• Here is a link to the full explanation: https://rollitup.org/t/welcome-back-did-you-try-turning-it-off-and-on-again.1104810/

There must be a shit load of atheists in America.


New Member
I'm not completely wrong, you're wrong on saying that.

What shows make fun of religion? ha, watch television. moral orel, rising son, family guy, american dad, it's always sunny in phhiladelphia, many comics, the list can go on and on.

why don't the "scientific minded" people take over? Are they too weak?
The scientific people are taking over....the religious people have not figured it out yet, because they do not believe in science, lol. I find it funny when someone believes in a big bearded man in the clouds, and yet fails to recognize scientific research.


Well-Known Member
olylifter, i think you are a dedicated troll. i dont think you believe what you say, not even discussing religion or spirituality, its the way you present the argument.
depends who i am discussing with... sorry..to hurt...your...atheist...feelings...

jk man... what is wrong with my argument? lets see, please breakdown for me sir?


Well-Known Member
pad, you cant say that without a big face palm... man... there are plenty of shows that make fun of religion, even on the big media channels...

the thing is, i think since you are an atheist, you do not notice these subtle slurs or skits that are portrayed to make fun of religion... being an atheist, i think you are not on the look out so to speak for a religious parody if you will.

i wish i ran the government, we would not be where we are today, you are right about that... pot would be legal under my reign and i would pardon all cannabis related arrests... as these individuals are normally non violent offenders and i would implement a federal death penalty for rapists and chomos... and i would enforce a 10 year prison term for repeat illegal immigrants.. 2nd term would be life in prison... see how many want to come over illegally now, lol...

but really, i have to agree with eye, that why is that most of you think believers are non scientific? I mean, we are some pretty smart lads mate...

What shows make fun of religion in America?

Religious people, specifically Christians, run the government. Perhaps if we had some scientific minded people, ya know, people who've decided trial and error is a better systematic way to get to the truth than "well shit, I think this so it must be true!" running the country, we wouldn't be where we're at today.

Yes, you're completely wrong.

Filthy Phil

Well-Known Member
pad, you cant say that without a big face palm... man... there are plenty of shows that make fun of religion, even on the big media channels...

the thing is, i think since you are an atheist, you do not notice these subtle slurs or skits that are portrayed to make fun of religion... being an atheist, i think you are not on the look out so to speak for a religious parody if you will.

i wish i ran the government, we would not be where we are today, you are right about that... pot would be legal under my reign and i would pardon all cannabis related arrests... as these individuals are normally non violent offenders and i would implement a federal death penalty for rapists and chomos... and i would enforce a 10 year prison term for repeat illegal immigrants.. 2nd term would be life in prison... see how many want to come over illegally now, lol...

but really, i have to agree with eye, that why is that most of you think believers are non scientific? I mean, we are some pretty smart lads mate...
Well, the oppinion that believers dont believe in science, or that they chose whi,h parts to believe in stems from....well, ...religious people not believing in science. You do the same thing though with science as you do bad christians "well I dont believe.that so its not actually scientific....well, those christians who dad bad stuff arent really christians because christians dont do bad stuff" circular reasoning. Shall we list scientific things that religion stands against orstood against? Evolution, stem cell research, medical marijuana, cloning technology, CARBON DATING, climate change, in the past, the heliocentric universe, the telescope, air travel, the.morning after pill...christianity has a loooong history of being a discouragement to science...i dont think that can be effectively counter argued....

eye exaggerate

Well-Known Member
Well, the oppinion that believers dont believe in science, or that they chose whi,h parts to believe in stems from....well, ...religious people not believing in science. You do the same thing though with science as you do bad christians "well I dont believe.that so its not actually scientific....well, those christians who dad bad stuff arent really christians because christians dont do bad stuff" circular reasoning. Shall we list scientific things that religion stands against orstood against? Evolution, stem cell research, medical marijuana, cloning technology, CARBON DATING, climate change, in the past, the heliocentric universe, the telescope, air travel, the.morning after pill...christianity has a loooong history of being a discouragement to science...i dont think that can be effectively counter argued....
^ Christian much? :lol:

...Philthy, can you please post something that shows where "in the now" believers are blind to science? This is something that I still don't understand. And when you say 'all believers' you include me and I feel I have a slightly more scientific ilk than you give credit for. If Christianity is such an anti-scientific force and can do whatever the hell it wants to, then why does, say, nasa even exist? You'd think the 'ole poperüny would have killed it by now.

...christianity is a solar religion - phallic. Telescopes?? Come on man, they're shooting sight like sperm! :lol:


Ursus marijanus
^ Christian much? :lol:

...Philthy, can you please post something that shows where "in the now" believers are blind to science? This is something that I still don't understand. And when you say 'all believers' you include me and I feel I have a slightly more scientific ilk than you give credit for. If Christianity is such an anti-scientific force and can do whatever the hell it wants to, then why does, say, nasa even exist? You'd think the 'ole poperüny would have killed it by now.

...christianity is a solar religion - phallic. Telescopes?? Come on man, they're shooting sight like sperm! :lol:
This might be difficult because if "believers" means "any and all believers", one is dealing with a set of people as diverse as ... well, most of humanity.
If I'm allowed to tweak this to "some believers", I have only to look at efforts to legislate teaching "alternative theories" to evolution, or sex/abortion legislation. In the USA, the engine for these aberrations is a particular sort of evangelical activist Protestant Christian. cn

eye exaggerate

Well-Known Member
This might be difficult because if "believers" means "any and all believers", one is dealing with a set of people as diverse as ... well, most of humanity.
If I'm allowed to tweak this to "some believers", I have only to look at efforts to legislate teaching "alternative theories" to evolution, or sex/abortion legislation. In the USA, the engine for these aberrations is a particular sort of evangelical activist Protestant Christian. cn
...thanks neer..er...cn :) I know that particular agenda. As a catholic I face the 'heat' of the prodies, for certain. My neighbors' kids are mission types. They came back from near Malta, of all places :lol: and said "bah, they're nationalist catholics", effectively saying 'they're blind'. Don't get me wrong, they're great people and I respect what they do. To a point, to be honest.

*in their tradition, they're schooled in their way. NON-SECULAR. :roll:


Well-Known Member
This might be difficult because if "believers" means "any and all believers", one is dealing with a set of people as diverse as ... well, most of humanity.
If I'm allowed to tweak this to "some believers", I have only to look at efforts to legislate teaching "alternative theories" to evolution, or sex/abortion legislation. In the USA, the engine for these aberrations is a particular sort of evangelical activist Protestant Christian. cn
Exactly. The extent to which christians can except the progression of science seems to depend on how pious a particular believer is to the bible. Many modern christians ignore most of the dogma in the bible, and are very good at compartmentalizing the rest from critical thought. They seem well able to apply critical thought/skepticism to most else in their lives, it's a neat trick. The closer a believer is to following the bible's actual teachings, the further they are from accepting the scientific method. I've observed that religion wants to be friends with science so badly, but it seems science wants to stay as far from religion as possible. I wonder why that is? Sam Harris speaks eloquently on this subject in this video:


Filthy Phil

Well-Known Member
^ Christian much? :lol:

...Philthy, can you please post something that shows where "in the now" believers are blind to science? This is something that I still don't understand. And when you say 'all believers' you include me and I feel I have a slightly more scientific ilk than you give credit for. If Christianity is such an anti-scientific force and can do whatever the hell it wants to, then why does, say, nasa even exist? You'd think the 'ole poperüny would have killed it by now.

...christianity is a solar religion - phallic. Telescopes?? Come on man, they're shooting sight like sperm! :lol:
You are correct, not all ,hristiansdisbelieve in science, but I would say the majority pick and chose what.science they believe in. I gave a long list of current things christianity discourages the scientific resear,h of as well as current theories they(as a group, not all individuals) believe in. I also said christianity in the past, was against telescopes, if you check your history books you will see gallaleo threatened with excommunication and burning at the stake for his promotion of the telescop....by the pope.(im pretty sure the details are correct, If you find otherwise i'll bow to it in recognition of my imperfect memory.)

Heres a very current one, in his last published book, steven hawking (a pretty scientific guy....) Has come out with the staement that OUR UNIVERSE WAS NOT CREATED BUT THE EFFECT OF A CONTINUING GALACTIC PHENOMINON as well as contributory mathematical evidence of such.

So, if all of christianity had one voice, would they say either 1)we dont believe that or 2) his science is not sound?
Either way, science and religion walk incongrously much of the time.

How do you feel about carbon dating? And how do you feel about having the bible inherrantly argue against it(that the earth is only 6 and a half thousand years old. Is carbon dating unsound science too?

eye exaggerate

Well-Known Member
You are correct, not all ,hristiansdisbelieve in science, but I would say the majority pick and chose what.science they believe in. I gave a long list of current things christianity discourages the scientific resear,h of as well as current theories they(as a group, not all individuals) believe in. I also said christianity in the past, was against telescopes, if you check your history books you will see gallaleo threatened with excommunication and burning at the stake for his promotion of the telescop....by the pope.(im pretty sure the details are correct, If you find otherwise i'll bow to it in recognition of my imperfect memory.)

Heres a very current one, in his last published book, steven hawking (a pretty scientific guy....) Has come out with the staement that OUR UNIVERSE WAS NOT CREATED BUT THE EFFECT OF A CONTINUING GALACTIC PHENOMINON as well as contributory mathematical evidence of such.

So, if all of christianity had one voice, would they say either 1)we dont believe that or 2) his science is not sound?
Either way, science and religion walk incongrously much of the time.

How do you feel about carbon dating? And how do you feel about having the bible inherrantly argue against it(that the earth is only 6 and a half thousand years old. Is carbon dating unsound science too?
...anything that can be researched should be†. And thanks, for not tearing this apart.

I agree totally that fundamentalists muddy the waters as opposed to clearing them. I do know about Galileo, and the church made clear apologies in that regard. I guess it's like us a bit - we're not shtting our pants anymore either. We grew up. The church grows up along side of people. It has to.

But I wonder how Hawkings' theory is different than '...has always existed'. This is the part of the debate that is touchy - there is no 'time' or ruler for time in the bible. And if genesis describes a man / woman's life, it has to be allegorical.

† within ethical reason

Filthy Phil

Well-Known Member
...anything that can be researched should be†. And thanks, for not tearing this apart.

I agree totally that fundamentalists muddy the waters as opposed to clearing them. I do know about Galileo, and the church made clear apologies in that regard. I guess it's like us a bit - we're not shtting our pants anymore either. We grew up. The church grows up along side of people. It has to.

But I wonder how Hawkings' theory is different than '...has always existed'. This is the part of the debate that is touchy - there is no 'time' or ruler for time in the bible. And if genesis describes a man / woman's life, it has to be allegorical.

† within ethical reason
I think we have found some agreement, and if you'll allow I would like to expand upon what you said...
You said fundementalists muddy the waters. That leads me to say that the fundementals of the religion muddy the waters of science. With that said we non beliwvers see chriatianity and science not being together, that there are inherrant disagreements in both idiologies.

And yes, the church has apologized to gallaleo, how long did that take? Untill the late 17oos? So for hundreds of years they opposed it, even through the rennaisance period. They apologized because they looked like fuckin fools for standing against the science...

And hawkings statement is vastly different from a foundational christian beliefe, that god directly created man in his own image ss well as everything that exists in six days. I wonder though how we measured days for the first two considering the sun wasnt created untill the third day....hmmm, very unscientific id say

And alegorical?how do you figure? thats not what the church says. The church says that the bible is word for word the litteral word of god, how does that factor in the alegory statement?

And the passage of time in the bible, while obviously not exact, is noted. The singular voice of the church maintains the 6500 year old world theory, this is due to the old testament chronicalling of generations and age (asop begot jsep, josep begot aman, aman begot hezzekaih, hezzekaih begot poop-n-scoop...etc. As well as the 900 some odd old methusela....

Filthy Phil

Well-Known Member
And i notice the rest of the christians arent chiming in to answer those previous questions or address the comments. Is the way to win to never admit defeat or is it to effectively counter the other? Are they all saying,"im not touching that one with a ten foot pole..."?


Well-Known Member
From your reaction, I am almost positive that I nailed it on the head. Like I said, you want to go calling people keyboard warriors, and you are one yourself. Laughable.

This is not the playground, and I am not going anywhere. And on the playground, you would not have a gun, toughguy. You would have to square up with people, man to man, instead of doing all the internet talking.

Oh, well. I called you on some shit you wrote, and that was about it. Keep talking, tough guy.
Haha yes thats why the we are also trained in hand to hand combat ;) You do know people run out of ammunition right? not everything is a rambo movie where 10 chain linked rounds last 90000 shots. Little fyi since you seem ignorant on the fact and for that fact everything else you seem to be talking about.
Im sure you feel cool calling other people tough guys over the internet. Once again showing great characteristics of being a furious keyboard warrior. I can guarantee you it would be different in real life as you keep saying. You wouldn't be running your mouth for this long.

Filthy Phil

Well-Known Member
Also, might I add that most non believers arent athiests. Most of us are agnostic. The difference lies in that an athiest believes there is no, nor has there ever been a god. An agnostic simply says"i dont know, I find no compelling evidence to believe in your god. There is a huge difference really, in fact....a whole god worth of difference.


If "people of the book" (christian,jew,islam) are so opposed to science and are trying to stop it, then how do you account for all the break through that the muslims made in mathematics, astronomy, medical, ect. The idea of alcohol being a antiseptic came from an Islamic individual.
I only talk about these three religions because im familiar with those and they stem from the same basic ideas (to an extent).

Filthy Phil

Well-Known Member
If "people of the book" (christian,jew,islam) are so opposed to science and are trying to stop it, then how do you account for all the break through that the muslims made in mathematics, astronomy, medical, ect. The idea of alcohol being a antiseptic came from an Islamic individual.
I only talk about these three religions because im familiar with those and they stem from the same basic ideas (to an extent).
Nice try buddy. All these things that the ARABS did was pre-mohammed, befor 630 s. When looking pre and post mohammed you see an almost drop off in technology from the area. Furthermore, muslims dont use alcohol as an antiseptic unless unknowingly as the TOUCHING of alcohol is harram (forbidden) yes, those advances were made in the same area, but it certainly wasnt islam


Well-Known Member
Religious dogma restricts funding for scientific breakthroughs. This is not my opinion, this is a fact.

Real science doesn't get the funding it should because theists don't trust/believe/accept it anyway. They don't trust it because when they figure out reality says something other than what their book is telling them, it's reality (and the scientists) that must be wrong, not the book!

Shit like this would be funny if it wasn't so goddamn sad/embarrassing.

Europe, Canada, most other western nations look upon the US with bewilderment "how the hell could they believe that nonsense at such a cost?!", and I am with them in that sentiment.


Well-Known Member
Also, might I add that most non believers arent athiests. Most of us are agnostic. The difference lies in that an athiest believes there is no, nor has there ever been a god. An agnostic simply says"i dont know, I find no compelling evidence to believe in your god. There is a huge difference really, in fact....a whole god worth of difference.
This is incorrect and has been discussed in many threads previously. Non-believer and atheist are synonyms. Atheism simply means lack of theism. If you aren't a theist, you are by definition an atheist. The problem comes from self-identification. People that don't believe in astrology don't call themselves non-astrologers. Atheist is an accusatory term created by theists. Agnosticism is about a different ontological question, that of knowledge. Theism and atheism are about belief, hence why non-belief makes you an atheist. Agnosticism is about knowledge and what if anything is knowable. They are related but different. The popular 'atheist' authors Dawkins, Hitchens, Harris and Dennet all say the same thing you do, that the theistic claim that there is a deity is not compelling so they are on the side of skepticism, but none of them make the positive claim that there absolutely is no god.


Nice try buddy. All these things that the ARABS did was pre-mohammed, befor 630 s. When looking pre and post mohammed you see an almost drop off in technology from the area. Furthermore, muslims dont use alcohol as an antiseptic unless unknowingly as the TOUCHING of alcohol is harram (forbidden) yes, those advances were made in the same area, but it certainly wasnt islam
"Al-Hazen 965 -1038 is the person who first found the relationship between light source, lens and resultant image. That is why called as "Al-Hazen Theorem". He also explained how an eye can see. He said that we can only see when light falls on that object and reflect back to our eyes."
So since Muhammad died in 632, and this "Al-Hazen guy" is before Muhammad? and before Islam?

From wikipedia
"Science in the medieval Islamic world, also known as Islamic science or Arabic science, is the science developed and practiced in the Islamic world during the Islamic Golden Age (c.750 CE - c.1258 CE). During this time, Indian, Iranian and especially Greek knowledge was translated into Arabic. These translations became a wellspring for scientific advances, by scientists from the Islamic civilization, during the Middle Ages."

Not all Muslims are ARABS you damn fool.
The arabian peninsula consists of Kuwait, Bahrain, Qatar, and the United Arab Emirates, Oman, Yemen, Saudi Arabia, and Bahrain.
All these "arabs" are not even Islamic.
Thanks for making yourself look....well....dumb

Also the Quran says nothing about forcing women to be confined to certain rooms in the home, nor does it require ALL women to be veiled. Muhammad didnt treat his wife as a dog like most Islamic men do in our era. He treated her (he was originally married to a single woman who owned the "company" he worked for) with respect and took her voice into consideration on many occasions. It was the Islamic Fundamentalists (which exist in every religion), such as the Taliban, that enforced these extreme laws and brought back the barbaric law system of the past.