Lace and Frills <3


Well-Known Member
Damn,its no wonder your in a bad mood Fdd.I personally dont like to see children on adult Forums but she is presenting herself in an innocent way and if the perv's out there find anything about the child tantalizing then they are freaky enough to get a woody seeing pictures of anything.
so because i don't fawn over a girl online i'm "in a bad mood"? :?

i find it shallow when women use their physical selves to gain attention. i RESPECT women in a way that doesn't require them to pose in "lace and frills" or even leaf "bikinis". i do apologize for giving women too much credit. i hope you can find it in your heart to at least understand my point of view. i really mean no disrespect.


Well-Known Member
my threads show a part of my life that was all made possible thru the growing of MARIJUANA. many others share the same interests and can relate and follow along.

these threads are nothing but attention whoring threads that i simply do not understand. "look at me and think of sex." :neutral:

seems shallow.

am i allowed to give my opinions? or should i just bite my tongue and kiss ass along with everyone else?

hello kitty? seriously?
I think my thread of pretty frilly things is no more of a waste of space as a hundred 'OMG my leaves are turning yellow' or 'should I give my plant Red Bull?' threads. At least I keep it tidy, anything off the topic of marijuana I go look for a previous thread rather than cluttering the forum with repeat topics.

I really do try to be helpful and friendly around here. I gave underwear photos, because people wanted them and to be honest I'd rather that that pictures of soulless porn from random photohopped porn tube skanks. Where since the last time you attacked this thread have I posted anything indecent. I am wearing a t-shirt and skinny jeans. You have a problem if you're getting a boner over it. I type with decent spelling and grammar, give every user the benefit of the doubt and contribute well thought out input to the more serious topics as well. If you think I'm an immature little girl you should meet 90% of other kids my age, I type less bullshit that some people here double my age and have shown nothing but respect for you until very recently.

Let me have my fun.

I think it's great you have a thread to show off your boat. I never try to rain on your parade. Who was that who pointed out 'Isn't this an "Urca thread"?' to use the comparison? (No offence Urca)

Anyway, I'm not here to fight. You know my history. Yes I am a little needy, insecure and like people telling me I'm pretty. Don't we all? The only difference I've never had someone say that to me in real life- just make trust them, use me like a vending machine and fuck off somewhere. There just being straight, blunt and honest with you all because I am trying to take control of who I am again if you don't mind.

Edit: I appreciate you having respect for women fully-clothed. Get to know me like some of the others have and you'll see there is more to me than just a whore.

Argument over. I like this site because It's full of people who like ganja, because I really, really like ganja. I post here more than places I'm staff on because I like this site full of stoners and I've made alot of friends.


Ok now, who wants a blunt? (college grant money comes tomorrow and I bought all my textbooks for this term already like a good girl, now I shall call the black man and get me an ounce for the weekend :3)


Well-Known Member
I think my thread of pretty frilly things is no more of a waste of space as a hundred 'OMG my leaves are turning yellow' or 'should I give my plant Red Bull?' threads. At least I keep it tidy, anything off the topic of marijuan I go look for a previous thread rather than cluttering the forum with repeat topics.

I really do try to be helpful and friendly around here. I gave underwear photos, because people wanted them and to be honest I' rather that that pictures of soulless porn from random photohopped porn tube skanks. Where since the last time you attacked this thread have I posted anything indecent. I am wearing a t-shirt and skinny jeans. You have a problem if you're getting a boner over it. I type with decent spelling and grammar, give every user the benefit of the doubt and contribute well thought out input to the more serious topics as well. If you think I'm an immature little girl to should meet 90% of other kids my age, I type less bullshit that some people here double my age and have shown nothing but respect for you until very recently.

Let me have my fun.

I think it's great you have a thread to show off your boat. I never try to rain on your parade. Who was that who pointed out 'Isn't this an "Urca thread"?' to use the comparison? (No offence Urca)

Anyway, I'm not here to fight. You know my history. Yes I am a little needy, insecure and like people telling me I'm pretty. Don't we all? The only difference I've never had someone say that to me in real life- just make trust them, use me like a vending machine and fuck off somewhere. There just being straight, blunt and honest with you all because I am trying to take control of who I am again if you don't mind.

Argument over. I like this site because It's full of people who like ganja, because I really, really like ganja. I post here more than places I'm staff on because I like this site full of stoners and I've made alot of friends.


Ok now, who wants a blunt? (college grant money comes tomorrow and I bought all my textbooks for this term already like a good girl, now I shall call the black man and get me an ounce for the weekend :3)

have all the fun you want. it's just a shame you have to use your body to do it.

expand your mind, girl. ;)

i am actually trying to make a point in DEFENSE of women. to much testosterone to get thru to anyone though. all those "panty shots everyone wanted".


Well-Known Member
I know ya dont man.We have been around awhile and I know when you mean Disrespect.I used to hold women up on a pedestal and then one day I had the hottest redhead cheerleader Fart on my couch.Ruined it for me.Everyone thought i was crazy.She never shit on my couch again though.LMAO


Well-Known Member
i don't think posting a pic of panties is a big deal but face pictures i have a bit of a problem with. i just worry about people recognizing you out in the world. it could come back to bite you in the future if you're loooking for a job or something and you need to keep a professional appearance. i would never show my face. i don't look like a kid regardless.

fdd has seen my face. i look normal :)


Well-Known Member
Doesn't do anything for me either but I enjoy the thread. Maybe you should skip this thread? You know. Ignore it. Who is looking for attention again?

hahahah...I always forget....Of course it doesn't do anything for you lol. well said.


Well-Known Member
Doesn't do anything for me either but I enjoy the thread. Maybe you should skip this thread? You know. Ignore it. Who is looking for attention again?
i have the right to state my opinion just as everyone else.

and once again, ... you spew so much BS you can't even keep up with yourself. you care or you wouldn't reply. you're either lying or kissing ass.

awww... you so pretty. :p

You're wearing several layers there. Is it cold already? We're supposed to get up to 80 today. ;) I love New Mexico.


Well-Known Member
If they wish to gain attention from people by posting pics of themselves just let them..... no harm done...don't care for it then move on as i am now.

Carne Seca

Well-Known Member
Really? Me joining in? When have I ever joined in on the harassment of Urca? Anyway, moving on.... Jesus. Can't throw a rock without hitting a troll wannabe.