Club 600

I know you can't see it but he's smiling ear to ear in this pic. 1st day of school this year...

Does he look like a bully to you? ;)


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He rides. I didn't let him do the kid races in the desert until he turned 4 but he got his first motorcycle (quad) for Christmas when he was 2. He actually asked santa for it when he got his pic with him that year, LOL.
He's bugging me pretty consistently these days to go back out but he's outgrown both of his bikes now so I'll have to buy two bikes I guess. I've got a hanful of people that have said I could use their bikes whenever I want though so maybe I'll do that and just buy him a new one. I'll have to get myself a trailbike of some sort though or I might fall victim to the temptation to race again and I've promised the wife I will not race again. It's too stressful for her because she had gone to one and saw how fast I rode when racing. She wouldn't be able to sleep when I would do the overnights on race weekends and was always worried she was going to get a call form a club member teling her which hospital I being airlifted to or something.
I raced as an AMA Expert and consistently got top 3 finishes in my class the last couple of years I did it.
It's not like I crashed in every race or even got any serious injuries from racing with the exception of one single crash that was pretty bad. Most of my injuries were from play riding because you get too comfortable and lose focus. Next thing you know, you're flopping around on the ground unitl you come to a stop. That or I would get stupid when I was younger and hit lots of jumps and it's only a matter of time before you get out of your comfort zone and eat shite.

I'm all messed up now though from years of it and live with chronic back pain, neck pain and pain in some of my joints where I had bad surgeries or didn't let things heal completely before going back out.
You're gnarly, Dez! And your kid looks like a little ass kicker. The smaller ones tend to have the bigger fight, from my experience. My good friend who is now a doc used to be a real good fighter when he was younger... now he saves lives, lol. Tables have turned.
Lost 3 platinum girls to mold now!!
One top of a Grape Ape went south as well.
Outdoor growing sux!!

On a positive note I am gonna dixie cup some clones today.
Heres some pics of some outdoor girls that are tough and not moldy:
purple dragon
white rhino, in that order
Sucks about the mold. Sorry to hear bassman. Maybe you should just trim the moldy stuff and give them to your neighbors, lol. "Mold? What? That's just extra frostiness."
My liikes were for the clones statement btw and not the mold B.
I'm doing online traffic school right now, flipping back and forth between the 6 and that. I've had a headache ever since I woke up this morning but I don;t think I could get high and still retain what I'm reading enough to pass the quizzes, LOL. I just need to power through it to get that shit done and then it's vaporizer time with some Blackberry Kush that I quick dried and stuck in a little apothecary jar to cure a bit before sampling. It will be my first sample from this grow and I'm really looking forward to it.
This was particularly funny to me for some reason ;)


U.S. News & World Report defines aggressive driving incidents as events in which an angry or impatient driver tries to kill or injure another driver after a traffic dispute.

In a study by the AAA Foundation for Traffic Safety, motorists were asked which of a list of particular types of behavior they had experienced from other motorists in the last 12 months. The following statistics were derived:

  • Aggressive tailgating (driving very close behind) 62%
  • Flashes lights 59%
  • Aggressive or rude gestures 48%
  • Deliberately obstructed or prevented from maneuvering 21%
  • Verbal abuse 16%
  • Physically assaulted 1%
  • Other 12%
Almost 9 in 10 (88%) of all respondents had experienced at least one of the types of behavior listed above in the last 12 months. Motorists aged over 55 were less likely to have done so (79%).
Sucks about the mold. Sorry to hear bassman. Maybe you should just trim the moldy stuff and give them to your neighbors, lol. "Mold? What? That's just extra frostiness."
I thought bout that.
A different neighbor besides the one who over heard them told me their friend told them they saw the kid in my yard.
I thought bout offering some of the moldy shit to

also this is the platinum I saved

Is this enough roots to cup these clones?
My liikes were for the clones statement btw and not the mold B.
I'm doing online traffic school right now, flipping back and forth between the 6 and that. I've had a headache ever since I woke up this morning but I don;t think I could get high and still retain what I'm reading enough to pass the quizzes, LOL. I just need to power through it to get that shit done and then it's vaporizer time with some Blackberry Kush that I quick dried and stuck in a little apothecary jar to cure a bit before sampling. It will be my first sample from this grow and I'm really looking forward to it.
How do you like the blackberry? I have one of those and cant wait...:weed:
This was particularly funny to me for some reason ;)


U.S. News & World Report defines aggressive driving incidents as events in which an angry or impatient driver tries to kill or injure another driver after a traffic dispute.

In a study by the AAA Foundation for Traffic Safety, motorists were asked which of a list of particular types of behavior they had experienced from other motorists in the last 12 months. The following statistics were derived:

  • Aggressive tailgating (driving very close behind) 62%
  • Flashes lights 59%
  • Aggressive or rude gestures 48%
  • Deliberately obstructed or prevented from maneuvering 21%
  • Verbal abuse 16%
  • Physically assaulted 1%
  • Other 12%
Almost 9 in 10 (88%) of all respondents had experienced at least one of the types of behavior listed above in the last 12 months. Motorists aged over 55 were less likely to have done so (79%).

I have been guilty of a few of those especially rude gestures and verbal abuse, that's part of the reason why i smoke weed i need to calm the fuck down if i wasn't growing my own i think i would of been locked up by now.
How do you like the blackberry? I have one of those and cant wait...:weed:

I've never had it before but I hear it's pretty potent and a good smoke so it should go nice in the vape. I'll post up a report after but I have to get through the damn traffic school first.
I have been guilty of a few of those especially rude gestures and verbal abuse, that's part of the reason why i smoke weed i need to calm the fuck down if i wasn't growing my own i think i would of been locked up by now.
I have actually gotten into fist fights resulting from road rage....
I am lucky not to have gotten into trouble for that.
I have been arrested for assault not related to driving though.

I've never had it before but I hear it's pretty potent and a good smoke so it should go nice in the vape. I'll post up a report after but I have to get through the damn traffic school first.

Ok great!
I was arrested for assault in my early 20's and had to go through an anger management program, probation and community service for it. I can tell you this though, it was worth it.

Effing D'bag needed to learn a lesson and hopefully I taught it to him. My younger brother was there and had never seen me get into a fight before. He told me afterward to remind him to never piss me off, haha. I str8 ruined that dude for no other reason than he was acting like an a-hole to his girlfriend, whom I knew. I approached him calmly and asked him to calm down before he did something he would regret, like hitting her. I could see that part coming by the way he was treating her. He didn't like me getting involved and threw a punch so I beat him senseless.
People working inside the place we were in front of called the cops at some point and I got arrested. He got hauled off in an ambulance, unconscious, LOL ;)
Apple doesn't fall far from the tree, eh? ;)

I used to get road rage bad. I've chilled out in the past couple years thankfully. People will always drive like idiots... it's nice having the option of not getting heated over it.
I have actually gotten into fist fights resulting from road rage....
I am lucky not to have gotten into trouble for that.
I have been arrested for assault not related to driving though.

I've never had it before but I hear it's pretty potent and a good smoke so it should go nice in the vape. I'll post up a report after but I have to get through the damn traffic school first.

Ok great!

Only once have i got out of the car and that was because the guy was getting out of his he seen me coming and closed the door quick sharp, i've been arrested a few times for ABH, common assault and GBH only been done once though but it was for section 18 which is grievous bodily harm with intent to cause serious injury and affray i was 17 at the time the other times i got away with self defence last time i hit a guy i lost it big time hurt him pretty bad i was gutted i thought i could control my temper, when i smoke weed it helps me to put things into perspective and chill out which has got to be a good thing.
I am a much more mellow person these days. I try to remind myself that I have two kids and need to set a good example for them whenever I feel myself getting heated. I also have my wife with me a lot of the time and she's pretty quick to notice if I'm getting upset and will always calm me down easily.

I always feel terrible after I get upset about something and the kids are around. I don't want them thinking negative things about me and most importantly I don't want them to be afraid of me.

Enough talk, let's smoke!

No more traffic school for today.