Prove to you There's a God?

i look at you and you look at me. thats all the proof i need that god exists. anything else would lack reasonable consideration. 64 pages? i read the first and the last. its the same song. God - Nature - Whatever you prefer is everything. if you believe that anything exists, then there is a nature to things. recognize that nature is intelligent. recognize that God is intelligent.

Honor the Sacred Books - not because of the writing and stories - but because the nations who prayed to the Holy Books. Even if it ain't your book. Respect the people who had honorable prayers, even if they wasn't all honorable people. Books were written by people. Nature doesn't need books, and we have a team of scientists struggling everyday with natural mysteries as well. i don't understand the complex mathematics in bio/astro physics. i read stories written by people as foolish as me in hopes it makes some sort of principle. recognize the limit of comprehension and respect it. where a scientists can't explain any further, is where faith in God begins. Its happening, we don't know why, it just is. recognize the limit in comprehension and respect it. there have been several Holy Men and Women who dedicate every waking moment in attempts to do absolutely nothing but goodwill to others until their last day on Earth. i don't see them very often but i'm well read enough to know they exist. Alot of them prayed to Jesus when they were doing their goodwill. wish i was that nice - but i'm not. in fact sometimes i'm an asshole.
To go forth and make an evaluation with limited comprehension is the problem. some people must have a conclusion even without conclusive evidence. i don't understand everything but i can accept i am a part of everything. that is all.
In the real world it doesn't happen that way we have a choice and mine would be neither of you.

This is your obvious attempt to Weasel out of answering a hypothetical question, just like diesel did. You can't be honest to me or anyone else on the boards, so I guess I shouldn't be surprised when you can't even be honest to yourself.

Keeping quiet says more than anything.

Religion has warped your mind into thinking that just because somebody converted to Christianity, they're a good person. Clearly Dahmer was faking the shit to save face for his father.

If you can't pick between a guy who murdered and dismembered 17 boys/men and a guy who simply lacks a belief in God, there is truly no hope for you at all. I'd never want to associate with a person like that and can't imagine anyone who would.

Simply cowardice.

*hypotheticals aren't bound by reality and still you can't choose. You know the right answer and still won't say it because you can't admit you were wrong. You know where it would lead, the next question, and you already know you can't answer that one either.
*hypotheticals aren't bound by reality and still you can't choose. You know the right answer and still won't say it because you can't admit you were wrong. You know where it would lead, the next question, and you already know you can't answer that one either.

Coulda, shoulda, woulda doesn't fly here this is the real world. What if a pig had wings? I chose and my answer was neither, see that is how it works in the real world people have tons of choices they can make.

This is your obvious attempt to Weasel out of answering a hypothetical question, just like diesel did. You can't be honest to me or anyone else on the boards, so I guess I shouldn't be surprised when you can't even be hones

My answer was quite clear. What didn't you understand about it? Who are you to set the standard for what good or evil is? For all I know you could be a axe murderer that has never been caught? It is my decision to make it isn't an issue of you saying you are a better person than Dahmer which I am sure you are by mans standards.

Simply cowardice.

Nope, not in the slightest there is no backup in me I am not afraid to stand my ground whether it be intellectualy or physically.

Religion has warped your mind into thinking that just because somebody converted to Christianity, they're a good person

No god has unwarped it quite a bit, and I never said being converted to christianity made someone a good person. "No one is good not one."
The only difference in me and someone who is not saved is that I will stand blameless in the sight of the father for repenting and putting my
faith in his son.
Like I said before anyone who doesn't accept Jesus is an anti-christ(against christ).
Even if you trick yourself into saying that there is a God, if you don't accept Jesus then your still gonna be in a SHIT LOAD of trouble for enterinty.

Jesus said himself that the Old testament doesn't have the words to eternal life, he said if you believe in the OT then you will believe in me.
Like I said before anyone who doesn't accept Jesus is an anti-christ(against christ).
Even if you trick yourself into saying that there is a God, if you don't accept Jesus then your still gonna be in a SHIT LOAD of trouble for enterinty.

Jesus said himself that the Old testament doesn't have the words to eternal life, he said if you believe in the OT then you will believe in me.

like i said you might wanna click on that link and check that out.
Like I said before anyone who doesn't accept Jesus is an anti-christ(against christ).

How can I be against something I don't believe in? That's like saying because you don't believe in Santa Claus that you're the Anti-claus...

Everyone is born an atheist, you have to learn religion....

I'm an atheist, and I have no more malice or ill-contempt towards the christian god than I do towards Zeus, Odin, Mythra, Vishnu, or any of the millions of other gods that have been "The one true god."
If I told you that I will meet you in heaven, and then you said I diddn't exist. You are dening me.

So if your say he diddn't exist you are dening Jesus and you are an anti-christ, because you tell other people hes not real; which the why anti-christs go to hell.
Im a perfectly content man without having a religion.I follow a little Buddhism,not a religion though.I just do the right thing.Smoke and dont make any problems.
Its a little frightening,is God into violence and stuff?,i dont know i dont follow that particuliar part of life.To troublesome.Is he going to kick all non believers into dust?!WOW!!
I can assure you God DOES NOT OWN ME.Prove theres a God.Any God.Theres many to choose from.Heres a trick!! Pick a god,any god,double them,add 10 more gods,
and what you got..........Fuck all.The Sun is God.The night the devil.Thats where it started.Read about Horus,read about Krishna,read about Dionysus,and all the other Pagan Gods that were supposedly here on Earth thousands of years before Jesus.All same birthday 25th dec,all had 12 followers,etc etc.Christianity stole the pagan stories to keep an order.(my opinion).
I accept your belief in God and respect it,but dont tell me God owns me,because he doesnt.I dont want to sound harsh but it makes sense for me not to believe in God because if i do believe in him theres a very good chance i will burn in eternal hell!! So you must see what i mean.its not in my interest to believe in someone who into that stuff.Anyway the bizzarre thing is im Munted/Baked on Greenhouse The Church!!!!I find that almost spooky,maybe there is a g.........

Its says not to greet your false doctrine, if you deny Jesus. So your point is invalid.
No point in playing games bro, you tell me you don't believe and I know your just dening him and trying to be a buzz kill.
Imho by the time science proves God exists he'll be kicking every deceivers ass into dust. And science won't do shit against God because God owns you, science, the scientists, this world, and the devil.
Jesus existed like jimi hendrix existed.No God,no magic.The belief is taught,indoctrinated,if you live in a christian society your brainwashed with Christianity.Live in another country your brainwashed into another God.How many Gods are there?and which one is right?(As in the Real one)

Doesn't he had to have existed in the first place for any of this to be relevant.
Jesus existed like jimi hendrix existed.No God,no magic.The belief is taught,indoctrinated,if you live in a christian society your brainwashed with Christianity.Live in another country your brainwashed into another God.How many Gods are there?and which one is right?(As in the Real one)
Or maybe I'm sitting in a tower controlling all of you like little robots and give you each a personality so you can fight over things on RIU.
Well your entitled to your belief as i am mine,whoevers correct doesnt matter because we still frolic and play in the same garden.
One thing though,i guarentee,i am definately the only one that tends mine,full time job,and if God wants to give me a hand hes more than welcome.
I will even make him tea.

"Life's a garden, dig it"

But I just believe someone tends the garden that we both frolic and play in, :).
If you accept that there is a God, then you have to accept that he created us.
If you accept he created us then you have to accept that you don't make descisions about what God will do for you according to your beliefs and works.
There were 7 continents with 7 'sets' of people. Over time the writings from each continent have been brought together. How, without all of the techy communication we have now, did they write the same base stories?
People deny that Jesus preformed miracles. People deny that Jesus even existed.
That is what an anti-christ is.

If Jesus died for you, and you say that he diddn't exist you are misleading other Christians or people that don't know about God yet.

The final anti-christ will be here to deceive all the faithful christians and the ones don't know about God aswell and even the other deceivers. They will all be asked if they pledge to the evil one(meaing you completely reject Jesus(meaning your going to hell 100%)). If they don't pledge then the anti-christ will tourture them until they die(which is why the book says stay faithful all the way through to receive your reward).
I'm not denying you, I clearly believe you exist - because you're talking to me. When I can have a conversation with Jesus like this I will believe in him too.

But as for right now, the story of God and Jesus is just really unpersuasive... Why do you believe in Jesus instead of Muhammad?

One word.


That's why if you were born in the middle east you'd be calling us all the anti-muhammad, and defending Islam with the same vigour and enthusiasm... Religious, is religious, is religious.... doctrine doesn't mean shit.