Occupy Christmas


Well-Known Member
The Occupy movement needs to be realized for it's FULL potential. SOME people can't even see the top layer...

Top layer:
1% off American's, hold 99% of the money...
While 99% of American's get the other 1% to share...
This is a way REAL American's, going through REAL shit, can get REAL shit done, about what THEY have going on...

Not EVERYONE has to sit in the street. And much more CAN be done

You can donate to the cause... (Food, Sleeping bags, etc)
You can meet with people in your houses and figure out your own stuff...

And what I've noticed is "Occupy" seems to be "Occupying" the PD's time :lol:
They aren't looking for weed growing indoors

They aren't paying attention to ANYTHING in the major cities, or the surrounding suburbs right now

Go to the book store, and put all the Bible's in the fiction section...

Get $100 out in $1 bills and throw them from a upper floor, into a crowd...

Do the same with $1 gifts...

Write your own literature and pass it out...

Send joints to random addresses in the phone book...

Think of some ways to demonstrate

(Anyone want a phone number to a room in the white house?)

This isn't just about freezing your ass off in a tent

You can help in a lot of other ways

Everyone do something this Christmas...



Well-Known Member
...bibles in the fiction section...lol...your killing me this morning shaggy...LMAO...but some of the bible is true, they just say 'god' instead of 'alien dude on big ship'....lol....but thats for another thread.
...'need to spread more rep around before giving it to shaggy again'...sorry I tried...lol...I'll get ya soon.


Well-Known Member
I know some of it May be historically accurate...

There is no evidence of Jews in Egypt AND the only other historical record of Jesus' coming, was a Roman record that says "The Jews are fighting amongst themselves" or something along those lines :)


Well-Known Member
I know, it's like a storie book with a few things that probable happened, and then a bunch of exaggerated shit ( like all stories)...and they couldn't say "spaceshipe"..lol..so,If a ship came down and started showing me how do tech. things....then left, ...I'd probable build a temple and pray for them to come back too...kinda like church?

...I don't wanna fuck your thread up...lol...back to occupy!....we both agree, Aliens!


Well-Known Member
I know, it's like a storie book with a few things that probable happened, and then a bunch of exaggerated shit ( like all stories)...and they couldn't say "spaceshipe"..lol..so,If a ship came down and started showing me how do tech. things....then left, ...I'd probable build a temple and pray for them to come back too...kinda like church?

...I don't wanna fuck your thread up...lol...back to occupy!....we both agree, Aliens!
I think we were part of a council of multi-species space travelers, and we committed "The unforgivable sin" at which point we were banished to Earth, where we wait for the child that can take us back to the stars, using our old writing...But it's all gone, and warped...By the "leaders" of man...


Well-Known Member
I think we were part of a council of multi-species space travelers, and we committed "The unforgivable sin" at which point we were banished to Earth, where we wait for the child that can take us back to the stars, using our old writing...But it's all gone, and warped...By the "leaders" of man...
...thanks for adding to that...lol...now, not only am I an Alien, but one that was bad too....sounds about right though. I was more hoping for the " stay here, we'll be right back" thing.


Active Member
The Occupy movement needs to be realized for it's FULL potential. SOME people can't even see the top layer...

Top layer:
1% off American's, hold 99% of the money...
While 99% of American's get the other 1% to share...
This is a way REAL American's, going through REAL shit, can get REAL shit done, about what THEY have going on...

Not EVERYONE has to sit in the street. And much more CAN be done

You can donate to the cause... (Food, Sleeping bags, etc)
You can meet with people in your houses and figure out your own stuff...

And what I've noticed is "Occupy" seems to be "Occupying" the PD's time :lol:
They aren't looking for weed growing indoors

They aren't paying attention to ANYTHING in the major cities, or the surrounding suburbs right now

Go to the book store, and put all the Bible's in the fiction section...

Get $100 out in $1 bills and throw them from a upper floor, into a crowd...

Do the same with $1 gifts...

Write your own literature and pass it out...

Send joints to random addresses in the phone book...

Think of some ways to demonstrate

(Anyone want a phone number to a room in the white house?)

This isn't just about freezing your ass off in a tent

You can help in a lot of other ways

Everyone do something this Christmas...

even more reasons to make anyone believe that the indestructible United States is falling in to third world disrepair.

by the way...
when are the russians loaning you that space rocket to get you back in to space, or have they done so already as you sound as if you are already there.

mind you the chinese gave you your U.S. Navy EP-3E spy plane back after three weeks of moaning to the rest of the world on the sky media network.. and then.. grovelling and snivelling to the chinese to get it back.

mind you they gave it back in 654,763 parts and 600,000 bolts.
and the yanks are still trying to put the pieces back together 10 years later.

and you think you`re government are going to worry about some weed, if you are only smoking it why worry, you wont get ten years in jail.
it is illegal for the commercial organised crime grows where criminals make millions. grow a few plants you will only get a fine.
if it becomes legal in america you will see your country go straight down the lavatory where billions will be spent on it going in to the coffers of the already fat cats that can get access to millions in cash to buy and sell it.
get a life.
God Bless America.



New Member
Occupy movement: a movement about the 99% so the creators can be the 1% via "donations"

Don Gin and Ton

Well-Known Member
i'm one of the 99% that goes to work. if those who are sad about not having money did the same they wouldn't be in the 99% or maybe they would be but they'd be closer to the top percentile.

the bums will lose. its nearly xmas. lets see how many of them are still there come february. ones that aren't frozen to the spot that is. plenty of cities have these demonstrations and have had for months now what is it achieving exactly? Are wall street shitting their pants. Are they hell. They're going to work and laughing at those fools.

It's like rioting. Fuckin stupid. we're not happy with our lives, lets smash a load of shit up that'll make it better. yeah good one guys.


Well-Known Member
...thanks for adding to that...lol...now, not only am I an Alien, but one that was bad too....sounds about right though. I was more hoping for the " stay here, we'll be right back" thing.
Weel the Bible says the same thing :) Just banished to the desert, I bet Eden is a planet, or a ship :)
even more reasons to make anyone believe that the indestructible United States is falling in to third world disrepair.

by the way...
when are the russians loaning you that space rocket to get you back in to space, or have they done so already as you sound as if you are already there.

mind you the chinese gave you your U.S. Navy EP-3E spy plane back after three weeks of moaning to the rest of the world on the sky media network.. and then.. grovelling and snivelling to the chinese to get it back.

mind you they gave it back in 654,763 parts and 600,000 bolts.
and the yanks are still trying to put the pieces back together 10 years later.

and you think you`re government are going to worry about some weed, if you are only smoking it why worry, you wont get ten years in jail.
it is illegal for the commercial organised crime grows where criminals make millions. grow a few plants you will only get a fine.
if it becomes legal in america you will see your country go straight down the lavatory where billions will be spent on it going in to the coffers of the already fat cats that can get access to millions in cash to buy and sell it.
get a life.
God Bless America.
You seem confused.
What does the spy plane have to do with ANYTHING? And when did I ever say anything (on this thread) about the gov reforming MJ stuff?
And when MJ is reformed, it's not going to be because I asked the government :lol:

And they don't JUST arrest gang members and distributors.

In Tx, I was in jail every 4 months from the age of 14 on.
Just because I was in the system, and was openly unchanged every time I came out.
To my P.O.s and everyone. So they always made sure to try to get me again.

Last time the broke in my house, and didn't even have a warrant they wanted me so bad :)
Treated me as if I WAS a gang member, doing crazy shit.

i'm one of the 99% that goes to work. if those who are sad about not having money did the same they wouldn't be in the 99% or maybe they would be but they'd be closer to the top percentile.

the bums will lose. its nearly xmas. lets see how many of them are still there come february. ones that aren't frozen to the spot that is. plenty of cities have these demonstrations and have had for months now what is it achieving exactly? Are wall street shitting their pants. Are they hell. They're going to work and laughing at those fools.

It's like rioting. Fuckin stupid. we're not happy with our lives, lets smash a load of shit up that'll make it better. yeah good one guys.
Not all of the CAN find jobs.
I damn sure can't...

All because of a misdemeanor in Tx. Bullshit
But I'm not just complaining over and over about not having a job. I'm thinking of ways to solve it (Ex:Glassblowing, breeding)

But I still feel as if I am part of the 99% and will continue to further occupy...

And Occupy isn't just going to "Go Away"

Have you heard of Occupy in the South American countries? It's there.
Occupy Canada, they can handle some snow.
Occupy Germany.
Occupy Egypt (That shit isn't going to die down any time soon)

What makes ANYONE think the snow will hinder the Occupy movement?


New Member
Back in the day, when people protested, there were no donations at all. People just did shit out of the kindness of their heart. Occupy movement is a complete scam, making the 99% more poor by wasting time they could be working, then AGAIN when they donate to the "cause." If you don't see this you are completely dumb, you might as well fork your money over to the bum on the street, at least he'll get high and have a good time.


Well-Known Member
Back in the day, when people protested, there were no donations at all. People just did shit out of the kindness of their heart. Occupy movement is a complete scam, making the 99% more poor by wasting time they could be working, then AGAIN when they donate to the "cause." If you don't see this you are completely dumb, you might as well fork your money over to the bum on the street, at least he'll get high and have a good time.
Lol, you obviously didn't read what I said.

I don't have a job.

I'm not looking for donations.

I'm working in the same direction as them...

So why should I give the little money I do have for this to a bum?
When I could use it, or other Occupiers could use it, OR we could all put what we have together eventually and actually get some shit DONE :) :)


Well-Known Member
occupy is stupid.
get off your asses and work.
nuff said.
if they want to protest something, why dont they come to california and protest education spending here? Our public schools are way underfunded, the UC college system charges more and more every year just to get in, and same goes for the community college system. They charge more and more while providing less and less.
or how about the classrooms in public schools that cram as many kids as legally allowed in their classrooms? Or the teacher who have to use their own paychecks to pay for students to have things like paper (to print tests on, home work, etc), basic classroom supplies.


Well-Known Member
occupy is stupid.
get off your asses and work.
nuff said.
if they want to protest something, why dont they come to california and protest education spending here? Our public schools are way underfunded, the UC college system charges more and more every year just to get in, and same goes for the community college system. They charge more and more while providing less and less.
or how about the classrooms in public schools that cram as many kids as legally allowed in their classrooms? Or the teacher who have to use their own paychecks to pay for students to have things like paper (to print tests on, home work, etc), basic classroom supplies.
They are getting of their asses, because no one will let them work :) :D

And it's stupid to focus on one small problem, in one state, when people around the world are Occupying for a better tomorrow, and not just in education (but including) :)


New Member
Lol, you obviously didn't read what I said.

I don't have a job.

I'm not looking for donations.

I'm working in the same direction as them...

So why should I give the little money I do have for this to a bum?
When I could use it, or other Occupiers could use it, OR we could all put what we have together eventually and actually get some shit DONE :) :)
I never read your post at all, I'm saying occupy movement was a pre meditated way of getting donations to the people who created it. No other movement has cash donations, if they want food, people cook food and bring it for free.


Well-Known Member
whatever. they will change nothing. btw california isnt the only one who has a terrible education system, its nationwide.
but, instead of protesting this or that like liberals with ideals but with no practical application, how about demanding the return of manufacturing jobs to the united states? hmm? or demanding that the stock market be more regulated? they need to set up clear concise REACHABLE goals.


Active Member
Weel the Bible says the same thing :) Just banished to the desert, I bet Eden is a planet, or a ship :)

You seem confused.
What does the spy plane have to do with ANYTHING? And when did I ever say anything (on this thread) about the gov reforming MJ stuff?
And when MJ is reformed, it's not going to be because I asked the government :lol:

And they don't JUST arrest gang members and distributors.

In Tx, I was in jail every 4 months from the age of 14 on.
Just because I was in the system, and was openly unchanged every time I came out.
To my P.O.s and everyone. So they always made sure to try to get me again.

Last time the broke in my house, and didn't even have a warrant they wanted me so bad :)
Treated me as if I WAS a gang member, doing crazy shit.

Not all of the CAN find jobs.
I damn sure can't...

All because of a misdemeanor in Tx. Bullshit
But I'm not just complaining over and over about not having a job. I'm thinking of ways to solve it (Ex:Glassblowing, breeding)

But I still feel as if I am part of the 99% and will continue to further occupy...

And Occupy isn't just going to "Go Away"

Have you heard of Occupy in the South American countries? It's there.
Occupy Canada, they can handle some snow.
Occupy Germany.
Occupy Egypt (That shit isn't going to die down any time soon)

What makes ANYONE think the snow will hinder the Occupy movement?

it is certainly not me that is confused......

americans have always thought their brilliant country was the best anywhere....

it just takes someone like you to show how the people of the United States are finding it tought to survive.

the spy plane that is just an example of how strong your country thinks she is against the chinese, i say 19% - 81% against you.

keep asking for hand outs.

maybe the chinese will donate too.


New Member
lol speaking of occupy, someone burned down a tent here and the city forced them to take down all the ones that aren't being occupied. They're seriously cracking down in Canada, I hope they wipe the movement out


Well-Known Member
I never read your post at all, I'm saying occupy movement was a pre meditated way of getting donations to the people who created it. No other movement has cash donations, if they want food, people cook food and bring it for free.
Occupy is bigger than itself.
The old bum tea partiers, and the like, probably are taking a bunch of money.
But I'm not getting donated to AT ALL.

And Occupy is bigger than itself.

Pretty soon "Occupy" will fall and it won't have a name, it won't be one group.
It will just be "People"
whatever. they will change nothing. btw california isnt the only one who has a terrible education system, its nationwide.
but, instead of protesting this or that like liberals with ideals but with no practical application, how about demanding the return of manufacturing jobs to the united states? hmm? or demanding that the stock market be more regulated? they need to set up clear concise REACHABLE goals.
Again, they are going for reachable goals.
It is not unreasonable to ask that the people getting 6 BILLION dollar bonus', put some money towards the people of America...Like TEACHERS:dunce::dunce::dunce::dunce:
it is certainly not me that is confused......

americans have always thought their brilliant country was the best anywhere....

it just takes someone like you to show how the people of the United States are finding it tought to survive.

the spy plane that is just an example of how strong your country thinks she is against the chinese, i say 19% - 81% against you.

keep asking for hand outs.

maybe the chinese will donate too.
I agree that China is a threat, it's obvious that they are more organized and everything..

SOME American's may be all macho about the country.
But I happen to understand that we are TRILLIONS in national debt, and owned partially by China, and the United Arab Immarates. So we can be repossessed at ANY TIME.
lol speaking of occupy, someone burned down a tent here and the city forced them to take down all the ones that aren't being occupied. They're seriously cracking down in Canada, I hope they wipe the movement out
Even if Occupy goes away, people will still talk of the future.
And 2012 will bring people back to the streets,
Dec 21, 2012 will bring MORE people to the streets...

Even if nothing happens. The people will come together again, just like this year. To see what happens...

I know I'll be passing out "trips" to anyone that wants them :)


Well-Known Member
I don't even no what it is...lol...I haven't paid attention to any of it...I'll catch up in one quick read though...or just wait for the movie