Lace and Frills <3


Well-Known Member

Bumped to the new page...


Well-Known Member
We dont need no stinkin badges lol.If it was yalls asses getting shredded i'd ask a favor or two.This aint my assigned forum either.I was asking as an old member and never referred to any Mod shit.All I have is a couple of extra buttons and they dont do shit here.


Well-Known Member
i can change quotes to dumbass. here's something new.

it has been a week or so since I've been around.

Do you not remember me? I'm vaguely sure we got along just fine before I left?

did, I do something in the time I was gone to offend you?

or in the time I was gone did you buy into all of FDD's bullshit and become his friend???? I sure hope not .

The Cryptkeeper

Well-Known Member
We dont need no stinkin badges lol.If it was yalls asses getting shredded i'd ask a favor or two.This aint my assigned forum either.I was asking as an old member and never referred to any Mod shit.All I have is a couple of extra buttons and they dont do shit here.
That's alright. You've always been badass. :) Now you're just a little more badass. ;)


Active Member here's something new.

it has been a week or so since I've been around.

Do you not remember me? I'm vaguely sure we got along just fine before I left?

did, I do something in the time I was gone to offend you?

or in the time I was gone did you buy into all of FDD's bullshit and become his friend???? I sure hope not .
just cause you grow schwag :hump:haha jk


Well-Known Member
It's okay MedicalMaryJane, I have a job and the whole office knows I' on here and smoke pot. My boss thinks it's great and is proud if me shunning the binge-drinking culture most other kids indulge in or play with hard drugs. I totally understand what you're saying though and I respect that. You're doing the responsible thing by reminding me not all potential employers would approve.

Don't worry Fdd, I have 5 instruments, a job in video games and a farm full of horses to have fun with too. I just like to get my kicks flashing the frillies as well *shrugs*

You are all welcome to show me your pretty things too. Morgan, you're stunning and I'd love to see you in a cute Sun dress or something in a non pervy way.

Guys, I love you but there's no need to call Fdd names or personally attack. I prefer to dislike the things people do to being bitter about the person. He's had enough abuse in the De-modification thread, which I think went just a bit too far

Thanks for the support anyway. It's party time- did someone bring any marshmallows?

The best thing ever is toasting marshmallows in your bed, totally baked. I've done I in the tent, too but that's kind of dangerous 0_o;


Well-Known Member
Guys, I love you but there's no need to call Fdd names or personally attack. I prefer to dislike the things people do to being bitter about the person. He's had enough abuse in the De-modification thread, which I think went just a bit too far far...?

imo not far enough.


Well-Known Member
It's okay MedicalMaryJane, I have a job and the whole office knows I' on here and smoke pot. My boss thinks it's great and is proud if me shunning the binge-drinking culture most other kids indulge in or play with hard drugs. I totally understand what you're saying though and I respect that. You're doing the responsible thing by reminding me not all potential employers would approve.

Don't worry Fdd, I have 5 instruments, a job in video games and a farm full of horses to have fun with too. I just like to get my kicks flashing the frillies as well *shrugs*

You are all welcome to show me your pretty things too. Morgan, you're stunning and I'd love to see you in a cute Sun dress or something in a non pervy way.

Guys, I love you but there's no need to call Fdd names or personally attack. I prefer to dislike the things people do to being bitter about the person. He's had enough abuse in the De-modification thread, which I think went just a bit too far

Thanks for the support anyway. It's party time- did someone bring any marshmallows?

The best thing ever is toasting marshmallows in your bed, totally baked. I've done I in the tent, too but that's kind of dangerous 0_o;

here's a pic of my pretty tattoo, ...*edits penis pic here* :hump::hump:


Well-Known Member
Thems is sooo purtyyyy...There used to be a Tasteful Nudity Thread.It got closed.Remember that Medi,Fdd?Most awesome thread on the planet and someone,I'm not saying who but his name starts with ffd2blk.Dude we were sooo fuckin pissed.Lost Stoney mcfried and about 100 other members @ that time.


Well-Known Member
Thems is sooo purtyyyy...There used to be a Tasteful Nudity Thread.It got closed.Remember that Medi,Fdd?Most awesome thread on the planet and someone,I'm not saying who but his name starts with ffd2blk.Dude we were sooo fuckin pissed.Lost Stoney mcfried and about 100 other members @ that time.
nudity at riu was not allowed when i was a mod. kodank moment still can't even have a bouncing boob avatar. fully clothed. :(


Well-Known Member
I was in another forum with them and it switched url's and I lost em.Stoney and Wikid still come by and say hi.Fdd I know but it was such a awesome fuckin thread man.