I'm Done.


Well-Known Member
Heis, I have to disagree with you.
I don't believe "Christianity deserves to be disrespected and be called out for the system of ignorance and bigotry it is".

I believe it should be respected, or at least discredited without making fun of it.
I'm sure you can understand the positives of Christianity (not that Christianity is the only way to get to these positives, it's just another way), or the several good messages (yes I know there's a shit load of bad ones too). So knowing those two things, I think you can understand why Christianity deserves at least a tiny bit of respect.

It would be cool if my buddy diesel did show some sort of valid claim instead of relying purely on scriptures....
I might agree with you IF the few positives of Christianity were unique to the religion. If we are only judging an ideology on it's positive aspects while giving no weight to the negative ones then we have to accept, well everything from the KKK to dog fighting. I could invent a religion right now that is far more positive than any around today and which has no negative aspects but you wouldn't be able to follow it because you would know it was untrue. The good things that come from Christianity are not the reasons people perpetuate it. No end justifies the means of manipulation and deceit. Religion serves to separate our species and does so under the guise of all-inclusion and justifies it with false certitude. This makes Christianity arrogant, hypocritical and completely deserving of discourtesy.

As for respect, people deserve respect. People gain respect through their accomplishments and policies of conduct, not simply from what they believe. Diesel has shown us only his crazy religous side, which I find contemptable, and offered nothing in the way of earning respect. Diesel may have many aspects about him I would find admirable, but you wouldn't know it because he is too busy using his belief in Christ as a mechanism to separate himself from the non believers.

ThE sAtIvA hIgH

Well-Known Member
Heis, I have to disagree with you.
I don't believe "Christianity deserves to be disrespected and be called out for the system of ignorance and bigotry it is".

I believe it should be respected, or at least discredited without making fun of it.
I'm sure you can understand the positives of Christianity (not that Christianity is the only way to get to these positives, it's just another way), or the several good messages (yes I know there's a shit load of bad ones too). So knowing those two things, I think you can understand why Christianity deserves at least a tiny bit of respect.

It would be cool if my buddy diesel did show some sort of valid claim instead of relying purely on scriptures....
christianity is pure evil , that has the blood on its hands of millions of inocent people . even in 2011 barrack obama after giving his nazi like world domination speaches says 'god bless america 'along with other countless religious slurs , it makes my blood boil .

ThE sAtIvA hIgH

Well-Known Member
and if christians think that the word of there god is the be all and end all , why do you attack muslim countries for things they do in the name of there religion , ie. stoning someone to death in islam is a religious instruction from there god so why do you all get hysterical over it ?

ThE sAtIvA hIgH

Well-Known Member
and why are christians truly afraid of death and mourn it , when you KNOW that that person has gone to a BETTER place lol if you truly believed your dad that just died has gone to heaven and is chilling out up there in pure bliss , why would you even be upset ?


Well-Known Member
I might agree with you IF the few positives of Christianity were unique to the religion. If we are only judging an ideology on it's positive aspects while giving no weight to the negative ones then we have to accept, well everything from the KKK to dog fighting. I could invent a religion right now that is far more positive than any around today and which has no negative aspects but you wouldn't be able to follow it because you would know it was untrue. The good things that come from Christianity are not the reasons people perpetuate it. No end justifies the means of manipulation and deceit. Religion serves to separate our species and does so under the guise of all-inclusion and justifies it with false certitude. This makes Christianity arrogant, hypocritical and completely deserving of discourtesy.

As for respect, people deserve respect. People gain respect through their accomplishments and policies of conduct, not simply from what they believe. Diesel has shown us only his crazy religous side, which I find contemptable, and offered nothing in the way of earning respect. Diesel may have many aspects about him I would find admirable, but you wouldn't know it because he is too busy using his belief in Christ as a mechanism to separate himself from the non believers.
I'm not asking for people to respect a person purely based on their beliefs. I'm asking for people to just respect that persons beliefs, unless they have a direct effect on you. Like if the kkk takes your kid heis, then you're obligated to open a can of whoopass. But if you see a couple of Chritian kids with their little Christian kid suits (lol suits sounds funny, ok I'm sorry I just keep cracking up everytime I hear suits, alright now where was I?....) then you're not obligated to kick the little Christian kids ass just because of his beliefs: Kkk should not be respected, but that's because it has a direct negative impact on colored races.
However, Christians should just keep their beliefs to themselves. I don't agree with Christians that disrespect others beliefs because Christians think that they are right on everything. But I mean, if a Christian respectfully keeps their stuff to themselves and respects others beliefs, then shouldn't that Christian have his/her beliefs respected.
I guess I'm trying that I don't think you should say all Christianity, you should just say most Christians. I think you're talking to generally about Christianity.

Oh and by all means weigh the negatives of Christianity with the positives. But keep in mind there's many branches of Christianity that don't practice the same negative and positive aspects as the other branches of Christianity.

I see that you may respect diesel as a person, but not his beliefs?
Why is that? Is it because you think he's shoving his beliefs down people's throats? Do you think he is ignoring others evidence and not questioning his beliefs? These questions are just out of curiosity. Also diesel if you're reading this, I mean no disrespect to you man, you're a good guy.

I do admit that I wish there was no religion, just belief, I mean nobody knows what really happens..... Oh and SCIENCE (she blinded me with science!!)

You think that diesel uses his beliefs as a mechanism to separate himself from the non-believers?
I think he is trying to unite everyone, but honestly, he's going about it the wrong way....


Well-Known Member
and why are christians truly afraid of death and mourn it , when you KNOW that that person has gone to a BETTER place lol if you truly believed your dad that just died has gone to heaven and is chilling out up there in pure bliss , why would you even be upset ?
What branch of Christianity are you talking about? What Christians do you know that fear death? They believe in afterlife, so there is no fear of the plain ending of existence after death.

I for one do not fear death, I don't think god will punish me. I think my existence will end. I lived my life, I had a good ride, and that's that.

Well at least don't group me with them.

ThE sAtIvA hIgH

Well-Known Member
I'm not asking for people to respect a person purely based on their beliefs. I'm asking for people to just respect that persons beliefs, unless they have a direct effect on you. Like if the kkk takes your kid heis, then you're obligated to open a can of whoopass. But if you see a couple of Chritian kids with their little Christian kid suits (lol suits sounds funny, ok I'm sorry I just keep cracking up everytime I hear suits, alright now where was I?....) then you're not obligated to kick the little Christian kids ass just because of his beliefs: Kkk should not be respected, but that's because it has a direct negative impact on colored races.
However, Christians should just keep their beliefs to themselves. I don't agree with Christians that disrespect others beliefs because Christians think that they are right on everything. But I mean, if a Christian respectfully keeps their stuff to themselves and respects others beliefs, then shouldn't that Christian have his/her beliefs respected.
I guess I'm trying that I don't think you should say all Christianity, you should just say most Christians. I think you're talking to generally about Christianity.

Oh and by all means weigh the negatives of Christianity with the positives. But keep in mind there's many branches of Christianity that don't practice the same negative and positive aspects as the other branches of Christianity.

I see that you may respect diesel as a person, but not his beliefs?
Why is that? Is it because you think he's shoving his beliefs down people's throats? Do you think he is ignoring others evidence and not questioning his beliefs? These questions are just out of curiosity. Also diesel if you're reading this, I mean no disrespect to you man, you're a good guy.

I do admit that I wish there was no religion, just belief, I mean nobody knows what really happens..... Oh and SCIENCE (she blinded me with science!!)

You think that diesel uses his beliefs as a mechanism to separate himself from the non-believers?
I think he is trying to unite everyone, but honestly, he's going about it the wrong way....
i think i have a right to question peoples beliefs its the believers who have built there churches knocked on our doors , indoctrinated our schools and children , preach in the street , threaten hell upon us , etc etc why should i not ridicule your beliefs your beliefs do more harm than you even realise , if it wasnt for people like you who blindly follow a religion with no evidence , we wouldnt of lost millions of inocent lives .
Have your beliefs in your god but be prepared for ridicule , humiliation and questioning , if you make outlandish claims of a higher being expect to be challenged .


Well-Known Member
and if christians think that the word of there god is the be all and end all , why do you attack muslim countries for things they do in the name of there religion , ie. stoning someone to death in islam is a religious instruction from there god so why do you all get hysterical over it ?
Because that directly affects someone. Christianity doesn't affect anyone directly. People use the religion to directly influence others. Don't blame the actual religion.


Well-Known Member
i think i have a right to question peoples beliefs its the believers who have built there churches knocked on our doors , indoctrinated our schools and children , preach in the street , threaten hell upon us , etc etc why should i not ridicule your beliefs your beliefs do more harm than you even realise , if it wasnt for people like you who blindly follow a religion with no evidence , we wouldnt of lost millions of inocent lives .
Have your beliefs in your god but be prepared for ridicule , humiliation and questioning , if you make outlandish claims of a higher being expect to be challenged .
im pretty sure I didn't/don't go to church, ever build a church, preach in the street, Indoctrinate school or kids, threaten hell upon anyone, or kill anyone. So I guess you're talking about other Christians?

Why should we (religious people that respectfully keep our beliefs to ourselves and respect others beliefs) be ridiculed?

ThE sAtIvA hIgH

Well-Known Member
im pretty sure I didn't/don't go to church, ever build a church, preach in the street, Indoctrinate school or kids, threaten hell upon anyone, or kill anyone. So I guess you're talking about other Christians?

Why should we (religious people that respectfully keep our beliefs to ourselves and respect others beliefs) be ridiculed?
A CHRISTIAN who dosent go to church ? lol

ThE sAtIvA hIgH

Well-Known Member
i think hep you should announce you believe in a god that you have thought up of yourself that is different to christianity , alot of christians i know would say you are not a christian unless you go to church and obey gods word ( the bible ) infact they are really hardcore christians and would probally frown on you big time .

eye exaggerate

Well-Known Member
if it wasnt for people like you who blindly follow a religion with no evidence , we wouldnt of lost millions of inocent lives .
wwhha?...tttttthhh.....ffffff.... what? How the hell is it that you don't believe in santa? I mean really, if you believe what you just wrote then you must have bought the whole fckn package and you're just shtting us.