Question for men


Well-Known Member
if you're getting married and all you have on your mind is some letters than you shouldn't be getting married...

so what? all of a sudden you get married, lose your last name, and now you lose a part of who you are? if anything you gain another part of you when you love someone and commit to spending the rest of your life with them. a name has absolutely no significance to the type of person you are.
I want to get married but no one I like wants to marry me, it makes me kind of sad, but when you said back the fuck off it made me think of Backdafucup and then I listened too it and it made me happy.
Beardo, remember the thread about that woman on the internet and you getting engaged?

I stand by what I said, muffin.

And marriage isn't dead <3

But right now I have a big fat spliff and my big warm bed calling me.


Active Member
So ummm guys, would you rather use a bottle opener on a bottle, or twist it off?? Cause this stuff is really important!!! My wife is a bartender, and the way she has to get the bottle caps off is really a huge issue!! So GUYS, some advice please! This is a life or death situation here!


Active Member
Seriously, no one else thinks this is a huge issue?!?! Really!?!? What has this world come to that bottle caps are not the biggest deal ever??


Well-Known Member
Beardo, remember the thread about that woman on the internet and you getting engaged?

I stand by what I said, muffin.

And marriage isn't dead <3

But right now I have a big fat spliff and my big warm bed calling me.
I never got engaged, she was allready taken I found out.
If your trying to propose to me and your over 18 and a woman i'm probably interested, unless your a bad person in which case I am not interested-


Pickle Queen
The only thing crushing, is the poor soul who's underneath of her!
bahahahaha omg I think ur hillarious but why direct all these comments at one person, dude can't u just play nice lmfao
damn u don't make me giggle, trying to be serious here lol

Sorry all i can picture is a very very large girl i went to high school with, she always picked rubbery type platforms and those poor shoes sunk a few inchs with every step her baby elephant feet took lmfao, i always held my giggles in cause she was a very sweet girl, but her poor shoes lol, I swore they yelled for help a few times lol.


Well-Known Member
Sorry all i can picture is a very very large girl i went to high school with, she always picked rubbery type platforms and those poor shoes sunk a few inchs with every step her baby elephant feet took lmfao, i always held my giggles in cause she was a very sweet girl, but her poor shoes lol, I swore they yelled for help a few times lol.
there was a girl like that in school, but everyone would openly harass her. she cut her wrists at school and paramedics had to come and take her to the hospital.. she never came back. plus everyone felt like shit afterwards.

Carne Seca

Well-Known Member
I wonder if people realize that most obese individuals have a physiological reason they are large. It's not because they eat too much or don't exercise enough. It has to do with insulin and the body's ability to process it. I don't find making fun of ill people, funny. I know a lot of NA's that battle diabetes and the onset of diabetes along with obesity. It's a plague among NA's including my mom. Thank God she took really good care of herself or I wouldn't have her around today. Ya'll need to read up on obesity and it's causes. It's quite an eye opener.


Pickle Queen
there was a girl like that in school, but everyone would openly harass her. she cut her wrists at school and paramedics had to come and take her to the hospital.. she never came back. plus everyone felt like shit afterwards.
Dude my "friends" decided to toss chewed gummy bears into a less popular girls hair, i snapped right as they tossed a handfull and she noticed, started crying and ran out, i felt horrible for not stopping them b4 hand, so i ran after the girl and told her it was my fault, she cried more and i took the next hour and helped he pick every piece out, she had lovely long blond hair. The culprits were rated out my myself , bullying is wrong!!!


Well-Known Member
Dude my "friends" decided to toss chewed gummy bears into a less popular girls hair, i snapped right as they tossed a handfull and she noticed, started crying and ran out, i felt horrible for not stopping them b4 hand, so i ran after the girl and told her it was my fault, she cried more and i took the next hour and helped he pick every piece out, she had lovely long blond hair. The culprits were rated out my myself , bullying is wrong!!!
a friend of mine was messing with me when we were walking down the hall, out of nowhere he shoved he hard as fuck into some kid about to open his locker... knocked out his whole row of front teeth.


Active Member
bahahahaha omg I think ur hillarious but why direct all these comments at one person, dude can't u just play nice lmfao
damn u don't make me giggle, trying to be serious here lol

Sorry all i can picture is a very very large girl i went to high school with, she always picked rubbery type platforms and those poor shoes sunk a few inchs with every step her baby elephant feet took lmfao, i always held my giggles in cause she was a very sweet girl, but her poor shoes lol, I swore they yelled for help a few times lol.
Hahahaha, well it's not like I wake up and say I'm gonna fuck with urca today.... But every time I start my day off coming on here and see her threads.... Just makes me... I can't think of the right word I wanna use so we'll just say angry... I'm an overall happy person, and don't have a care in the world, but she brings the worst part of me out!! One day she's so against weed, the next she's for it, then she's all about not legalizing it, then she's for legalizing it.... The girls a troll!! As a member and her looks! Lol she really has no business here. This is a growing community... Not a therapy session. Am i wrong??I do understand I'm a little harsh, but hell no one is concerned about me, and how harsh it is to even see one her thread titles.

Carne Seca

Well-Known Member
Hahahaha, well it's not like I wake up and say I'm gonna fuck with urca today.... But every time I start my day off coming on here and see her threads.... Just makes me... I can't think of the right word I wanna use so we'll just say angry... I'm an overall happy person, and don't have a care in the world, but she brings the worst part of me out!! One day she's so against weed, the next she's for it, then she's all about not legalizing it, then she's for legalizing it.... The girls a troll!! As a member and her looks! Lol she really has no business here. This is a growing community... Not a therapy session. Am i wrong??I do understand I'm a little harsh, but hell no one is concerned about me, and how harsh it is to even see one her thread titles.
Usually what people hate in others is what they hate within themselves.