The UK Growers Thread!


Well-Known Member
Never used a spray in my life minus organic home brews for plant pests nothing dodgy stuff like garlic etc but i never let it get so established that I'd have to think about using something a bit more this why I like hand watering too the more your around the plants the more you notice things the quicker you can act I'd sooner use ladybugs just expect them to suicide into the light indoors rather fast unfortunately is there only downside otherwise they do deffo work if you got any aphids throw a few wasps in they love em Ive heard good things about praying mantises as well they meant to be good for eating pests too bit cold here tho for em mind you
I was growing organic at the time, made my own blend using what I could get at the time, sea bird guano I remember that vividly cause it stunk! long story short though, I had alot of cuts sent to me, some had the borg, wiped me out for a year, didnt have a clue what it was at the time and tried everything, I mean everything. the avemectin was the last resort, when that didn't work I got put on to nuke'em. I hate spraying but it was an evil necessity, there was no way I was losing anymore. I had all these amazing genetics and I couldn't flower them, it was brutal.
that ladybird plantcare is a cracking site though, thier aimed at the horticultural industry but obviously work a treat for us.
By the way I used to use DragonflyEarthMedicine when I was doing organic, best weed I ever smoked.