• Here is a link to the full explanation: https://rollitup.org/t/welcome-back-did-you-try-turning-it-off-and-on-again.1104810/

Do You Support The "Occupy"Protests?

Do you support the global "Occupy" protests?

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Well-Known Member
Also, I was pulled over not 50 yards from my house.

The cop pulls a gun, and gets out. Doesn't ask "License and registration" Or simply threaten to taze me, he hold a gun at me, and tells me to get out, and put me hands on the back of my car.
Then calls backup, which is 3 more cop cars, and tears apart my car looking for drugs, and finds only a Tylenol.

I had the WRONG INSURANCE. If he had been doing like a GOOD officer, and done HIS JOB he would have discovered that, instead I got lucky on the way home from takin my girl to morning college classes, and had no bud on me.

He handed me my keys, uncuffed me, and I said "Sorry...Thanks?"

And we went our separate ways.

When they will treat a CITIZEN like that for their preference in FLOWERS, and length of hair.
SOMETHING needs to be toppled...


Well-Known Member
Well From reading your Story
You are out in view of some one smoking dope
Cops come back
You go in house they Follow you.
You never got the Door Closed and Even if you did Your Mistake was being outside

I had the cops here last Month after I got shot They were asking pleading with me to come outside and talk to them. I just Opened the window and said
We are talking now
Once you Open that Door

ITs Over
No one was smoking at all. YOU DIDN'T READ THE STORY.


Read something before you say you read it :lol:
Your only two points about the story, are invalid.


King Tut
Well From reading your Story
You are out in view of some one smoking dope
Cops come back
You go in house they Follow you.
You never got the Door Closed and Even if you did Your Mistake was being outside

I had the cops here last Month after I got shot They were asking pleading with me to come outside and talk to them. I just Opened the window and said
We are talking now
Once you Open that Door

ITs Over
Which document did you sign in order to get everyone to leave?


King Tut
They showed up (4 of them) because I went to the Doctor after a week because I needed a Valid work Excuse
I told them everything they needed to know which is
Where I was shot What time Did I know the shooter
Then I asked them If I was under arrest they said No.
Ask me a couple more times to come outside and talk to them
I said Good night
Closed the window and shut off the porch light
So it wasn't immediately following the shooting. nvm. Sorry.


King Tut
No it was like 6 or 7 days
And All i could tell them was
What Street and the Time
Hooded dude at Night is the best description I could give

The Gun On the Other hand was a Revolver Looked like a fucking toy. And I think It misfired the first time, or he had to cock it or something
They didn't attempt the "medical necessity" ruse. Lucky man Duke.


Well-Known Member
4. Exigent Circumstances. This exception refers to emergency situations where the process of getting a valid search warrant could compromise public safety or could lead to a loss of evidence. This encompasses instances of "hot pursuit" in which a suspect is about to escape. A recent California Supreme Court decision ruled that police may enter a DUI suspect's home without a warrant on the basis of the theory that important evidence, namely the suspect's blood alcohol level, may be lost otherwise.
They had NO REASON to believe I had done ANYTHING though.

I walked in my home, from my backyard (Not threatening public safety)

Where do they get off doing that?
With a DUI suspect, they will already have gotten VIDEO EVIDENCE of his drunk driving.
Otherwise, they wouldn't call it a DUI :lol:


Well-Known Member
You can't be serious? A large mob surrounds the police officers and demands the release of detainees and blocks their ability to leave? Seems like pepper spray was the humane way to go about it. That situation is very threatening to the officers, not a nonviolent protest.
dozens of cops in riot gear with sidearms, shotguns, pepper spray, ect.. they should not have been intimidated by hippies. it was the cops job to stay under control and be bigger than the people, cops are public servants and should be held to a higher standrard.


Well-Known Member
They Did stay in Control

Did you see them busting heads after being surrounded by a MOB, WHo was Verbally Threatening them?
And yes Telling the Police if they do as you Say they will let you Go is Beyond threatening. Its actually on the verge of being Felonious

Whoever the Leader was that was Inciting them SHould be in jail

It was "The people" telling the police that they couldn't leave, until they let their prisoners leave.

You need to pick up a badge and a gun with all this thinkin. Maybe you can change some hippie minds, and open up a job for one of them when you quit whatever you're doing :)


Well-Known Member
dozens of cops in riot gear with sidearms, shotguns, pepper spray, ect.. they should not have been intimidated by hippies. it was the cops job to stay under control and be bigger than the people, cops are public servants and should be held to a higher standrard.
Held to a highers standard? You too have your perspective out of whack.

Do a little morning research here and tell me the cops weren't threatened in this position. People have the right to protest, but there are laws, if you choose to break them in an act of civil disobedience and be arrested, charged and sacrifice your weekend to the cause then so be it. That draws attention and hopefully helps achieve your goals, but you do not have a right to threaten police officers and make demands and attempt to negotiate the release of those arrested. This is ludicrous...


A little morning research on why a police office in this position may feel very threatened by the actions of these students. It would only take one student attacking an officer to potentially insihgt others and change the entire situation to one of riot and violence. I don't even know why I'm bothering, you must be 15...this doesn't even make any sense.


Well-Known Member
Thanks for Pointing out the Most Heinous part of what the Protestors did

Im sorry but that is all kinds of fucked up on so many levels
You're so confused.

Like, you just don't see what the movement is.

It's called "Occupy"
It's like...Say The communist countries invaded. And America had to go through like in the movie "Red Dawn"...

It's like THAT, except the "Commies" are American citizens...


Well-Known Member
Duke...take it easy man...There's a percentage of the population that is flat out delusional. They have found the internet and not surprisingly there are a few on the marijuana growing forum. There's nothing you'll be able to say or do. It's just the reality of it. If you saw them in real life you'd have to eventually walk away grumbling under your breath exasperated trying to understand how this logic could possibly be derived. Just let it go and agree to disagree, it's a very small percentage. It's not worth it.

I'm sure that there aren't too many law enforcement loving people on this forum. Not very many here that are too sympathetic to overly abusive and instrusive police officers here, ya think? This was justified. It's less abusive than billy clubs or drawing weapons of which I believe either is justified in this situation.


I was also mature at 16 too. syke naw i was a fuckin knucklehead. i don't know about dukeanthony tho.
essentially the OWS are about getting corporate money out of politics. and cleaning out the sorry state of political policy(override congress and pass laws/bills based on the needs of the general assembly). they say congress is bought and sold, and our institutions that we thought were setup to benefit regulations actually ended up regulating citizens operating our individual lives. think about it, social programs and local institutions are setup by governments and citizens comply by standard living or laws. if the government's elected officials are bought and sold according to business, then the institutions and social programs will eventually be oriented toward the benefit business(rather than naturally promoting good community). when people are operating their life they have to operate within programs and institutions like a series of checkpoints - 'the system'. when the programs and institutions are built to benefit business, you thought you were living your life for yourself - and realize you were actually living it according to a business model. This business model reaches into the taxation system that was well established, and guides the buying, selling, and availability of goods and services. What the OWS protesters are saying is that we are living according to someone else's business model. too big too fail people in offices that you will never meet in your entire life are profiting just because you want to live and raise a family. every citizen is an agent of the system that fucks with the country's money. when politicians are bought and sold and the public isn't even aware. so the idea is the ngo will come into guiding congress when money is out of the picture. career politicians and shit.


Well-Known Member
Held to a highers standard? You too have your perspective out of whack.

Do a little morning research here and tell me the cops weren't threatened in this position. People have the right to protest, but there are laws, if you choose to break them in an act of civil disobedience and be arrested, charged and sacrifice your weekend to the cause then so be it. That draws attention and hopefully helps achieve your goals, but you do not have a right to threaten police officers and make demands and attempt to negotiate the release of those arrested. This is ludicrous...


A little morning research on why a police office in this position may feel very threatened by the actions of these students. It would only take one student attacking an officer to potentially insihgt others and change the entire situation to one of riot and violence. I don't even know why I'm bothering, you must be 15...this doesn't even make any sense.
yes. a higher standard, if you are charged with the duty of serving and protecting then you need to be held at a higher standard than a civilian, thus the differentiation in the two titles. Yes, these protestors where breaking the law, and yes the police should have dragged them away and filed a misdemeanor fine. Their was no need for the pepper spray on sitting occupiers. the police should have manned up, and dragged them away, but that was to much work. at the very least the police should have used the appropriate tool for the job, which would have been tear gas. tear gas is designed to disperse a crowd, pepper spray is designed to bring down a threat.. a bunch of sitting hippies are not a threat..

and the same logic that says one student would insight the whole group to cause violence is equal in saying that one police officer was all it took to insight that group into violence..

15 years old, if we want to move to that level, in the school yard, when the dean would pull the culprit of a violent act out who would be the one to get in trouble? the one that threw the first punch.. the police officer..

these guys were rookies, and they made noob mistakes, don't defend that..


Well-Known Member
Go ahead Go Full retard and threaten a random Cop
I dare ya
Im only 16 and i am more Mature than you will ever be
sorry my man, but your out of here.. you want to rail about people following rules or they face the consequences, this forum has an age rule..