The tripping balls thread!!!!


Well-Known Member
Friday night i took around 50 libs in tea, was i bit giggley with some closed eye visuals and nice bright colors. Not realy the buzz i was after, i took the same amount last year and i was tripping balls! I did eat them tho.

I have about a 100 left so i might take them on the weekend.

Do you think that by eating the mushrooms you trip more? Some how i think the tea was a bit on the weak side, i simmerd them for about 45min.

Im thinking a 100 might be a bit much but im all for breaking down the walls if you get my drift.
Tea tends to be more potent with a fast come up but shorter duration, (about 4 hours).

Mushrooms can be variable, even from the same mother culture difirent flushes (new sets of shroom fruiting bodies), will vary, normaly getting a bit more potent by the second flush, and then it reduces a bit again.