Growitup Greenhouse 2011


Well-Known Member
Thanks man.

I got weight on the cab grow, Dried for a week and manicured.

156 gms total. Almost exactly 50 gm per plant and the nugs are tight.
Not great but not to bad if I do say so myself.


Well-Known Member
Yeah, I think you pulled a little better than ya thought. 5.5 ounces is still pretty good, looks like max found a new dog bowl!


Well-Known Member
Oh big time. I really did think I had two, maybe two and a half oz's at 7 weeks. I let them go for 10 weeks I think it was and used that cha ching. Sooo, Yup! I'm using that on the rest of them. Bubba has been on it for about a week and I'm just now starting trainwreck on it. I disconnected them from the main supply and have been hand water/feeding them until the rest are ready.
Couple bud shots,



Max found a new bowl? I don't get it.



Well-Known Member
Shit I didn't even see him in the pic.
Na man we got a deal, he don't eat my buds and I let him clean up after the trim.

He does a pretty good job but I still have to vacuum most of the time.
Hey cruzer looking good and delicious! Do you think one night in temps at 38 do very much harm? We had a frost advisory in effect for my area but there's no frost outside this morning at 6 am so I'm wondering if this hurt them or not? Let me know what you think...Ty Ty


Well-Known Member
Wow, that's pretty dam close to killing the plant.
I haven't actually froze one but last year a tomato plant in my yard was doing fine, just a late bloomer and temps dropped one night, hit 34° frost warning and all, The next day the whole plant turned almost black and died. I grew in my greenhouse where temps would hit a low of 40° at night pretty regularly but I used a small space heater to keep them from dropping any lower.

I cant tell by the pics you posted but if they are close enough maybe you should consider covering them with a pvc frame and 6 mil plastic, make a little hoop green house. That will give you maybe 5 or 10° warmer. You can get a small heater that run off propane bottles and run it on the cold nights. Here is a link to one:
Good part about it is at the same time its heating its giving off co2.

Just thought I would add you would have to leave it on its lowest setting cause those things really heat up a small area.
I use one in a 12x18 room and it warms it up about 5° in a 1/2 hour or so. On low the canister lasts about 8 hours.
I would test it somehow first.
Lol it's the area called the north country about less than an hour from Canada lol ey this area has some of the most fucked up weather and this season hasn't been any different I guess the one thing going for me about the frost is that I live right on lake Champlain between ny and vt and there is always a temp difference from where I'm at and 12 mins away my point being that the frost advisory for last night only really applied to certain elevations and geographic locations so I was lucky but I am def heeding ur advice about making a little cover or something for the cold nights great idea as I don't have a waterbed heater and it's not really practical to try and run power for this no coverage of the elements Ty Ty peace from the middleast


Well-Known Member
Were hitting 34 degrees at night now and then 60-70s during the day and my buddies still have plants outside and they are doing fine, actually the plants look quite healthy and happy. even my tomatoes that are full sized plants show no signs yet of damage, but I’m fairly sure once a good long frost happens most will die, so if you’re seeing 38 I would be getting ready to harvest. I live near lake eerie can almost see the Canadian border hehe

for indoor grows I regularly see -30f temps outside during the wintr, so my indoor grow uses a small space heater set to switch on and off once the lights turn off, since the lights provide good temps while running. be careful to not let warm air streams hit the plants I set a small fan on a timer to run with the heater and discharge into the heaters stream of hot air and diffuse it through the growspace, and I have had great results all winter long, and yes some days I sit in my grow room to escape the frigid winter scene

Gratz on your cabs harvest cruz! I figured you would be at 60 grams per plant.

so i have started my last Tangerine dream seed, and so far with my new seed propagation method it has been 1.5 days and its already showing its head with seed pod helmet on! ill have an update soon hehe

anyways cruz i was wondering what you think of the Tangerine so far any tips with this strain?


Well-Known Member
There ya go, take it from someone who grows in cold weather.

Thanks for the info lonestand, good guess on the weight of the cab grow.
Tips on tangerine dream? Hard for me to say. I'll tell you this, I don't know if its the green house or the strain but out of four plants they all have gone into flower a few weeks apart. It's weird man. The sativa phenotype is very sensitive to nutrients so if your has skinny leaves keep that in mind. Topping doesnt seem to hurt the plants production of nodes. I'll let you know in about a week or two if its easy to clone. I took a few cuttings from the largest one today. I'd say that one is one week into flower.

My friend brought over a few cuttings, well little buds.

He wanted to keep the strain alive, not sure what it is but it sure smells dank.
These will take at least a month to root. That's if they do root at all.


Well-Known Member
as good as you are with those rapid rooters those little buds will root well i am sure. i agree on the month part. they will need higher humidity for longer than the other clones i would think too.


Well-Known Member
Cruz have you ever grown western winds? Playing with it now, 12/12 out of the box seems to flower after a few weeks veg, a five month grow they say. Give ya smoke report around xmass time... I never cloned a cutting from flower I think it's the cat's meow if that roots because I'd clip a few western wind branches


Well-Known Member
There ya go, take it from someone who grows in cold weather.

Thanks for the info lonestand, good guess on the weight of the cab grow.
Tips on tangerine dream? Hard for me to say. I'll tell you this, I don't know if its the green house or the strain but out of four plants they all have gone into flower a few weeks apart. It's weird man. The sativa phenotype is very sensitive to nutrients so if your has skinny leaves keep that in mind. Topping doesnt seem to hurt the plants production of nodes. I'll let you know in about a week or two if its easy to clone. I took a few cuttings from the largest one today. I'd say that one is one week into flower.

My friend brought over a few cuttings, well little buds.

He wanted to keep the strain alive, not sure what it is but it sure smells dank.
These will take at least a month to root. That's if they do root at all.
i dont think it will take that long cruze, you would be amazed how fast they root, even when cut in flower!!


Well-Known Member
as good as you are with those rapid rooters those little buds will root well i am sure. i agree on the month part. they will need higher humidity for longer than the other clones i would think too.
i dont think it will take that long cruze, you would be amazed how fast they root, even when cut in flower!!
Well, lets hope so. I tried this before on a plant that was 4 weeks into flower and it took about a month.

Cruz have you ever grown western winds? Playing with it now, 12/12 out of the box seems to flower after a few weeks veg, a five month grow they say. Give ya smoke report around xmass time... I never cloned a cutting from flower I think it's the cat's meow if that roots because I'd clip a few western wind branches
Nope, never grew western winds but I would assume its the same as others when it come to a cutting rooting.


Well-Known Member
Good news, the last girl is now showing flowers.

Today I started them on Cha Ching at a little under half strength. I put 6 teaspoons in the 13 gallon res.
Man, I got a lot of little stuff in there. If this was the cab I would remove it but I got the sun here so I'm leaving it.

All those cuttings I took were from this plant. That last pic of a stalk was this one too. Shes a monster.


Well-Known Member
How long is the greenhouse seeing light per day now Cruz? Are you seeing lower temps now?

I have noticed that my indoor grow is budding much better and fuller since my grow room temps have dropped into the 76-82 range. Makes sense of course.

But the difference is amazing my summer crop was Dutch Passion Blueberry that was very wispy and light, tight thin buds. It now seems to me the temps being too high are causing major yield differences for me in the summer time.


Well-Known Member
The girls are got 12.1 hours today, they will be at 12 hours tomorrow.
Yea, I agree they grow better around 85° and that's where the temps have been but in the greenhouse is 10 to 15° higher so they been running around 100°
Today it was in the nineties so they were baking. I saw some damage on the train wreck upper buds. suppose to cool down some though.