Club 600

Genuity and DST, thanks for the clarification. I'm using three gallon smart pots and today I used three gallons of water between five plants before I had any runoff which normally I do not have. I've been thinking I need to water them more lately to make sure the bottoms of the plants are getting enough moisture. I use a digital moisture meter with a probe of about ten inches so it does reach the bottom of my containers. I also gave them a dose of grow nutes from botanicare of 3-2-4 which is what I use in veg but due to the lack of N I also hit them with a gallon of dyna-gro 9-3-6 for the third gallon with its higher N content...we'll see if there is any improvement over the next few days.
Hey HeadsUp, organic nutes always tend to have lower %'s available, but that ratio does seem quite low on the N side. Keep us posted, I am sure you'll treat them like Queens regardless.
Is there....Could there be.......Anyone.....Out there?

Ehm, nope. Okay then, I am off to bed. Night night happy gardeners. peace from over here to everywhere.

Ramdom bit of useless information of the day. According to these are the top posters in the 6double and how many posts they've made. I just barely made the list, lol

DST ------------ 2,523
Heads Up ------ 1,604
whodatnation -- 1,056
1badmasonman - 947
mcpurple -------- 911
Dezracer --------- 843
duchieman ------ 787
genuity ---------- 779
curious old fart - 710
jigfresh ---------- 690
I had to pick my son up early again today because he took a kid to the ground and was choking him out. Is it sad that my first thought was, "atta boy" ?
Fortunately for my son he was just defending himself and there were witnesses. It's crazy to me that there is this kind of stuff going on at the YMCA which is on school grounds between kids that range from 1st to 4th grade. My son is now in 2nd and the other kid is a 3rd grader that happens to live in our neighborhood. I see him with his friends all the time so I worry that this is not over and that they will antagonize him when he is playing out front.
The lady that runs the Y at this location told me that the other boy was terrified when they were pulled apart and that my son seemed unphased by the whole thing. He just wanted to go back to playing with his friends, bloody nose and all...
Fuck yeah dez. I'm not a fan of violence, but I am a fan of standing up for oneself. I think atta boy is an appropriate feeling to have... just don't tell your boy that. One of those secrets you get to keep till he's old enough to understand dad doesn't want him going around kicking ass just cuz he can. Gotta love it though. His cool demeanor would be my proudest bit. I always got so heated when in a confrontation... being cool and collected is a thing to be admired.
I had to pick my son up early again today because he took a kid to the ground and was choking him out. Is it sad that my first thought was, "atta boy" ?
Fortunately for my son he was just defending himself and there were witnesses. It's crazy to me that there is this kind of stuff going on at the YMCA which is on school grounds between kids that range from 1st to 4th grade. My son is now in 2nd and the other kid is a 3rd grader that happens to live in our neighborhood. I see him with his friends all the time so I worry that this is not over and that they will antagonize him when he is playing out front.
The lady that runs the Y at this location told me that the other boy was terrified when they were pulled apart and that my son seemed unphased by the whole thing. He just wanted to go back to playing with his friends, bloody nose and all...
I see nothing wrong with your son knowing how to defend himself, and applaud him for using it in the right application.
dude, i watched that video duchie... pretty funny. One of the related videos was of 16 year old conjoined twins. That shit blew me away. They were driving, and the one is like "why is your blinker on?"... that is just wild.
:leaf: Almost desert season Dezracer. Might have to catch 150 mile ride this Sunday. From Stoddard to the Husky with lunch at the Slash X. :leaf:

Hope everyone is doing fine and that the Grass is Green. :leaf:

It rained good today.
We got our FarmTek agriculterual greenhouse film yesterday and got three of the four walls up except the back wall wich is protected somewhat.Glad we did ! We'll finsh the walls all the way and swap out the roof when the rain is gone. All done with duct tape & zypties.
(carport greenhouse)
So it can all be removed in the spring time,even the top.I'm sure the film will be worth it as far as better light penatration as opposed to 6 mil visqueen. It rained good and the top doesn't overlap the sides yet. That will be fixed when we swap tops.
I'll leave ya with some updated pics and a few harvest pics of the Hindu & Tripple Berry.











Alota, here the Alien OG you gave us. 3 weeks flowering outside.


A Pure Afgahn Landrace.
Same time.


The Winter time greenhouse Farm Team and flower room stuffers.
Querkles,Aliens og's,Landraces,Hindus,White berries, A blue berry,A tripple berry,super silver 2 dina fem autos, 3 Dr Greenthumbs Iranian short flowers, And some hand picked Indica seeds to clone including the Space Queen aka Green Crack to grow in the spring.


The inhouse crew
Sorry bouts lights on but that's all you get. I don't have a regular light in there.
Super Silver,Querkle,tripple berry,Afgahn landrace.


Alota, here's the Querkle you gave us.



Tripple berry.


A tripple Berry and Hindu Kush harvest.
21 oz's the boy and I split.

The Hindu.




The tripple berry.





My close up bud pics are lousy. I don't know if I don't know how to use the camera or the camera sucks ?

Tripple on the left, Hindu on the right.







Thanks for Stopping by everyone .
Stunning TWS. I remember when you first showed up here talking about how you weren't sure how things would turn out. The plants were so little in the back yard. Sheesh, you are going to have so much herb on your hands soon.

Great job.
:leaf: Thanks Jigfresh ! I'm addicted now. LOL Smoking is just a side benifit of growing.You gotta do something with it. LOL:leaf: Need to get better at my indoor.:lol:
My personal opinion is, yes they are well worth the money. It's not hard to set u a room that will be every bit as reflective and will work just as well but it takes considerably more time to do so. With a tent you just open the box, set it up per the instructions and start hanging your shizzle inside however you want. All provisions have already been made for you like things to hang lights, fans and filters from, the vent holes are all there and if you get a good one they are almost 100% light tight right out of the box.
I've had a few rooms that I built and a couple tents and will be using tents only going forward unless I have an opportunity to run a mid to large size grow again like I took down in May. Situations like that where you are running 4-6 flower tables and stuff are easier to get settled by putting something together yourself. Mine was most of a single car garage at 10x12 or 10x14 or something and Whodat has a dope room he built out of wood that is huge with 4400watts.

Some guys in here have closets at their disposal and use that space but I don't have that so it's tents in the garage for me.
Agreed with everything you said about the tents Dez :-)
My room is 8x8 and currently using 2k6 double O.

Genuity and DST, thanks for the clarification. I'm using three gallon smart pots and today I used three gallons of water between five plants before I had any runoff which normally I do not have. I've been thinking I need to water them more lately to make sure the bottoms of the plants are getting enough moisture. I use a digital moisture meter with a probe of about ten inches so it does reach the bottom of my containers. I also gave them a dose of grow nutes from botanicare of 3-2-4 which is what I use in veg but due to the lack of N I also hit them with a gallon of dyna-gro 9-3-6 for the third gallon with its higher N content...we'll see if there is any improvement over the next few days.

Talking about the smaller size containers? Iv notice plants have more needs when root bound.

Evening gentlemen!!,,

I am back after a bit of time away , got a new set-up will post pics very soon!! Hope everyone is enjoying the cooler temps the last few days!!hahaha

going to start a journal on this one i think, wish me luck!!.
Good luck masterskunk :-) Cant wait to see the pics... you'll probably post them by the time Im done with this post lol

Ramdom bit of useless information of the day. According to these are the top posters in the 6double and how many posts they've made. I just barely made the list, lol

DST ------------ 2,523
Heads Up ------ 1,604
whodatnation -- 1,056
1badmasonman - 947
mcpurple -------- 911
Dezracer --------- 843
duchieman ------ 787
genuity ---------- 779
curious old fart - 710
jigfresh ---------- 690
Haha Im catching up!

I had to pick my son up early again today because he took a kid to the ground and was choking him out. Is it sad that my first thought was, "atta boy" ?
Fortunately for my son he was just defending himself and there were witnesses. It's crazy to me that there is this kind of stuff going on at the YMCA which is on school grounds between kids that range from 1st to 4th grade. My son is now in 2nd and the other kid is a 3rd grader that happens to live in our neighborhood. I see him with his friends all the time so I worry that this is not over and that they will antagonize him when he is playing out front.
The lady that runs the Y at this location told me that the other boy was terrified when they were pulled apart and that my son seemed unphased by the whole thing. He just wanted to go back to playing with his friends, bloody nose and all...

Haha sounds like me as a younger one. Kids fight, atta boy.

Fuck yeah dez. I'm not a fan of violence, but I am a fan of standing up for oneself. I think atta boy is an appropriate feeling to have... just don't tell your boy that. One of those secrets you get to keep till he's old enough to understand dad doesn't want him going around kicking ass just cuz he can. Gotta love it though. His cool demeanor would be my proudest bit. I always got so heated when in a confrontation... being cool and collected is a thing to be admired.
Wise words to live and tell by.

lolololololololololololo baked as hell ant that killed me hahaha :lol: thanks
Edit here's an attempt at a response lol


:leaf: Almost desert season Dezracer. Might have to catch 150 mile ride this Sunday. From Stoddard to the Husky with lunch at the Slash X. :leaf:

Hope everyone is doing fine and that the Grass is Green. :leaf:

It rained good today.
We got our FarmTek agriculterual greenhouse film yesterday and got three of the four walls up except the back wall wich is protected somewhat.Glad we did ! We'll finsh the walls all the way and swap out the roof when the rain is gone. All done with duct tape & zypties.
(carport greenhouse)
So it can all be removed in the spring time,even the top.I'm sure the film will be worth it as far as better light penatration as opposed to 6 mil visqueen. It rained good and the top doesn't overlap the sides yet. That will be fixed when we swap tops.
I'll leave ya with some updated pics and a few harvest pics of the Hindu & Tripple Berry.











Alota, here the Alien OG you gave us. 3 weeks flowering outside.


A Pure Afgahn Landrace.
Same time.


The Winter time greenhouse Farm Team and flower room stuffers.
Querkles,Aliens og's,Landraces,Hindus,White berries, A blue berry,A tripple berry,super silver 2 dina fem autos, 3 Dr Greenthumbs Iranian short flowers, And some hand picked Indica seeds to clone including the Space Queen aka Green Crack to grow in the spring.


The inhouse crew
Sorry bouts lights on but that's all you get. I don't have a regular light in there.
Super Silver,Querkle,tripple berry,Afgahn landrace.


Alota, here's the Querkle you gave us.



Tripple berry.


A tripple Berry and Hindu Kush harvest.
21 oz's the boy and I split.

The Hindu.




The tripple berry.





My close up bud pics are lousy. I don't know if I don't know how to use the camera or the camera sucks ?

Tripple on the left, Hindu on the right.







Thanks for Stopping by everyone .

Absolutely fantastic work all around, and just in time! Amazing TWS. You sure you dont know what your doing?

So, what ya feeden them? :-)
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The outdoors was vegged on MG. In Flower it is General Hydroponics Flora Bloom "Bloom" and molasses once in a while. A member gave me some Fox Farms 3 part bloom boosters that I feed them too . I am trying all organics on the next runs. And No, I don't know what I'm really doing. :-P I just read alot of RIU and have made some great friends that are great growers who have helped alot. Outdoors is really easy if you just pay attention to their needs and the heat we deal with. No PH or temp BS like indoors. I will get our indoor down though! That's just the way I am. I have to be the best I can or dye trying. LOL ! :leaf:
Right TWS, you are banned from posting your outdoor pics on the 6Double, they are giving me cola envy!!!!!!!!!!! lol. j/k. Freaking great stuff mate. Funnily enough it's end of days here as well and been raining heavy. I think next year I will probably start my outdoors in the greenhouse. To much shitty weather here.

Hope everyone is cool and thinking about how they can get their Post count up, lmao. See how much I have to goad you all along (that's my excuse and I am sticking to it!).lol.

Have agreat one.


and Duchie, that video was sick, I gifawed hard bru, v-funny.
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Very nice TWS a beautiful first grow.

Whodat, these plants don't get root bound, I use smart pots which prevents the plants from circling in the bottom of the containers. I have grown many plants using smart pots and not a one has been root bound. I've thought of using five gallon smart pots but that's a lot of soil to get rid of each grow. I'm thinking one day in the future to have a go at DWC using five gallon buckets. A new hydro shop opened in my area, the first of its kind in my neck of the woods. Don't forget I live in the bible belt and this kind of stuff is frowned upon in my parts. Is that post count thing saying I'm a blabbermouth?