Prove to you There's a God?

you dont know what proof is, do you?
Proof is evidence. (ex, is the the picture of your girlfriend fucking an other man, or the smell of an other man on her or even the look in her eyes that shows you that she is lying)
Remember when I said only you know how you feel? I said that you can't prove anything that you feel.

As I do keep an open mind, I realize that THC makes you hungry. next time you smoke resin check if you get the munchies or if you feel like you just smoked a cig(cigs usually help you fight food cravings(again we all know drugs effect everyones mind differently, but then again certain drugs are for certian illnesses)).
ohh ok. for sure... I thought it said "and/or," not just or.

"and/or," is an other trick im sure set up by the government to trick those who follow laws into being more oppressed then those who break laws.

actually the term 'and/or' is more including than just 'or'. do you have more choice when you have the choice between "apples and/or bananas", or "apples or bananas"?
or in the case of this law, "6 mature and/or 12 immature" or "6 mature or 12 immature".
and or more smarter people.
What is everyone who is an anti-christ doing with their intelligence on this thread to be specific?

Ill answer it for you: their pretending that their not smart. So that they will have an opportunity to deceive me and everyone else.
So does that mean that they set a example of their stupid self for others who are learning too? Making someone stupider for following a stupid example.
Damn, this thread is still alive? I unsubscribed long time ago, I thought this was a whole new same kind of thread again.

Well, since I'm here, have any of you come up with any conclusions? Is there a god? No?

"In my opinion it depends who you smoke with. If you smoke with someone stupid the pot is going to trick your brain into thinking that your actually spending more time with that person, making undesirable traits specifically that of the retarded user apearing in the non retarded user.
Its harder to get rid of retarded traits then it is to catch em.

Don't smoke yourself retarded with retarded friends. Smoke yourself retarded with smart friends and they might just teach you something."
-A quote from myself (Marlboro47) posted on (Link>) (<Link)
Since I use weed to medicate, I seldomly remember anything that isn't worthy of being remembered. Thats why I love weed so much, because I can forget all the stupidity that I read or heard.

As long as I don't forget how to drive or any other motor skills(or survival techniques) then I can keep medicating.

Since I forget alot of things, I know that Jesus will understand why I smoked soo much weed. So I can stop worrying because even he knows that worrying only wastes time.
I agree with you on one point. Why waste your time trying to 'prove' there is no 'god'? Then you gotta harass some poor Jesus freaks to feel like a better person? An atheist might as well be a religious zealot at that point.
The alternative is to allow people to believe whatever they want!
If you would like to expand from there you're welcome to use wisdom an logical discernment to realize that everyone has something to offer if not immeadiatly dismissed . . .
I agree with you on one point. Why waste your time trying to 'prove' there is no 'god'? Then you gotta harass some poor Jesus freaks to feel like a better person? An atheist might as well be a religious zealot at that point.
The alternative is to allow people to believe whatever they want!
If you would like to expand from there you're welcome to use wisdom an logical discernment to realize that everyone has something to offer if not immeadiatly dismissed . . .
Subject of this topic and OP were mainly about having to prove to you that God exists, so you can stop condemning yourself by talking crap about someone who you can't even prove doesn't exist; because I love you guys and girls.

Imo thats why the only reason why they're stupid to begin with, because they talk crap about someone who they can't prove exists or doesn't exist(with their own eyes).
You are absolutely correct, the existence of 'God' can not be disproven nor can it be proven. The definition of the word 'God' is actually subject to debate itself. We can only make effective aguments to disprove many religious concepts of 'God'.
However I still believe myth is an important guidestone towards a better understanding of 'God'.
Sounds like a perfect evening. I smoked a bowl of this stuff a friend of mine grew, and had a few, well like 15 shots of whiskey, today was a good day.

These threads are fun sometimes, I try to limit my comments on these, it's an argument that can't be won, they are fun to watch for a while though....

What's up man? Me, nothing much watching Simpsons smoking a few bowls of nameless dank and watching the useless debates on RIU every once in a while. :)
Reality for everyone:

Christian) God exists

Anti-Christ) No he doesn't, wheres your evidence?

Christian) The bible

Anti-Christ) The bible isn't real

Christian) How is it not real *throws the holy bible over to the anti-christ*

Anti-Christ) I mean its just a story

Christian) Why is there proof that Jesus came, and why does everyone know what Jesus ment by "love."

Anti-Christ) Thats bullshit, he was never here.

Christian) Then why is there evidence that he changed the world and that people wrote about the same man in differen't parts of the world with the same descritipion as the perfect and only God?

Anti-Christ) Ok ok, he was just a man though... You can't prove he is God.

Christian) How is it not God if he ressurected and preformed miracles and says that hes our ticket to heaven...ect?

Anti-christ) God is dead

Christian) God doesn't die.

Anti-Christ) Whats the defintion of God?

Christian) This is why I was told not to talk to you. Because your a liar and an anti-christ.

Anti-Christ) What if I told you I believe in God? just not Jesus?

Christian) Then your still going to hell.

Anti-Christ) Why would I go to hell if I im a good person?

Christian) How are you a good person to deny the only one that loved and died for you?

Anti-Christ) Your so judgemental and stereotypical and stupid, and you don't use logic.

Christian) How am I not using logic?

Anti-Christ) Because you believe in a fairy tell

Christian) How do you expect me to believe that it is a fairytell if no one said it was a fairytale?

Anti-Christ)Because there is no evidence that he existed.

Christian)The bible is the evidence

Anti-christ) posts some more bullshit

(1) God exists.
(2) [Atheist's counterargument]
(3) Yes he does.
(4) [Atheist's counterargument]
(5) Yes he does!
(6) [Atheist's counterargument]
(7) YES HE DOES!!!
(8][Atheist gives up and goes home.]
(9) Therefore, God exists."

Second Anti-Christ) *likes the stupid post posted by the antichrist to try to win the argument even though he looks retarded doing it*
yes I quoted myself.

@newgrowth The definition of God isn't up for debate, read what is in red I've heard that one before too...