1st Indoor Grow Using a Stealth Cabinet with CFL's


Well-Known Member
Yea, still droopy looking but better! I really have not had a good watering schedule at the beginning of the grow which may of caused it to look like it is today! The buds will hopefully look nice on it when the time comes. I really dont have any problems with Her except for the droopyness that its had since about 4 weeks, and the casual yellowing of lower shade leaves! I have her on a good food/water schedule now! I learned quick i dont want to use a big pot like that again, thats why the babies are in the smaller ones! Hopefully these next few weeks will do some good!!
big pots are good but from what i read it takes alot of roots to use up the amount of water the soil can hold


Active Member
big pots are good but from what i read it takes alot of roots to use up the amount of water the soil can hold
Exactly right! they are good for those big bushy outdoor plants but not for what im doing! Im glad im having a successful grow being my first in a Cab and with CFL's. I learned alot so hopefully my next one will go smoother! its like riding a bike right?

King Blunt

Well-Known Member
I just read through your entire thread. Props dude. I love your setu and am actually gonna build one similar come spring/summer. I'm gonna use the top drawer however to keep clones. all-in-all your plants look good. rep to ya, and im subd for sure. Peace KB


Well-Known Member
Exactly right! they are good for those big bushy outdoor plants but not for what im doing! Im glad im having a successful grow being my first in a Cab and with CFL's. I learned alot so hopefully my next one will go smoother! its like riding a bike right?
yeah something like that lol.

i have made a good share of mistakes myself and i think my next indoor grow will be 100x better. this is my 1st indoor grow second grow. last was outdoor grow that was relativly simple.


Active Member
I just read through your entire thread. Props dude. I love your setu and am actually gonna build one similar come spring/summer. I'm gonna use the top drawer however to keep clones. all-in-all your plants look good. rep to ya, and im subd for sure. Peace KB
Thanks King Blunt! Yea dude u can use that top drawer for whatever! I used mine for just storage and there is a power strip in there as well that controls certain lights and fans! If u do it right from the start and make sure u have enough air flow in it and enough lighting it will be good to go! Good luck buudy

Matt, i have never attempted indoor growing either this is my first but i have done outdoor a few years but it was a breeze!


Well-Known Member
Matt, i have never attempted indoor growing either this is my first but i have done outdoor a few years but it was a breeze!
yeah i literally poped some beans in a coupple jiffy pots and set them outside, transplanted when needed, never watered them but fed them from time to time.

had a few issues along the way but ended up with 6Oz off 3 plants, next summer im going to have some clones of i think OG Kush x Big Bud and gonna dig holes in t ground and fill with soil. just need to find a good spot to grow em.


Active Member
Dec30th burn.jpg
I opened up the Cab the other day to see a light that twisted and found a way to touch the plant! I was a little to late with catching it and got a pretty decent size burn! oooops lol :p


Active Member
hell yesss! im stuck at work til 6pm and totally ready to get home! i bought a vaporizer the other day and its pretty amazing! how about ur self?


Active Member
hahaha nothing wrong with that! I got a few bottles for me and the wife so we can get our drink on too! Got any new years resolutions?


Well-Known Member
hahaha nothing wrong with that! I got a few bottles for me and the wife so we can get our drink on too! Got any new years resolutions?
quit smoking ciggeretts and be a great dad for my son, also gonna be ringing in the new years with a whole new grow setup. grow tent, 1000w hid light, fan, scrubber the works also gonna get some seeds from the attitude.


Active Member
quit smoking ciggeretts and be a great dad for my son, also gonna be ringing in the new years with a whole new grow setup. grow tent, 1000w hid light, fan, scrubber the works also gonna get some seeds from the attitude.
Nice, that would be a hell of a setup! Im quitting cigs too, lay off the soda, and prob getting back on a work out routine w/ the wife!


Active Member
Hey got another quick update! Things are coming along quite nicely, cant wait to get some smoke now! I still got a few weeks to go though! Right now were around 4 weeks of flowering! Im still using the 12/12 and i have noticed my younger plants grow alot slower but this Cab is so easy to run on the 12/12 and my Electric Bill has not gone up once! I currently have 3 plants in the 3x3 Cab, im about to throw 2 more in prob within a week or so to keep up the Perpetual Grow! Right Now the 1 plant that is Flowering is Northern Lights, I have 2 plants in Veg growth right now, 1 billy maze haze, 2 Lemon Skunk #1?. They have been growing quite well, i just fed them for the first time 2 days ago. I noticed on the Lemon Skunk a yellow retarded looking lower shade leaf, could be a N def? im not sure but its time to feed them i do believe! Let me know what u guys think, any more suggestions, comments, props, hates, whatev! im going to post some pics below this thread from Nov 9th - Jan 5th!


Active Member
cabinet 7.jpgplant 28 days.jpgJan 5th lowla 2.jpgJan 5 lowla's buds.jpgJan 5th Lowla from afar.jpgJan 5th Lowlas Top Cola.jpgJan 5th Lowla.jpg

My Northen Lights plant from 16 days old to today, planted on Nov 9th! Her name is LowLa due to the problems i have had with her and her low leafs!


Active Member
billy maze baby.jpgBilly Maze Haze Dec. 26th.jpgbilly maze Jan 5th.jpg

^ Billy Maze Haze! first pic taken Dec 26th, last pic taken Jan 5th

baby lemon.jpgLemon Skunk Dec 26th.jpgLemon Skun Jan 5th.jpg

Lemon Skunk #1? First pic: Dec 26th, Last pic Jan 5th! has a little yellowing on one of the Leafs, fed on Jan 4th w/ Gerneal Organics


Active Member
looks good! I got a lemon skunk from GHS i dont know if its got a number but what a lovely smelling little girl =)
like the dresser build too. good luck with everything


Active Member
looks good! I got a lemon skunk from GHS i dont know if its got a number but what a lovely smelling little girl =)
like the dresser build too. good luck with everything
Yea idk what the number was about but thats what it said so i put it up there! I know some ppl know way more about junk like that than i!