Beanz 2.1 400w Bare-Bulb Vertical Plushberry - True OG - Pre98 Bubba Kush Grow


Well-Known Member
Beansly stabbed kevin in the back! reported him for posting pictures of packages he got from the us! Funny part is beansly posted that he got seeds (and lots of them) from kev and kev is the only reason he is still growing. So it's okay for beans to get gifts (seeds from kev and a t5 setup from ngg) and post them but it's not okay for kev..... the person that sent him the shit he posted! read the title of this thread! Kev supplied beans with all of it when he was too broke to keep growing!
Quit being a fuck head coward. The guy apologized to you after he fucked up. And your still being a dam 15 year old coward by calling him out ON THE INTERNET.
You apparently have his address go settle it like a man. Unless your scared ya fucking pussy.
Every post and thread you start about this ON THE INTERNET is only showing how big a bitch you really are.


RIU Bulldog
You guys are being really dramatic over a reported post.... really. Snitch? Don't make me laugh. The man broke the rules. Simple as that. It wasn't my shinning moment but i don't care anymore. I was never sorry for reporting the post. Only sorry things turned out the way they did.


Well-Known Member
This is what i think of the whole thing........



Well-Known Member
this song will be me and wifeys 1st dance at our wedding...she has never heard it past the first few lines:)

Her mom will shit a bird:)
Now fuck NGG and the rest, lets stop acting like High school chicks in a Facebook fight and shit....load a bowl and chill the fuck out.....cuz at the end of the day, my penis is teh biggest on this site so........


RIU Bulldog
All this drama......MAKES ME WANT TO DANCE!



Well-Known Member
If being Beans E-Homie make someone a bitch...than i guess im a bitch.

If Kev Murph is piss thats a diff story, but he is pover it. I dont give a North Koreans dingleberry about NGG or any hater ass fgts on RIU.....this i placve of learning and chilling. YOU ARE WRONG HERE . not Sir Beans of Beansworth


RIU Bulldog
If being Beans E-Homie make someone a bitch...than i guess im a bitch.

If Kev Murph is piss thats a diff story, but he is pover it. I dont give a North Koreans dingleberry about NGG or any hater ass fgts on RIU.....this i placve of learning and chilling. YOU ARE WRONG HERE . not Sir Beans of Beansworth

They keep spamming my thread to try and take focus from the fact that I apologized LIKE A MAN. I have to thank nutless in a way for posting my email to kev because anyone who read that knows I was truly sorry about what happened.

Fuck man.... I needed a good laugh. I'm glad you saw the sarcasm in my screen name. Sir Beans of Beansworth.... I'm still cheesin'
I fell asleep earlier after some nice GDP so I'm just now finishing my update.


RIU Bulldog
I'm just gonna throw up the pics now because it seems like God doesn't want me post a full update. Things keep coming up so here are the MNS SSH's and all their glory.

Still my favorite...

This is the one I pollinated. I accidentally reverted the males back to veg so I'm not getting a lot of pollen, so I went ahead and got her laid before I fuck it up somehow and end up with no seeds. If you look close you'll see that the pistils on this one look different that the other plants. Some are red already and some have already receded back into the bracts.

Her leaves are starting to straighten out. I'm thinking the problem was pH the whole time. She got better after I started using manure tea on her so maybe that has something to do with it.



Active Member
since there are no more diapers to change.. lets get back to the growing mr bean.

looking similar to my sativa bagseeds... great buds.. keep it up my friend.