lace and Frills <3

Matt Rize

look what your pics do kuroi... too much skin and some dude goes wang trigger happy.
you gotta watch the camel toe and ass pics that have nothing to do with the thread title, they set off the crazies who join on the 4000th post and dont get the thread's intent. :mrgreen:
that was one wang i'd like to forget...


Well-Known Member
Thanks Shan-Shan, but no one's told me that in real life. I don't know if can consider myself in creased cotton polar bear shorts as 'sexy' or not. Fdd was going on about how average I look and they're low quality pictures etc... Nothing sexy.

I just wanted to show NeerNeer and Ry Ry the panties I was wearing for them. Like I said, the Oscar ones are pretty comfy and surprisingly nice fit. Might go back and get some more while they're cheap.

I'm glad you like wearing pretty man panties if they make you feel good x

You're too good to me Shan-Shan though... Seriously.... x

Shannon Alexander

Well-Known Member
Kuroi I know that over the internet does make a difference to how you may take a compliment... But...

You are real... yes..?

I am real... Yes..?

And it doesn't matter if you're wearing a creased pair of polar bear underwear or all dolled up with your layers and patterns and lace etc..

You are a very attractive young woman that one day I hope will make me some pancakes... :)

When I buy my plane tickets I hope you'll hold up your end of it... or at least go shopping with me...

and as a final note Your pictures aren't the ones that caused a fuss, that nob jockey that couldn't keep his prick in his pants caused a fuss... What kind of guy posts pictures of his tackle trying to show off when he has a girl anyway..?


Well-Known Member
I found the following on the Internet!
"Man arrested for standing over a goat while wearing women's underwear".
Just ... wow.

<edit> Looks like I missed all the fun! Dang.
But reading the comments was a consolation!
I will never look at a bag of potato chips the same way again.


Well-Known Member
kuroi I just got back from the mall and seen some girl that looked like your twin.I was bout to scream kuroi lol.


Well-Known Member
Lolz,If you yelled at me in the middle of the mall, would it be reasonable for me to run up and hug you, if we're going to be publicly inappropriate :3

Lookies... Shiny things

The chain is plated, but the teeny teapot is porcelain ^^
