Do You Support The "Occupy"Protests?

Do you support the global "Occupy" protests?

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The reasons to oppose OWS and the occupy movement at large amount to "it's not specific enough". This makes little sense to me. Shit is fucked up, people are done taking it sitting on their hands, it's time for change, it's time for real representation in our government, it is time to take a goddamn stand.

"You're with us or you're with the terrorists."

Land of the imprisoned, home of the police state.

That is the message of OWS. The chaos of opinions are unified in the idea that we are sick of our government being controlled by the corporations. It isn't We the People, it's We the "People" as in Corporations.
Following the footsteps of Rome. We're just waiting for our version of Julius Caesar.

Wrong, were waiting for our "Debt Jesus"

The baby that is born with no debt, the baby that money doesn't effect, THE ONE who can do anything, and everything for us :)
It is amazing that there are this many ignorant folks still in America. We have politicians arguing over the writing of a bill that says YOU can be held for your whole life, a US citizen by us police as long as they say , gee i think he has terrorist thoughts.. We have a couple studies that prove watching Fox News will actually make you less informed than if you dont watch ANY news, This is because there is so much Fake Propogrand in Fox, there is no room for real news..

We the People, are going to be replaced on top of the New Constitution. It will be fashioned after the Corporate " Employee Book of Rules" and the heading will be, " Profit before People". Welcome to the New " Corporate States of Amerika" The Occupy Movement are fighting the 1% for the very life of Democracy and YOUR liberties and Freedoms.. it is that simple it is that true.

Why we march! Will you wake up and help?
Democracy? that's a horrible form of government.
You are still avoiding answering the questions at all cost. Replying that i'm a bigot and trying to ruin my credibility.
How am I a bigot? I'm anti gay and dont like big government.... That makes me a bigot?

ruin your credibility? man, you should delete this account and start over. I hate to burst your superior bubble but uncle buck isn't the one ruining your cred here..

I support ending crony capitalism and ending the federal reserve, that is a good start. I would like to see the individual take responsibility and grow out of the age of materialism, but that's the essence of what it means to be free. You want to waste all your money on the newest shiniest overpriced object, be my guest. Being a hollow materialistic shell of a person is your right.

Yeah, generally. "You" as in everybody.

You as in everybody? lmfao
What you now wished you said was... "If one wants to waste all of their money on the newest shiniest overpriced object, be my guest. Being a hollow materialistic shell of a person is one's right."

Huh? can you say backpedal?

trying to put someone down by calling them a faggot doesn't strike you as bigoted?

i have no interest in ruining your credibility. you have done that to yourself.


Putting someone down by calling them a faggot doesn't even necessarily mean I'm calling them gay lol. Just like calling someone a retard. Doesn't mean they are mentally handicapped. I guess I have to be more politically correct. It was just a put down, not literal. A fag is something a straight person could say to another straight to make them feel bad. I could say Idiot but that's overused and wore out. But you are right I do feel strongly about how I wish homos were heteros. Do i care if I'm a bigot about Faggots? No.. Lets move on. I don't even know what you an I are bickering about Buck. Nobody's going to change anyone's minds in the political section of a marijuana forum lol.

Do i WANT a penis in my mouth or ass? No!!! Do i care if someone else does? No.

And don't even try to use the Bible as a source for attacks at homosexuality but the debate will quickly turn to discrediting the historical and literary accuracy of said book. And i'll lead the charge, as a "Christian".

Why wouldn't you care? That's gross lol. Makes me want to puke just thinking about it.
Why would I use The Holy Bible or any religion to shun homosexuality? It's morally disgusting on a human level. Fuck gay rights. Lets not start this BudLover I don't have time to waste on this unnecessary subject.
ruin your credibility? man, you should delete this account and start over. I hate to burst your superior bubble but uncle buck isn't the one ruining your cred here..

Hahah I said he's trying to ruin my credibility. Meaning he is taking my words and chopping them up so people read his quote and not my whole comment. Strategy..

What have I done to ruin my credibility? I don't like homosexuals, communist, or socialist and I wish our country would get off their lazy asses and do something to better themselves and this country. Whats wrong with that? Saying that ruins my credibility lol. You guys think your so smart. All of your ego's are bigger than mine. I'm actually quite confident and humble in person
Well, this discussion was worthwhile for a moment, but has since turned a battle of dimwits. I suppose it's my fault, I'm on the marijuana growing forum trying to talk about politics and philosophy....why do I do this to myself? Haha.

@FilthyFizzle..... If you want to run around speaking nonsense and promoting your bigotry and using slurs how do you ever expect that you'll make an argument that anyone can take seriously? If you have your beliefs because you've derived them through life experience, many hours of internal and external debate, or even your beloved Bible, how can you expect to articulate that to people and have them receive the knowledge that you are sharing? You make it too easy to dismiss and disregard you and the therefore any information or insight you may have to share on a subject.

People will always arrive at their own conclusions. Sharing information and having a debate isn't about winning and losing. There are more people reading this thread than just the people posting. You'll likely never convince the person on the other side of the debate, that's human nature. You do have the opportunity to listen to their points, refute them or offer your considerations/objections, and to make your own points and receive their rebuttals/objections. It's not an argument on a school playground, it's an opportunity to voice your opinion, support it with facts and try to keep the discussion going. Name calling and childhood playground tactics seriously discredit any of your arguments and disqualify your interjections. Everyone understands the amount of effort you've put into your response and it reflects upon how much time you've put into the topic. Devaluing your own opinion in an discussion is about the worst thing that you can do for your beliefs and your message. My suggestion is that in future discussions you may want to reread your posts and ensure that the post actually achieves the goal that you have set forth prior to typing, rather than being a session of you sharing your off the cuff thoughts that run through your mind while you happen to be in front of a keyboard.

There shouldn't be any need for personal attacks. That's an immediate opportunity for the reader to disregard everything else that you've posted or any of the points or opinions that you've tried to make. Don't give them that, don't make it that easy. Make them understand where you are coming from, the perspective that you have on the situation and attempt to elighten about the other side of the coin. None of these issues are as simple as right and wrong, one way or the other. There are alot of considerations, the systems are give and take. It's not as simple as you either follow my belief or your a "fag". To imply that it is lets us off the hook and continuing to listen to the person that believes it's that simple.
I don't know why people think taxing the rich will make the economy better, it just takes money from the private sector and gives it to the government. Personally, I haven't found government programs to be nearly as efficient as their private counterparts. Now keeping big business from corrupting politics is something I can get behind.
Well, this discussion was worthwhile for a moment, but has since turned a battle of dimwits. I suppose it's my fault, I'm on the marijuana growing forum trying to talk about politics and philosophy....why do I do this to myself? Haha.

@FilthyFizzle..... If you want to run around speaking nonsense and promoting your bigotry and using slurs how do you ever expect that you'll make an argument that anyone can take seriously? If you have your beliefs because you've derived them through life experience, many hours of internal and external debate, or even your beloved Bible, how can you expect to articulate that to people and have them receive the knowledge that you are sharing? You make it too easy to dismiss and disregard you and the therefore any information or insight you may have to share on a subject.

People will always arrive at their own conclusions. Sharing information and having a debate isn't about winning and losing. There are more people reading this thread than just the people posting. You'll likely never convince the person on the other side of the debate, that's human nature. You do have the opportunity to listen to their points, refute them or offer your considerations/objections, and to make your own points and receive their rebuttals/objections. It's not an argument on a school playground, it's an opportunity to voice your opinion, support it with facts and try to keep the discussion going. Name calling and childhood playground tactics seriously discredit any of your arguments and disqualify your interjections. Everyone understands the amount of effort you've put into your response and it reflects upon how much time you've put into the topic. Devaluing your own opinion in an discussion is about the worst thing that you can do for your beliefs and your message. My suggestion is that in future discussions you may want to reread your posts and ensure that the post actually achieves the goal that you have set forth prior to typing, rather than being a session of you sharing your off the cuff thoughts that run through your mind while you happen to be in front of a keyboard.

There shouldn't be any need for personal attacks. That's an immediate opportunity for the reader to disregard everything else that you've posted or any of the points or opinions that you've tried to make. Don't give them that, don't make it that easy. Make them understand where you are coming from, the perspective that you have on the situation and attempt to elighten about the other side of the coin. None of these issues are as simple as right and wrong, one way or the other. There are alot of considerations, the systems are give and take. It's not as simple as you either follow my belief or your a "fag". To imply that it is lets us off the hook and continuing to listen to the person that believes it's that simple.

Your exactly right Laser. I didn't want this to turn into what it did. I just called someone a faggot lol it's not like I wanted to get into a debate over homosexuality lol. I got exited and made an error (blame it on the chemdiesel) I don't like being called materialistic lmfao...It seems I need to write things a little differently and give more facts and less opinion. Ty Laser. +Rep for you!!

Just for the record padawanbater2 will never be a Jedi. Might want to check into the dark side... I hear Obama sucks dirty dicks over there

Uncle Buck,
Do you support OWS? lmfao
There shouldn't be any need for personal attacks. That's an immediate opportunity for the reader to disregard everything else that you've posted or any of the points or opinions that you've tried to make.
You sir, get two thumbs up!
I just called someone a faggot
How are you not getting this? Who the fuck cares what you think it means. You're wrong. Admit it. Stop being a biggot. You previously stated that idiot is worn out... so is faggot. Calling a straight guy a fag in order to insult him IMPLIES that you are calling him gay as an insult. No one gives a fuck what YOU THINK it implies.
Do you happen to be from Boston or the surrounding area? Just a sneaking suspicion of mine.
...ya dumb shit... I believe you said HUH?....Lets get some things straight bitch....I'm not main stream anything.... I am prepared to survive without electricity or oil. I can shoot before I'm shot and I can get laid whenever I want.. I don't want to fight, but I will if I have to. I've been on this earth for twenty three years and have seen a lot of shit.... I know shit you couldn't imagine...

I'm actually quite ... humble...

someone else said it already, you might as well delete your profile and try again.

you're only at 37 posts so far, it's not so much of a loss. kinda hard to be taken seriously after going around calling everyone a fag.
You as in everybody? lmfao
What you now wished you said was... "If one wants to waste all of their money on the newest shiniest overpriced object, be my guest. Being a hollow materialistic shell of a person is one's right."

Huh? can you say backpedal?

I already admitted my mistake in my previous message jeesh, you guys don't have to rub it in more lol. I feel like I'm being ganged up on and personally attacked hahahahaaa
I'm not deleting my account.. You're all going to learn to love this name. I'll just hold the bigotry and learn how to play your game..

I live 3 states away from Boston.. I'm far from being a flat-lander

I have a question now for UncleBuck.. Do you support Occupy Wall St.?
I already admitted my mistake in my previous message jeesh, you guys don't have to rub it in more lol. I feel like I'm being ganged up on and personally attacked hahahahaaa
I'm not deleting my account.. You're all going to learn to love this name. I'll just hold the bigotry and learn how to play your game..

I live 3 states away from Boston.. I'm far from being a flat-lander

I have a question now for UncleBuck.. Do you support Occupy Wall St.?

No ones attacking you, just talking about your words. Try not to be so outright with your insults, and they won't gain enough attention to BE ganged up on...
Like it was just the craziness that they came out with, that made everyone want to say something about it...
No ones attacking you, just talking about your words. Try not to be so outright with your insults, and they won't gain enough attention to BE ganged up on...
Like it was just the craziness that they came out with, that made everyone want to say something about it...

Haha I was just kidding about the personal attack thing lol
I get what your all saying, thanks for the words of wisdombongsmilie
for the record, it doesn't make me feel any better that you will simply conceal your bigotry rather than be in the open about it.

K Buck thanks for sharing that.. I'm not a bigot, I just came across as one in that moment lol. I'm always open to new information or experiences of others. I've been under a lot of stress lately and padawan helped open my vent tube. No big deal man lol Can we move on??

I got Rick Rolled btw