From the US went to public school never did really well in school, learning disabilitys and poor health made it harder, im dislexic and could never really learn to spell and cant memorise multiplication but its gotten better over the years with lots of practice dyslexica has become less of an obstacal, i allways tested really high in school but would fail certain things like spelling and writing, have done some traveling and have lived around and with many types of people from many different walks of life, have worked many jobs, labor, restaraunt, sales I could go on and on, I've been working since i was 8 and have had many different jobs, all basicly entery level - not religious but i believe in god and try to live my life with respect for god and what is right, im conservitive on many issues but liberal on some- im not a republican or dem, i despize both but registered republican to vote for Ron Paul- i love my country and all the good people of the world