Cheap Meals...what do you do?


Well-Known Member
So the majority of the world is in turn we make cheap meals to feed ourselves and our families...What do you do for cheap meals? Just trying to get an idea of what other people do to try and get a better variety of things for us to eat :)

I make chop suey at least once a week...a 1lb bag of elbow noodles, can of diced tomatoes, 1lb of hamburger meat(sometimes less depending on what we've got)...a cup of Classico spinach spaghetti sauce...mixed all up with some cheap parmesan cheese on top :)

We also sometimes do fried rice...throw 2 cups of rice in the rice cooker...cook it off...throw it in the fridge for at least 3 hours...
heat up a large nonstick pan nice and hot, drop in some olive oil, throw in the rice, stir, throw in some thawed shrimp(the cheap stuff...probably 1/4lb or so)...stir...make a well in the center of the rice and drop in a couple more tablespoons of oil, drop in 3 eggs, beat em up a bit in the center, get em cooking for about 30 seconds...then mix in with the rice, slap garlic powder on top, and start to layer on the soy sauce...stir stir stir...more soy sauce...stir the rice starts to get just get a little sticky its done :D


Active Member
I save by making alot of home goods. Stay at home dad so lots of time. Home cooked breads, cookies cakes. Pasta meals, potatoe bakes, stew and casseroles. Easy to do especially with a crock pot.


Well-Known Member
I thought the double beef n cheese at mcdonalds for $1.95 was a great deal although its stopped now. 2 of these(about 1200 calories) and your full for 6 hours. Also cans of spag and bbeans for $1, carrots, oranges, beans etc are cheap .


Well-Known Member
I save by making alot of home goods. Stay at home dad so lots of time. Home cooked breads, cookies cakes. Pasta meals, potatoe bakes, stew and casseroles. Easy to do especially with a crock pot.
so list out some recipes :D got a good chili recipe? :)


Well-Known Member
oh the chop suey I just made costs about $6 total to make...and feeds the entire family, with about 3 portions left over for lunches the next day...unless I get stoned and eat the rest...which might just happen tonight :D


Active Member
oh the chop suey I just made costs about $6 total to make...and feeds the entire family, with about 3 portions left over for lunches the next day...unless I get stoned and eat the rest...which might just happen tonight :D
nah ill eat the left overs that same day lol


Active Member
Wife's dads chili recipe is pretty good. A home favorite (not super cheAp, but makes alot for price):
3 large chicken breast cut into 1 inches cubes
1 pound box of Bow tie or spiral pasta
3-4 strips of bacon (more if you're like me) diced
1 small bag frozen broccoli
1 jar Alfredo sauce
Small white onion diced
2 cloves garlic
Season chicken with salt and pepper and brown in pan with onions, garlic and bacon so they all share the flavor. Stir in 1 jar of Alfredo sauce and let simmer. Add milk is you want a thinner sauce. Serve over pasta of mix it together like chop suey. A variant could be to put in casserole dish and bake a "crunch coat" to the top.
Easily feeds a family of 5 with some left overs.


Well-Known Member
Try Craigslist bro.
People give 'em away for free.

My recipe for a cheap meal:
Kraft Shells and Cheese.
The stuff with the foil pack of cheese, not the powder.


Well-Known Member
Corned beef lol

We generally eat rice and something on the side every day because it is cheap and simple and a cultural thing. Lots of chickpeas/garbanzo beans, pigeon peas, lentils, buckwheat, brown rice.

Always have a sack of potatoes to make fries, chips, or bake/mash them.

To change it up, homemade pizza and naturally whole loaves of bread. I tend to make the cake in the house. Leftovers.

And if you really want to save money... just eat less XP


Well-Known Member
Go outside pick some breadfruits roast em, pick some limes and get some salt and voila cheap and sweet. If it's mango season there goes your dessert.


Well-Known Member
The rest of the family likes ramen...we have it every now and again...I hate it...

And I can't stand those cheap hotdogs...they make me want to vomit...
When I was younger I remember eating it for weeks at a time when my parents were struggling. I don't care much for them now.


New Member
well I'm a bit young so I don't cook really lol. I buy a bag of frozen vegetables and some sidekick noodles for like 97 cents (or free, they're easy to mass steal with the right jacket), boil water and throw the vegetables and the sidekick in there and boil it.

I also buy cases of raman noodle and do the same thing.

French fries and chicken strips

frozen pizza.


Global Mod, Stoner Chic
It is hard to find good meals for a deal these days. I makes all sorts of stuff instead of eating take out or going to restaurants. The crock pot for this time of year is awesome. You can make all sorts of things in there and you don't have to spend a fortune on great cuts of meat. I try to make double too and freeze the left overs. This is when a chest freezer comes in handy. Stews, casseroles, pot roast, ribs, chili, soups all in the crock pot. Spaghetti is always a good cheap meal and easy to do. I also have a huge dutch oven cooker thingy that makes huge casseroles so we use that lots too for beef n mac, mac n cheese etc. A bread maker is fun, you can make all sorts of things in that too. I am no betty crocker so I need all the help I can get. :D

Winter Woman

Well-Known Member
For us it was spaghetti every cotton-picken Friday.

When we had chicken my dad got a breast, my mom got the other breast, my 2 brothers each got a thigh and because I was the youngest I'd get one or two drumsticks. To this day I don't like drumsticks.

When I was younger I remember eating it for weeks at a time when my parents were struggling. I don't care much for them now.