Anyone know how to make X?

I would guess mdma is just has hard or even harder than LSD.

Not even in the same league. MDMA is like making chocolate chip cookies compared to LSD.

you do need tons of controlled substances and extreme lab knowledge

Not really. Taking Organic Chem I and II in college would easily get you there. You don't need a single controlled substance to make it either. There are as couple of watched precursors though, but with some chemistry knowledge, that could be avoided (or at least any heat from ordering them).

much harder than cooking up meth.. you would need to devote your entire life to it

I devoted two years to chemistry, and I could produce it if I felt like it..

the truth.

Ah.. fucker! lol. You beat me to it! ;-)

i was talking about manufacturing LSD - not simply laying blotter..

You could do it much easier from Cafergot. You would have to seperate the Caffeine from the Ergotamine (Tartrate). From there, theoretically, and less dumbed down, it could go something like this:

  • Ergotamine + NaOH -> Lysergic Acid
  • DEET + NaOH -> Diethylamine
  • Lysergic acid + Diethylamine + peptitde couple reagent -> LSD-25

I don't see $25,000 there by any means.
this isn't my field... but, something i think alot of people have forgot is, if you put the hours in and work hard you can acomplish anything. im not here to tell you that you should, or shouldnt. but think. every single person that is making mdma, do you think that they have schooling for chem under there belt? fuck no. we have the internet now days. put a month of nothing but studying in, borrow some cash from some friends and familly, boom get your hand's dirty. its as hard as you make it. (sorry for the spelling)
^^^^ i rolled hard! totally worth it!

i never wrote a recipe, nor did i say this is the way to do it. i was simpley saying, if you open your mind a little more than what you see or hear around you, that anything is possibe, if i ever chose to do something on this degree, of course things will be planned out a lot more, and prepared.
Because it was a picture that had absolutely no form of relavancy. I try to be lenient with the moderating, but please, keep something on-topic for me to do so.
I'm pretty sure you'd need pharmaceutical pill compressors for that. Maybe if you were to cook crack and while its cooling down add more drugs in to it but that could be highly combustable. I've always wondered the same thing on how to make em I even asked my chemistry teacher one time and all he told me was "I don't do that stuff anymore" lol
Commercial pill presses are:
1) very expensive
2) watched like a motherfucker

To make ecstasy, you would need MDMA, binders, fillers, coloring agents, and a pill press (and die's). Maybe something to use as a coating.. some kind or wax or something.
Commercial pill presses are:
1) very expensive
2) watched like a motherfucker

To make ecstasy, you would need MDMA, binders, fillers, coloring agents, and a pill press (and die's). Maybe something to use as a coating.. some kind or wax or something.

Not to mention dealing with the excipient manufacturers would probably be the easier side of things. :lol:

I love the phrase, 'If you have to ask, you'll never know.'. :D Study yourself, adhere to the scientific method. ;)
I agree on the LSD synth being much harder than MDMA but for someone who really wants to do it I don`t think you can go on about 10 or 15 years or 1000$`s. Of course you would need at least $4000 to get all the gear.

Its like the yogi`s student asking him, master how long will it take to get enlightened if I meditate for 4 hours a day. He replies 5 years. Master he asks, how long will it take if I meditate for 8 hours a day. He replies 10 years.

Dedication matters. I don`t mean to boast but I really belive that if I wanted to do it I could. All the material to do an organic chemistry course would be on the net too.

I simply wont make MDMA or LSD it would be very dangerous and time consuming. You would end up with too much of the stuff for your own good :)
MDMA is a fairly easy synth. But even easy synths can be hard for the inexperienced. Most synths use some pretty heavy reducing agents which deserve a lot of respect. And the easiest way uses mercury which you have to clean out if you aren't trying to poison people. But if you have to ask it's not for you.
First to those who have been calling it an extraction: It is not an extraction it is a synthesis there is a huge difference.

To those who have claimed it is as hard as LSD: LSD is more difficult by leaps and bounds. MDMA isn't that hard you just have to understand organic chemistry and study how other people are doing it.

OP: I'm going to give benefit of the doubt and assume if you don't just drop it you will invest the time to understand the chemistry. Don't prove me wrong!

First thing first if you are in an urban environment forget about it, if something goes wrong (and trust me it will) there are just too many lives at stake. This is the kind of thing that should be done in the middle of nowhere.

Before you try anything you need to have a solid understanding of organic chemistry. Luckily with the internet you can learn most of what you need to know without having to get expensive textbooks. I would, however, recommend getting a copy of Vogel's Textbook of Practical Organic Chemistry and something like Purification of Laboratory Chemicals by Wilfred L.F. Armarego. (Lots of basic info available here) (This site is part of the above list but the links don't work anymore.)

Once you have a basic understanding of Ochemistry you going to want a copy of Otto Snow's Love Drugs and Strike's Total Synthesis. You will also want to check out the rhodium archive to see how other bees had been doing it in years past. Keep an eye out and you should be able to find a new hive to get you started. If you already have a good understanding of Ochemistry they will welcome you with open arms.

The equipment and chemicals shouldn't be a problem if you are sly and understand Ochemistry enough to work around banned precursors and provide plausible excuses for purchasing the chemicals you need. I won't go into detail as to how the magic happens. The two books on the topic should give you enough of a hint to get off the ground.

Make sure you have the basic safety equipment installed and tested before even thinking about getting anything else. Fume hoods, eyewash stations, and emergency showers are not optional! Neither are spill kits and proper cabinets for chemical storage. A fire detection/suppression system is also a must IMO. You don't want to risk burning to death, starting a wild fire, or having the fire dept. poking around your drug lab. There are plenty of other pieces of safety equipment that are needed. Those just seem like they can easily be overlooked.

Even if you have to save up for it get a very good analytical balance for dosing. It's better to just spend the money and get one that will be accurate enough for any chemical you could possibly wish to synthesize and ingest.

Don't forget that cheaper and more durable plastics and metals can sometimes be used in place of glassware.

If you want pills just get some gel-caps. They work just as well IMHO and they don't watch them like pill presses.

Finally I'd like to remind everyone that great people like Strike are doing hard time because they got greedy and started dealing. Only make enough to use and give away to the people you implicitly trust.
I think they're about the same thing, but when I referred to X I meant pressed pills, and mollie can be powder as well I think.

I was always taught that X is MDMA along with other drugs (usually unknown from my experiences) and Molly was pure MDMA. Maybe I am wrong. Idk. But recently after buying some "X" I have had 3 incredibly horrible trips. One sending me to the hospital. Turns out there was PCP in it and I also have a idiosyncratic drug reaction to MDMA. Basically the reason I have had good roll times was because there was less MDMA in it and more of other drugs. Anything close to Molly or pure MDMA will send my body into a crazy reaction and I will start to die. I don't play around with it anymore cause it's a TOTAL guessing game around here in Florida. But anywho just wanted to share my little story :P:hug:
X is pretty much always laced akaik.. 'molly' can be pure and i believe the term mostly refers to powder since it has not been corrupted into 'X' pills..