I'm Done.

ThE sAtIvA hIgH

Well-Known Member
heph is waitin for me to go off line n then come back three days later , when hes tried to ridicule me , whilst i wasnt even here lol


Well-Known Member
heph is waitin for me to go off line n then come back three days later , when hes tried to ridicule me , whilst i wasnt even here lol
Yeah guys.... That's exactly what I'm doing lol.

Alright I follow christs examples. Hold him up as a role model for the rest of humanity. Some might follow ghandi, I follow Christ. If you don't understand that then I'm wasting my time with you.

Who said I don't follow the bible? I certainly didn't say that.
How is saying "I'm a Christian because I follow Christ" so hard to understand for you?


Well-Known Member
Sativa, if you don't start a debate and just keep rambling on with pointless crap, then I'm done with you until then. If you can prove that you'll have a mature debate with me, then I will spend some time with you (just in hopes that you'll become more open minded).


Well-Known Member
the hardcore christians i know follow the bible , simply saying 'i follow christ' is stupid , where do you follow christ to ?
stupid because you dont understand it? i dont have to read the bible to know jesus was about everythin good so if i wanna follow him i follow good morals and teachins period. it isnt that hard of a concept to grasp


Well-Known Member
And sativa, why do you try bringing down other RIU members into our pointless argument? You said "heph is waitin...." in an attempt to get people on your imaginary side. Do you think people actually care about this little argument? Are you trying to show your intelligence to the other members? Are you trying to get people to go against me? I don't understand what you're trying to do.


Well-Known Member
i dont think i stole that from anyone, just cause you think you're smart doesnt mean others are not... sorry if it hurt your feelings..

also, why is it stupid discussion? all you have to do is stay out of the thread, nobody asked you to come here

You stole that from me. lol I spammed that clip to stop stupid discussion here LONG before this...

The Cryptkeeper

Well-Known Member
And once again, I was HERE long before you Oly. :)

i dont think i stole that from anyone, just cause you think you're smart doesnt mean others are not... sorry if it hurt your feelings..

also, why is it stupid discussion? all you have to do is stay out of the thread, nobody asked you to come here