Reality for everyone:
Christian) God exists
Anti-Christ) No he doesn't, wheres your evidence?
Christian) The bible
Anti-Christ) The bible isn't real
Christian) How is it not real *throws the holy bible over to the anti-christ*
Anti-Christ) I mean its just a story
Christian) Why is there proof that Jesus came, and why does everyone know what Jesus ment by "love."
Anti-Christ) Thats bullshit, he was never here.
Christian) Then why is there evidence that he changed the world and that people wrote about the same man in differen't parts of the world with the same descritipion as the perfect and only God?
Anti-Christ) Ok ok, he was just a man though... You can't prove he is God.
Christian) How is it not God if he ressurected and preformed miracles and says that hes our ticket to heaven...ect?
Anti-christ) God is dead
Christian) God doesn't die.
Anti-Christ) Whats the defintion of God?
Christian) This is why I was told not to talk to you. Because your a liar and an anti-christ.
Anti-Christ) What if I told you I believe in God? just not Jesus?
Christian) Then your still going to hell.
Anti-Christ) Why would I go to hell if I im a good person?
Christian) How are you a good person to deny the only one that loved and died for you?
Anti-Christ) Your so judgemental and stereotypical and stupid, and you don't use logic.
Christian) How am I not using logic?
Anti-Christ) Because you believe in a fairy tell
Christian) How do you expect me to believe that it is a fairytell if no one said it was a fairytale?
Anti-Christ)Because there is no evidence that he existed.
Christian)The bible is the evidence
Anti-christ) posts some more bullshit
(1) God exists.
(2) [Atheist's counterargument]
(3) Yes he does.
(4) [Atheist's counterargument]
(5) Yes he does!
(6) [Atheist's counterargument]
(7) YES HE DOES!!!
(8][Atheist gives up and goes home.]
(9) Therefore, God exists."
Second Anti-Christ) *likes the stupid post posted by the antichrist to try to win the argument even though he looks retarded doing it*