Lace and Frills <3


Pickle Queen
Aw, Urca, I wish all the best for you and hope you find the right man, because you are beautiful and sweet <I might let you, too :wink:

He has a girlfriend now. He had a psycho bitch girlfriend when I first met him and I did everything in my power to help the two of them out when everyone else ditched him for supposedly upsetting her (she was popular). He called me every night at 3 am bawling and i was the one who comforted him. i was the one who came over at a moment's notice. I was the one who travelled 3 hours in record-breaking snow to go with him to talk things out with her, because he was too afraid to do it alone.

Then he was single for a while and I did flirt with him alot. We were already pretty close by this point.

Then my best friend at the time got really stoned and drunk, ended up kissing him which lead to a tempestuous relationship. She spent the entire time bitching and moaning. I was the one who got them to make up and forget they were angry with eachother, even though she knew I liked him... loved him. Forever patching up their fights and having to watch/listen in on their sex life.

Then he was single for a while and I basically moved in. We went to Amsterdam together. His family took us out together.

Then the girl who told me to 'fuck off and die' for 'sabotaging' Tbird's relationship with my friend (who was also friends with this girl) and started some serious rumors about me ends up dating him. She cussed him out in front of me prior to this as well.

In the interim period between girlfriends 1 and 2, Tbird and I got really close. We were almost like a couple at times. Apart from the usual 'being a dick' stuff guys do, something always made him pull away at the last minute. One minute he was telling me to back the fuck off and the next he was clutching on to me for dear life and telling me not to go.

I just found out that during this interim period, right after his messy breakup, he started sleeping with this girl who had cussed the both of us out.

So we all live together now and I have to admit, she has been very accommodating towards a girl she knows is madly in love with her boyfriend. I just have to be so careful of not saying or doing the wrong thing or she flips on me, but we are close. She often leaves me alone with him, which almost makes it worse as she trusts me. We watch his house while he is away, take baths together, share his bed etc. Yeah, I know. It's a bit fucked up. Every day I feel sick that he isn't mine. I cry myself to sleep sometimes because I want him close to me that bad. When he hurts, I hurt. I'm totally enraptured by the sight, smell, touch and taste of him.

Errm... okay I'm done with the emo ness, but you guys must have the full story now lol


WOW sweety thisis a joke, u need to elimate him from ur life and actualy find a man who will treat u properly, why do this to urself??

He will never be ur man knowing he can do what he wants and u will allow him, walk away and salvage ur dignity


Well-Known Member
I know, April, it is completely nuts.

And you are probably sick of coming back and hearing me moan about this same guy.

I know. And I gather that there are a good number of other people thinking this is stupid, why can't she just leave? Every teenager says 'you don't understand', but unless you had lived the last few years of my life with these people, you wouldn't realize just how deep this runs. The fucked up things that have been done and said and lived through. It is more than high school drama, trust me.

I wish it was that easy. I love him. I am in love with him. No matter how hard I try to walk away, or try to hate him, or even try and make him mad so he will yell at me and I will hate him, I can't shake that feeling. Not that I have anything to walk away to. My parent's marriage has broken down and I need to take care of my brother. No man wants me, so I can't exactly say 'Meh, I could find better'. The thought (childishly) crossed my mind to find someone even just to make him jealous. No takers, lol.

But yeah, we can put that away for now, I'm getting all emotional again.

Quick, someone post something frilly and take my mind off it.


Well-Known Member
No man wants me, so I can't exactly say 'Meh, I could find better'.
Totally not true. I'll bet he wants you more than you want him, you just haven't met him yet :)

my bad for bringing it back up again =X can be deleted if you want even though by now you've already read this lol


Well-Known Member
haha brandon its not that easy. kuroi should have no problem finding dudes, she's really pretty.
But I understand where she is coming from.
Ive never had a guy like me except for the guy im in a fucked up situation with.
so i cling to him even when he ignores me for long periods of time, when i tell him i need him cause shit is getting crazy in my life and he ignores me.
Pretty much the only thing that is gonna make me forget about him is when he tells me its over.
which would break my heart.
so basically we are never free.

Carne Seca

Well-Known Member
I know, April, it is completely nuts.

And you are probably sick of coming back and hearing me moan about this same guy.

I know. And I gather that there are a good number of other people thinking this is stupid, why can't she just leave? Every teenager says 'you don't understand', but unless you had lived the last few years of my life with these people, you wouldn't realize just how deep this runs. The fucked up things that have been done and said and lived through. It is more than high school drama, trust me.

I wish it was that easy. I love him. I am in love with him. No matter how hard I try to walk away, or try to hate him, or even try and make him mad so he will yell at me and I will hate him, I can't shake that feeling. Not that I have anything to walk away to. My parent's marriage has broken down and I need to take care of my brother. No man wants me, so I can't exactly say 'Meh, I could find better'. The thought (childishly) crossed my mind to find someone even just to make him jealous. No takers, lol.

But yeah, we can put that away for now, I'm getting all emotional again.

Quick, someone post something frilly and take my mind off it.
He's codependent (also known as enmeshment) and you're an enabler. It's a toxic relationship. As long as he knows he has a safety net, you're going to be playing second fiddle until one of you gets sick of it. There needs to be a clean cut and it needs to be initiated by you. Otherwise, it's going to be a long drawn out ugly separation that will emotionally scar you. :(


Well-Known Member
Thanks for the kind words Brandon, you've been a really great friend to me lately. And Shan-Shan. Carne, you too. Actually, I owe you guys alot, you have to put up with my depressing, incessant whining and misreadings lol Thankyou.

Anyways, I didn't think I'd have to say this to a guy, but let us now focus on the frills and underwear X3

Urca... I can't see how to do it myself, but take all the advice and sentiment sent my way and apply them to you as well. You are a sweetheart, who is beautiful and never had a bad word to say about anyone. I really do hope you'll start a thread one day, saying 'He want to marry me' :3


Pickle Queen
He's codependent (also known as enmeshment) and you're an enabler. It's a toxic relationship. As long as he knows he has a safety net, you're going to be playing second fiddle until one of you gets sick of it. There needs to be a clean cut and it needs to be initiated by you. Otherwise, it's going to be a long drawn out ugly separation that will emotionally scar you. :(
Well said sweety !!!

Kuroi carne has sexy sibblings, just saying ;)


Well-Known Member
kuroi stop talking down to yourself. it hurts when you do, i should know, i do it all the time, 24/7. quit it. pretty much everyone on here likes you, so no one is complaining or thinking your a whiner. :) perk up. personally if I could find a way to wear the rococo clothes ( find ones to fit me, sucks cause im 5'2 and way fat) i would, just to feel regal for the day.

and to the first commenter on this page, everyone looks back and goes wtf. prime example was the golf pants all the dudes wore in the seventies.

Carne Seca

Well-Known Member
Unfortunately my brother does not :(
kuroi stop talking down to yourself. it hurts when you do, i should know, i do it all the time, 24/7. quit it. pretty much everyone on here likes you, so no one is complaining or thinking your a whiner. :) perk up. personally if I could find a way to wear the rococo clothes ( find ones to fit me, sucks cause im 5'2 and way fat) i would, just to feel regal for the day.

and to the first commenter on this page, everyone looks back and goes wtf. prime example was the golf pants all the dudes wore in the seventies.
I want to have a girl's night and sleep over with all three of you. We can do nails and curl our hair... umm.. maybe not.. I don't have much to speak of... and do make-overs and we can sparkle our vajayjays and.. oh wait.. I'll need a sock puppet... and then.. and then.... I'm getting dizzy... pillow fights! Bra-less Twister! And umm....bikini waxings! What else.. redecorate the no no... that's a gay sleepover... Anyway, you can be my sister-goddesses anytime. :D


Well-Known Member
Oh my god, Carne :3 I had to make myself squeak with joy very quietly (IT'S 4 AM!)

Can we decorate your sock puppet? Bra-less twister 0_0 Maybe I'll just watch April and Urca, and you can put a pretty bra on. Contrary to popular belief, I'm really shy *blush*

Actually, I'd help you redecorate. Only if you don't mind doilies! Sparkle our vajayjays... I've never done it but sticking crystals on eachother sounds like fun- you first!

Okay, guys find the most amazing (censored) vajazzle designs you can!! <3