Prove to you There's a God?

The worst part of all is that ignorance is what is running the anti-christs, even though they believe in science and evidence.

The devil hates us so much because we have the opportunity to live forever and to be perfect.

He hates those who worship him the most because their just blowing their chance by going to hell.
Which in turn makes him hate humans even more because he can't stand the fact that he can't live forever and humans are so stupid and that they can(obviously written from the uglyiest perspective, because humans are pretty smart).
So he tricks you into sinning and makes you a SLAVE so you go to hell for sure.
I am quoting myself not to speak to myself like you guys always tease about, but so that you can try to understand a different concept.
If you choose to deny, then so be it; just understand that Satan hates you because you have the chance to live perfectly forever.
Why don't you try jumbing everything you have to say into one Big Post instead of trying to up your count by breaking every sentence into a post.
because you obviously dont know what atheism is. i put that quote of you saying atheism means anti christ in my sig. thanks for that.
Atheism is dening God. Doesn't matter if it is because you have no evidence, it is denying God. If you deny the one who died for you, then obviously you know why we see athiesm as stupid.
Take that off your sig, you don't even know what athiesm is. Saying its the lack of belief is COMPLETELY differen't from denying christ.

atheism is the LACK of belief in a god. we are unconvinced by your argument that god does exist. we are also unconvinced by other religions as well.
please do not confuse the definition by thinking it is "belief there is no god", because that is not what atheism is.
Like I said, if you read; Athiesm is denying God. Simple "not believing" is agnostic not athiesm.

Your trying way too hard to deceive me.
......Satan hates you because you have the chance to live perfectly forever.

There's no such thing as satan either. No ghosts,goblins,witches,warlocks, etc......
People have the right to believe in any of this nonsense. All fairy tales created by mans imagination to fool other men.

PS I love you too.
Atheism is dening God. Doesn't matter if it is because you have no evidence, it is denying God. If you deny the one who died for you, then obviously you know why we see athiesm as stupid.
Take that off your sig, you don't even know what athiesm is. Saying its the lack of belief is COMPLETELY differen't from denying christ.
Why don't you read your own links

"Most inclusively, atheism is simply the absence of belief that any deities exist.[3] Atheism is contrasted with theism,[4][5] which in its most general form is the belief that at least one deity exists"

Agnosticism is an entirely different epistemological question. It is asking if it is possible to "know" god. Agnostics claim that god is not or cannot be known. It has NOTHING to do with existence.

One cannot deny something that they do not believe exists. I do not deny fairies or unicorns. Denial implies the existence first. That's a fallacy called begging the question.
Why don't you read your own links

"Most inclusively, atheism is simply the absence of belief that any deities exist.[3] Atheism is contrasted with theism,[4][5] which in its most general form is the belief that at least one deity exists"

Agnosticism is an entirely different epistemological question. It is asking if it is possible to "know" god. Agnostics claim that god is not or cannot be known. It has NOTHING to do with existence.

One cannot deny something that they do not believe exists. I do not deny fairies or unicorns. Denial implies the existence first. That's a fallacy called begging the question.

I am too fucked up...

Athiests is the rejection of the belief. It is the rejection of Christ.

"Atheism is, in a broad sense, the rejection of belief in the existence of deities.[1] In a narrower sense, atheism is specifically the position that there are no deities.[2] Most inclusively, atheism is simply the absence of belief that any deities exist.[3] Atheism is contrasted with theism,[4][5] which in its most general form is the belief that at least one deity exists.[5][6]"-Wiki
Why don't you make sense?
I only here athiests speaking the most blasphemy. Which is what makes me conclude that athiests deny, not only have an absence of a belief.

Some do actively deny the existence of a god but that is a subset of all atheists. A person that has never been exposed to the idea of a god is also an atheist, an implicit atheist. Anyone that is not a theist (a believer) must by definition be atheist. I personally am willing to go beyond the atheist label but since the term atheist is only about what I don't believe, it is insufficient to detail my particular anti-theist beliefs.
I really don't care about the defs, im not gonna go researching others religions knowing that they're a lie.
People who aren't Christians are anti-christs.
I really don't care about the defs, im not gonna go researching others religions knowing that they're a lie.
People who aren't Christians are anti-christs.

Are you not familiar with Revelations? You said you don't believe in the OT, the foundation of your religion, because Jesus didn't speak in any of it (because he wasn't born yet), OK.. that's kind of important, but moving on...

The ONE and ONLY anti-Christ is supposed to stand up and be supported by a faction of humanity in the end days and take control of the world, yadda yadda, 7 years of tribulations, yadda yadda.. So how could we ALL be anti-Christs?

I've got a question for your Christian mind...

For the sake of this hypothetical, pretend you have kids if you don't...

Would you rather let Jeffrey Dahmer babysit your kids or me?

Jeffrey Dahmer is a guy who murdered and mutilated 17 boys/men and became a born again Christian during his prison sentence.

I'm an atheist with no belief in any god.

Be honest.
Are you not familiar with Revelations? You said you don't believe in the OT, the foundation of your religion, because Jesus didn't speak in any of it (because he wasn't born yet), OK.. that's kind of important, but moving on...

The ONE and ONLY anti-Christ is supposed to stand up and be supported by a faction of humanity in the end days and take control of the world, yadda yadda, 7 years of tribulations, yadda yadda.. So how could we ALL be anti-Christs?

I've got a question for your Christian mind...

For the sake of this hypothetical, pretend you have kids if you don't...

Would you rather let Jeffrey Dahmer babysit your kids or me?

Jeffrey Dahmer is a guy who murdered and mutilated 17 boys/men and became a born again Christian during his prison sentence.

I'm an atheist with no belief in any god.

Be honest.
Revelations is in the NT.
Jesus said the scriptures and prophecys were about him, the few things that were wrong can be found if you research the diff between Jews and Christians.

Read the bible man, im tired of these questions. Any spirit that denies christ is an anti christ, the bible explains that a final anti christ will come and all the Christians will be tested.

To be completely honest, I rather let me kids stay home alone. I don't want anyone around my kids unless I am there or until I realize they are trying to outsmart me.

Might just throw em in day care, something in public and teach them how to kill someone with one hit.