I'm Done.

ThE sAtIvA hIgH

Well-Known Member
wwhha?...tttttthhh.....ffffff.... what? How the hell is it that you don't believe in santa? I mean really, if you believe what you just wrote then you must have bought the whole fckn package and you're just shtting us.
im just simply saying if people wernt so gullible the multiple millions of lives lost in the name of religion wouldnt of happend , its fact not fiction .


Well-Known Member
how about a new religion?

i am god , you are god, everything is god, do what you want , there matter settled lol

eye exaggerate

Well-Known Member
im just simply saying if people wernt so gullible the multiple millions of lives lost in the name of religion wouldnt of happend , its fact not fiction .
I agree for sure with you that ignorance does not equal bliss. Many fckd up people on all sides of the fence though. Their actions happen to be a banner for the whole. Sucks, really.

ThE sAtIvA hIgH

Well-Known Member
Did you miss where crypt already pointed that out? Or do you just feel like complaining? Also I apologized for that and fixed my mistake, so you're a little late.
yeah i was late dude , im smokin some killa bud right now and everything i do is late , glad you admit your wrong

eye exaggerate

Well-Known Member
...I just read this not too long ago:

old people believe everything - middle aged people question everything - and young people know everything



Well-Known Member
i think hep you should announce you believe in a god that you have thought up of yourself that is different to christianity , alot of christians i know would say you are not a christian unless you go to church and obey gods word ( the bible ) infact they are really hardcore christians and would probally frown on you big time .
So are you suggesting that I follow a branch of Christianity that harshly judges others? Which in itself is a hypocritical Christian already. Nah I'm good, I know what I am. I'm a Christian.

ThE sAtIvA hIgH

Well-Known Member
So are you suggesting that I follow a branch of Christianity that harshly judges others? Which in itself is a hypocritical Christian already. Nah I'm good, I know what I am. I'm a Christian.
well to be honest im as confused as to what YOU believe and follow, , it seems you want to label yourself a christian yet distance yourself from the things that make you a christian , its all very confusing .

Dizzle Frost

Well-Known Member
Heres my religion issue

Christianity replaced Pagan worship in Rome over a long period of time....now the Pagans killed as many Christians as possible for years...then Christianity took hold and the Knights Templar slayed 100s of thousands of people for god? What am i missing here? Is killing needed to spread religion? cuz theres not much romance or goddliness in taking peoples lives.....jus never made sense to me

ThE sAtIvA hIgH

Well-Known Member
Heres my religion issue

Christianity replaced Pagan worship in Rome over a long period of time....now the Pagans killed as many Christians as possible for years...then Christianity took hold and the Knights Templar slayed 100s of thousands of people for god? What am i missing here? Is killing needed to spread religion? cuz theres not much romance or goddliness in taking peoples lives.....jus never made sense to me
of course it is , it goes a little something like this ' believe in my god '.............. 'no'................... ' ok ill kill you'...............its a great way of spreading gods word .

Dizzle Frost

Well-Known Member
if your a true christian why are you not following gods word the bible ?
Ahh another good question comes up....what part of the bible are we sposta follow? The part were your a forgiving person and turn the pther cheek? Or the eye for an eye..tooth for tooth? cuz they are very diff lol.....one suggest pussin out, one suggests revenge