The tripping balls thread!!!!


Well-Known Member
Alright guys I took a couple of weeks off of shrooms but I'm good to go now. I just feel like going on a shroom binge and was thinking of saying goodbye to RIU for about a month for my shroom binge but I decided screw it RIU is to awesome to leave (even for a month) so I decided to make this thread!

So here we go, post what you're feeling while you are tripping (if you can decipher the strange symbols on your keyboard).

No negative anything:
-no negative comments.
-no scary pictures.
-no talking about if you think shrooms are dangerous (it can lead to a bad trip).
-no arguing.

But we can walk someone through a trip if they actually need it (I'm doubting anyone will need help)

-Post cool/trippy visuals
-Remind us to do something (such as look at your hands for tracers) in case the tripper forgets and enjoys doing the small things.
-post cool/calm/trippy music
-and we can talk about your trip afterwards.

Ahhh cool gonna be tripping SOON (reunited and it feels so good)!

Hope you guys enjoy each other and your trips and have fun on the thread.:peace:
Oh yeah post which drugs you're gonna use and what dose so people can relate to how you felt during your amazing trip.
I did a 20mg line of 25c-nbome last weak. That's about 40 doses worth. It was to much to enjoy it was about the same as doing a thumbprint of L sept clear headed so it was a waste for the most part. The come up and down were great tho
Golden Teacher trip report::

3.5 grams of Brazilian Golden Teachers (Cubensis)
Plenty of marijuana
2 Shots of Whiskey
2 Shots of Tequila

A week prior I had gotten a call about getting some Brazilian "Golden Teacher" Cubes from a friend, needless to say, I was very excited. I had always heard good things about them. I picked up an 1/8th. I have tripped on Mushrooms and LSD plenty of times. I also have experiance with Salvia, DOC, Ecstasy, Kratom, and my least favorite DXM.

I ground up the shrooms in a coffee grinder, and mixed them with Chocolate Pudding at around 4 o'clock. I consumed it in 5 decent gulps, and downed each gulp with Coke, I proceeded to lay on the couch to wait for the effects to kick in. I flipped on the TV to watch "Friends" while I came up. Not to long after, about the time the theme song kicked in, I looked toward my right to the chandelier hanging in the adjacent room. It started to spin very quickly, all the light from the bulbs reflecting onto the walls, making patterns the span across the room (a lot like a disco ball). The room proceeded to tilt one way, and then to the other. At this point, I knew I was in for a trip. At about 5 "The Simpsons" came on, and I couldn’t comprehend the episode at all. IT was less like an episode, and more like random flashes of yellow people saying non-sensical things, ranting, was crazy. This half an hour was like a dream to me, I could not comprehend reality, I didn’t even know I was home. Everything was moving, growing, dancing, breathing, all in unison. I looked at the walls around me, and the patterns on the wall were floating above the wall, dancing side to side, speeding up and down, eventually all the wall tuned into the chorus, all dancing at the same tempo (even though there was no music). I got the sudden urge to pee, so I lifted myself up and attempted to go to the bathroom. As I stood there peeing, the bathroom beneath me started to sway back and forth, like a boat. For a second, I thought i was the one swaying, but it was all the room. I was worried that I may fall over. I looked at myself and the mirror, and my pupils grew huge and shrank, breathing insanely like the walls, my stragly hair wiggling and reaching around for things, curling. I went back to the living room, and decided to take a look outside. It was pretty cold feeling, and I had no device to listen to for music (fried my Zune), so I just stood on the porch for a little bit, watching the trees and nature do their thing. Cars drove by that would look insanely huge at first, but then shrank insanely as they past buy, there paint seemed to be melting off of them. I went back inside to see that "Family Guy" was on, and didn’t feel like watching it. So I switched to a show called "Deep Space" or something, it’s had the guy from Jurassic Park in it. He talked about Earth and its voyage through the galaxy, possible threats, comets, black holes, the works. Me being a HUGE astronomy buff, it was more than interesting..The visuals of space where breathe taking.

During commercial I remember closing my eyes, and seeing color melt down my vision into green and purple strips, which proceeded to dance side to side to a mysterious beat. For some reason I decided to switch the channel again, to watch "Two and a Half Men" (something I always end up seeing on shrooms). While I watched the show I remember getting hot flashes and then getting really cold, probably cause I was sweating so much. I got a phone call from my girl, and she was sobbing about something, and asked to come over with her sister. I said yes, but I was very confused about what was going on. (it turns out she went to visit her mom, and she was in a soma coma (sp??)). When they arrived we watched some BS show on cartoon network, although it made me laugh hysterically. Then, "King of the Hill" came on, and it was hilarious. Hank Hills face grew and shrunk over and over again. At some point they left, and I loaded a bowl of “Grand Daddy Purple” and proceeded to watch “American Dad” (it was 9ish). My brother came home to me laughing at the TV, and sat down to smoke with me. We switched shows to a show called “Dark Matters, the Dark Side of Science”. It talked about the government secretly dosing French villagers with high doses of LSD, and MKULTRA. This was interesting, but it made me angry at the ridiculous things they said about LSD. They preceded to talk about people who have had strokes that disconnected the 2 sides of the brain, and the 2 sides picked up their own personality, each controlling its own side of the body (alien hand syndrome). Soon my brothers band and a a few girls showed up at the house, and started drinking, so I joined them. We all sat down, watched “Star Wars: A New Hope” while smoking and drinking. ( I didn’t drink a whole lot, cause obviously I didn’t need to) After the movie I tried to go to bed, but kept. getting insane munchies, so I made popcorn, Ramen, and crammed down some oatmeal cookies. I passed out at about 4am.

Golden Teachers are the best shrooms I have tried as of yet. xxxxxxxxxxxxxx


[video=youtube;Xc8VhknC7Uc][/video]Consider this before or during your next trip.
play all music on youtube @ 480p if possible.. allows for richest audio.

Food for your brains! :)
Alright guys I took a couple of weeks off of shrooms but I'm good to go now. I just feel like going on a shroom binge and was thinking of saying goodbye to RIU for about a month for my shroom binge but I decided screw it RIU is to awesome to leave (even for a month) so I decided to make this thread!

So here we go, post what you're feeling while you are tripping (if you can decipher the strange symbols on your keyboard).

No negative anything:
-no negative comments.
-no scary pictures.
-no talking about if you think shrooms are dangerous (it can lead to a bad trip).
-no arguing.

But we can walk someone through a trip if they actually need it (I'm doubting anyone will need help)

-Post cool/trippy visuals
-Remind us to do something (such as look at your hands for tracers) in case the tripper forgets and enjoys doing the small things.
-post cool/calm/trippy music
-and we can talk about your trip afterwards.

Ahhh cool gonna be tripping SOON (reunited and it feels so good)!

Hope you guys enjoy each other and your trips and have fun on the thread.:peace:

Going on a mega shroom binge tonight mate, smoke some dank with a few cups of tea and float off into funky town and boogie on down.
when i took acid, i LOVED watching 'How Its Made'. all the machinery spinning and moving around is intense to watch when you have visuals. im sure its cool on shrooms too, but ive never done it.

i remember the one where they made microprocessors was EPIC
Cool dude, tell us how it goes, :).
What shrooms are you gonna trip on?

Friday night i took around 50 libs in tea, was i bit giggley with some closed eye visuals and nice bright colors. Not realy the buzz i was after, i took the same amount last year and i was tripping balls! I did eat them tho.

I have about a 100 left so i might take them on the weekend.

Do you think that by eating the mushrooms you trip more? Some how i think the tea was a bit on the weak side, i simmerd them for about 45min.

Im thinking a 100 might be a bit much but im all for breaking down the walls if you get my drift.
these.....are cinna stix.


:lol: best part... i've actually been there. Learned to stay away from nasty pizza and shit when tripping though... I'm 100% down with the fresh fruits, veggies, and fresh cooked meals on acid though.
these.....are cinna stix.


:lol: best part... i've actually been there. Learned to stay away from nasty pizza and shit when tripping though... I'm 100% down with the fresh fruits, veggies, and fresh cooked meals on acid though.

I can't see the vids but is the first one by goodneighborstuff? They're fucking hilarious.