Club 600

I don't wanna work, I just wanna grow dope all day.


i think you captured the sentiment of all of us here, maybe somebody in the 600 has an amazing job that they love doing, i just love growing some good dope like ricky from the trailer park boys. still looking for the big dirty though
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i think you captured the sentiment of all of us here, maybe somebody in the 600 has an amazing job that they love doing, i just love growing some good dope like ricky from the trailer park boys. still looking for the big dirty though

I think you're right, it truly becomes a passion for some of us doesn't it? Some days it seems I am absolutely obsessed with it. Just wish I had more time to tinker with it!

growing is work, just more enjoyable.


I agree 100% and the rewards of the labor are most enjoyable :D

Growing is the only work you will catch me doing lol.

I envy you Mr. West lol
I had to pick my son up early again today because he took a kid to the ground and was choking him out. Is it sad that my first thought was, "atta boy" ?
Fortunately for my son he was just defending himself and there were witnesses. It's crazy to me that there is this kind of stuff going on at the YMCA which is on school grounds between kids that range from 1st to 4th grade. My son is now in 2nd and the other kid is a 3rd grader that happens to live in our neighborhood. I see him with his friends all the time so I worry that this is not over and that they will antagonize him when he is playing out front.
The lady that runs the Y at this location told me that the other boy was terrified when they were pulled apart and that my son seemed unphased by the whole thing. He just wanted to go back to playing with his friends, bloody nose and all...
Crazy stuff. But usually at that age they will fight n forget about. and hell if anything. atleast you know your son is ready. A lot of us love a good fight but nobody want to have drama everyday, even lil' kids. Would you discipline a child for protecting himself? just a question
Horribly enough I get a buzz out of the work I do. It's a pretty short lived high as everything after the initial winning of the deal is just boring. And unfortunately dealing with people in the real World, no on gives a hoot, everyone lies, and it's only seldom do you find someone straight up these days. Luckily enough my job allows me to do what I love though, and that is grow me some lovely herb. Perhaps one day I'll be able to get my finger nails dirty 24/7, how nice would that be.

Peace and time for a 420 me thinks it's been a hard days work, honest injuns!,

Too true, T but I am not sure, "ma lawd, I really loved growing weed" would hold much weight when it came to sentencing.;)
@ TWS - If I still rode dirtbikes I'd defnitely come up and join you. I've never ridden to the Husky from Stoddard, only from Cal City. I miss my bikes a ton all the time but it was time for me to give it up, at least for a few years but might be indefinite. I ride street bikes only now but I really like that too.

Nice grow man!
Crazy stuff. But usually at that age they will fight n forget about. and hell if anything. atleast you know your son is ready. A lot of us love a good fight but nobody want to have drama everyday, even lil' kids. Would you discipline a child for protecting himself? just a question

Absolutely not. I encourage him to defend himself but try to always remind him to not pick fughts or be a bully. He doesn't look like it but he could definitely be a bully if he decided to do so. He's a little guy, like me, but was taking Tae kwon do until just recently and is now studying BJJ with a studio that is run by the guy that taught me when I was in high school. The guy doesn't do any fighting anymore but has some highly trained staff that work really well with young ones.

My son has already taken kids to the ground to diffuse situations that were older and much bigger than him last year towards the beginning of the school year that ended up with other kids leaving him alone for the most part. Hopefully this will be a similar situation. I just always tell him that I'm proud fo him for controlling them without hurting them and remind him to always try to walk away first. It seems like he understands me but I guess he was really choking the shit out of the kid yesterday (according to the YMCA) which concerns me a bit.
nothing wrong with a good choking,some kids need it.
kids got smart mouths,these days,and if you got a kid that do not mind putting them in their place,
then so be.

some lil kid(8yrs)was kicking me in the back of my chair,at the movies,the other day,just would not stop,
i kept givein him the "look",but to no avail,he kept at it.
so,by the time my son(9yrs)got back from the restroom,i told him......yep,sure did,he said "i got this dad"
went back there.......and slapd the hell out the,and told him to kick it agin,and see what happens.
a little G that is. i find that you gotta raise your kids to their envoromen. because some places there is no room passiveness, or that will be their place. always. lol what the hell do i know though. i aint got no kids ha. i am against violence to a certain level when i was young we used to bang it out, then guns came in as we got older. Now the kids pickin up gunz, no more gangfights just shootouts. shit is crazy.. the world is moving so fast its depessing kids killin kids, babies havin babies. the next generation is gonna be a real problem from what i see.
I don't think I could be a modern PC correct parent. I would be super proud to have a mini Gen (although I don't imagine mini Gen being too mini, lol). Some little douche bag kids are just so fukkin rude it's incredible. Man, if I even spoke out of turn in my house when my old man was around it was a kapow, and then, "kids will be seen, not heard...blah blah." So my hand was up or I was quietly looking for a moment to throw one of the millions of questions I had in my mind. Luckily at that age my old man took an exit stage left and my Mum ended up meeting my Step Dad (rip). He was the sort of bloke who told my Mum to let me stay up and watch the film/football!
I try not to steifle (sp?) my son too much but his mind, like mine, runs 100mph all the time. I do tell him to be quiet and occasionally even have to tell him to shut his mouth or shut up but I feel bad doing it. He just doesn't listen when I'm being nice though sometimes. He's a really good kid and I want him to be a KID as long as possible so I will try to avoid confrontation when the kids are around and make sure he doesn't get involved when we see other kids misbehaving oand stuff. He's on this kick about millitary and guns and explosives right now and whenever he's playing, it's always machine gun sounds and sword sounds with everything. His buddies are all the same so maybe I shouldn't worry but I do.

I've grown tired of having the school or YMCA call saying he hurt someone or was playing too rough with his friends. So far I've been called because he has punched a kid in the nose and bloodied him up, choked a kid after taking him to the ground and immobilizing him, got pushed to the ground by a few kids and then took one out by sweeping his leg and jumped up in a fight stance and I'm not sure but that may be it. This was all over last school year, summer and the short time that this school year has been going on.

Oh yeah, the time he swept the kid's leg was the day after he got in trouble for hitting an older kid which I found out was because the kid was tormenting him and it was that kid's friends that pushed him down. It's alway older and bigger kids, WTF?
He's only like 4'2" and about 40-45lbs FFS! Leave the little guy alone already!
I try not to steifle (sp?) my son too much but his mind, like mine, runs 100mph all the time. I do tell him to be quiet and occasionally even have to tell him to shut his mouth or shut up but I feel bad doing it. He just doesn't listen when I'm being nice though sometimes. He's a really good kid and I want him to be a KID as long as possible so I will try to avoid confrontation when the kids are around and make sure he doesn't get involved when we see other kids misbehaving oand stuff. He's on this kick about millitary and guns and explosives right now and whenever he's playing, it's always machine gun sounds and sword sounds with everything. His buddies are all the same so maybe I shouldn't worry but I do.

I've grown tired of having the school or YMCA call saying he hurt someone or was playing too rough with his friends. So far I've been called because he has punched a kid in the nose and bloodied him up, choked a kid after taking him to the ground and immobilizing him, got pushed to the ground by a few kids and then took one out by sweeping his leg and jumped up in a fight stance and I'm not sure but that may be it. This was all over last school year, summer and the short time that this school year has been going on.

Oh yeah, the time he swept the kid's leg was the day after he got in trouble for hitting an older kid which I found out was because the kid was tormenting him and it was that kid's friends that pushed him down. It's alway older and bigger kids, WTF?
He's only like 4'2" and about 40-45lbs FFS! Leave the little guy alone already!

On the bright side, if school or athletics doesnt seem to be his thing in 10 years or so. MMA is really startig to take of. jp :peace: