Lace and Frills <3


Well-Known Member
Okay, I'm going for my bedtime spliff, so when I check back I am hoping to see lots of pretty pictures...

Jadeey... totally, I'm stocking up on lollipops.

Beardo, you perve, I was trying not to flash you with my poofy skirts lol If I'm not purposefully taking photos of my underwear I'm incredibly careful. I wear a bikini once a year, if that and you will never, EVER see me walking around bare-legged, no matter how hot it is. I only just started wearing leggings with sweaters last year after much persuasion- of course I am going to guard myself in thin purple tights XP


Well-Known Member
Yay ^^

April and I were looking at 50's dresses before...

Cute pictures you look like you have really fun, close friends. I love it wjen you can just be a litte goofy with people like that. Because I am awkward and goofy X3

Any more pictures from this phase :3

Ok, I'm mixing tangerine dream with cheese, some heavy indica shake and ak-47, with a few roaches for extra stoneage again... should be interesting XD

Your face feels oddly familiar *cocks head to the side*


Well-Known Member
Doesn't petroleum jelly damage latex condoms? I think that's why they tell you to use a proper water based lube.

Holy Shit. I am very fucking stoooooned..


Well-Known Member
Plus.. who wants a bunch of vasaline in them, a bitch to get it off your arm let alone out of you.. unless you just don't give a damn. >.<

Shannon Alexander

Well-Known Member

Rest in peace ODB...

ooo baby I like it raaaaaw... yeah baby I like it raaaaaw

jammin screw

Well-Known Member
Raw: the first thought sexual definition of raw anal sex, no glove no lube, or almost mostly second definition of uncondom'd intercourse..

Shannon Alexander

Well-Known Member
No lace or frills... but I just bought these today and as a bloke I must say they make me feel pretty...

I think I'm starting to understand women like wearing pretty underwear...