Anyone know how to make X?


Well-Known Member
I'm real interested in making X, or mollie. Either one, whichever one's cheaper. Anyone got a link to a good guide?
From my understanding isnt X and Molly the same shit?

lol at the op and the question.. not to be a ball buster, but before one attempts an extraction as complex as mdma, they should know what it's called in all it's variations..
and just so that i wasn't a complete debbie downer, there are a few extractions out there for the process, but you need quite a bit of chemistry experience, not to mention a lot of pretty expensive equipment to do so..
and i also know that one of the needed chems for it is closely watched if bought in larger quantities, which really aren't all that large in reality.. there are other chems that can be used as well, but i'm far from a chemist..
i'd suggest maybe checking out bluelight or another like forum for detailed extractions.. :)
lol at the op and the question.. not to be a ball buster, but before one attempts an extraction as complex as mdma, they should know what it's called in all it's variations..
and just so that i wasn't a complete debbie downer, there are a few extractions out there for the process, but you need quite a bit of chemistry experience, not to mention a lot of pretty expensive equipment to do so..
and i also know that one of the needed chems for it is closely watched if bought in larger quantities, which really aren't all that large in reality.. there are other chems that can be used as well, but i'm far from a chemist..
i'd suggest maybe checking out bluelight or another like forum for detailed extractions.. :)

The fact that it's all of that shows me I don't wanna do it :P I just noticed how easy growing shrooms was, so I was wonderin if it was as simple. Obviously not xD
I would guess mdma is just has hard or even harder than LSD.
im sure you need to understand chemicals and have lots of money to get the right equipment.
IMHO not worth it.

Shrooms are grown out in the wild. MDMA doesnt, lol, I think anything that doesnt/cant grow on its own without human help. its not worth it, and not very safe. :P
i could do it, but i dont have the necessary lab or the precursor ingredients. there are plenty of techniques out there but its more of a hassel then its worth.
MDMA is not as hard as LSD - but, you do need tons of controlled substances and extreme lab knowledge - much harder than cooking up meth.. you would need to devote your entire life to it and then you'd be in competition with the mafia and shit.. :(
your not going to make ecstacy

as many have said, the synth is a very tedious and professional process... requiring tonnes of chemistry knowledge, and lab equipment to go with the knowledge... then you need very restricted chemicals before you can even start....

then if you want to make pills you need a very illicit pill press that is very, very costly.

your better off buying MDMA from a local
The pill press is kinda cheap. $150 for a manual press. Couple grand for an automated one. Stick to shrooms you don't have the chem background for this.
Actually, it isn't as hard as LSD synth, there are a variety of different methods and few of the chemicals are actually controled. While it is not a two hour kitchen composition it can be done by novices with the correct equipment and sufficient balls to purchase the precursors and brave some of the gaseous eminations from the process.
Actually, it isn't as hard as LSD synth, there are a variety of different methods and few of the chemicals are actually controled. While it is not a two hour kitchen composition it can be done by novices with the correct equipment and sufficient balls to purchase the precursors and brave some of the gaseous eminations from the process.

what is this guy taking about?
The pill press is kinda cheap. $150 for a manual press. Couple grand for an automated one. Stick to shrooms you don't have the chem background for this.

i think i may have mis spoke, meant to say illegal... illicit/illegal...:? good catch

i couldn't find any specific info but i'm pretty sure you don't want anyone knowing your in possession of one.. even without the required materials for manufacture, a decent press can get you in big big trouble
i have never read the exact procedure for MDMA myself in depth - but, i do remember the steps for LSD and it is incredible - you must be a well studied bio-chemical lab technician.. i imagine that MDMA is similar in complexity and illegality .. at least you would not be raising infected grain all year.. lol..

it is a big endeavor - i would say more than building a house from the ground up by yourself.. years of study + access to an advanced bio-chem lab + access to large amounts of controlled precursor substances.. then, like with LSD, you would have to supply vast numbers of hits to contacts without getting caught or robbed or killed.. to me it sounds like a dangerous life long project.. if all it took to make LSD was 10 years of study and $25,000 then we would have acid everywhere.. i would guess it is more like 15 years of study and $200,000 to get started..
i have never read the exact procedure for MDMA myself in depth - but, i do remember the steps for LSD and it is incredible - you must be a well studied bio-chemical lab technician.. i imagine that MDMA is similar in complexity and illegality .. at least you would not be raising infected grain all year.. lol..

it is a big endeavor - i would say more than building a house from the ground up by yourself.. years of study + access to an advanced bio-chem lab + access to large amounts of controlled precursor substances.. then, like with LSD, you would have to supply vast numbers of hits to contacts without getting caught or robbed or killed.. to me it sounds like a dangerous life long project.. if all it took to make LSD was 10 years of study and $25,000 then we would have acid everywhere.. i would guess it is more like 15 years of study and $200,000 to get started..

Dude, to buy a single gram of Needlepoint retail, you're gonna pay around $25k. LOL..... If you have the right connections you can get it FAR cheaper but we're talking about standard retail here. :p