Lace and Frills <3


Well-Known Member
If they wish to gain attention from people by posting pics of themselves just let them..... no harm done...don't care for it then move on as i am now.
so 100 people can say "oh girl, you soooo sexy". but i'm not allowed to say "meh, doesn't do much for me"?

wtf is wrong with all of you?


Pickle Queen
Im sorry if i upset u FDD, this thread was created to make people smile, I've have stated my opinion on certain pics, but i guess that was not something u felt like reading, if the pics are not ur thing u really dont have to look ;) Again sorry if my words upset u


Well-Known Member
Im sorry if i upset u FDD, this thread was created to make people smile, I've have stated my opinion on certain pics, but i guess that was not something u felt like reading, if the pics are not ur thing u really dont have to look ;) Again sorry if my words upset u
nowhere, among any of this, have i been upset, or in a bad mood, or pissy in any way. simply saddened a little for the young ladies who feel they need to do this. once again, i apologize for my respect for women.


Well-Known Member
Im sorry if i upset u FDD, this thread was created to make people smile, I've have stated my opinion on certain pics, but i guess that was not something u felt like reading, if the pics are not ur thing u really dont have to look ;) Again sorry if my words upset u

hmmmm not nearly the way I'd have put it.


Well-Known Member
You are all a bunch of children...FDD is pretty level headed...maybe he makes a few useless posts too, we're all guilty of that...But yeah, I'm against the teeny near-nudity too...RapeBait.

Kuroi, if you wanna show off the goods to strangers for attention, you could always be a stripper, at least you'll be making more money than you know what to do with...Put yourself through college at least, right?


Well-Known Member
Yeah, FUCK Meta...What an internet hater, right? First he goes off on Urca for all her forum-clogging mental masturbation threads, and now going off on the girl who looks like she's 14 for posting intimate pictures for the world to see so she can get a few "You're Pretty"'s.


Well-Known Member
Man, did EVERYONE who asked to be a Mod get a badge? lol...I feel like i'm the minority...It used to be us against them(fuck FDD, right? ;) ), but now I feel like I should just mind my P's and Q's

The Cryptkeeper

Well-Known Member
Man, did EVERYONE who asked to be a Mod get a badge? lol...I feel like i'm the minority...It used to be us against them(fuck FDD, right? ;) ), but now I feel like I should ust mind my P's and Q's
I did neither. =) I didn't mind my Ps and Qs, became a mod, and lost it. =) I refused to conform.


Well-Known Member
Everyone needs to see this...
