The UK Growers Thread!


RIU Bulldog
ah i couldnt a give shit about him , paypal stiched me right up , i sold aload of badass engine covers a super charger pipe work rads £2000k worth of shit to somebody.

He paid £1300 which is what i asked for the next day i find , im minus 1300 and i cant even use my paypal after shit loads of argueing long and short he said a cover got scratched so it wasnt the same as my picture thus not same item tbh i think the cunt did it himself , paypal took his side i was out of the money and short of a suerpcharging kit , long and short i will never use paypal or add to their profits ever again so long as i shall live, cunts.

p.s. i love amazon its my saviour.
You know why they did it right?
Because you're English.


Well-Known Member
Why, you interested? *wink lol
The only male I'm touching is the one in my garden. His name is Jose. lmao
jk hehe.

I'd rather be a fat mexican than ANYTHING british

British...pssh-- might as well be americans...

:D lol
I'm taken sorry beans, Sambo's got a fucked hand i'm sure you 2 could come to some sort of arrangement pmsl


Well-Known Member
How do the Welsh find sheep in long as fuck. hahahahahahaha
You forgot the other 1 what do you call a sheep chained to a lamppost in Wales...............a leisure centre boom boom any of you guys like lamb? Welsh lamb tastes better because of the special marinade we insert into them now thats something for you guys to think about lol