Anyone know how to make X?

What the enlightened people say here happens to be the truth (I don't know about the eye wash station though). It is possible to do what you need to do in a residential setting but there is a partiular step in a particular protocol that involves a highly toxic and corrosive gas that must be bubbled through a particular solution. Without a hood, you do it outside. If you do it outside lots of folks will be wondering exactly what the hell you are doing and why.
I wouldn't want to work in a lab without an eyewash station. It's not safety first in a lab, it's safety first through tenth at least. I've seen two people with PhDs in chemistry get stuff in their eyes. Going blind doesn't sound like fun to me.
I wouldn't want to work in a lab without an eyewash station. It's not safety first in a lab, it's safety first through tenth at least. I've seen two people with PhDs in chemistry get stuff in their eyes. Going blind doesn't sound like fun to me.

Well I never work without eye protection of the first order, I am sure you are correct but we have to draw the line somewhere when we are doing any garage sort of endeavors and can't put out money for each and every convenience comparable to professional labs.
Kaylacelestial said:
I was always taught that X is MDMA along with other drugs (usually unknown from my experiences) and Molly was pure MDMA.
Unless you do testing you have no idea what a drug is. Doesn't matter what your dealer calls it. Generally speaking x is in pill form and molly is crystalline. However, there is no regulation so in reality it's whatever gets shoved in your hand.

Well I never work without eye protection of the first order, I am sure you are correct but we have to draw the line somewhere when we are doing any garage sort of endeavors and can't put out money for each and every convenience comparable to professional labs.

Eye wash is not a convenience and it can cost less then a decent set of glassware for distillation. The faucet mount eyewash stations can cost less then $50. Portable gravity fed is not much more. Even those saline bottle stations are better then nothing. I've seen those go for less then $30.
i don't know if i have ever heard of an X pill that was pure MDMA - there is almost always a kick of some other drug..
i don't know if i have ever heard of an X pill that was pure MDMA - there is almost always a kick of some other drug..

Most street chemicals are impure period (actually all chemicals are impure it would be more proper to say most street chemicals are not nearly pure enough for consumption IMO). Purification always results in a loss of product. Economic factors are often the driving force for commercial production of drugs. Without any regulation in place they have little reason to even purify the product let alone not try and cut it with things like caffeine. Doesn't matter if it's a pill, powder, or crystal. A lot of "molly" that I've seen is falls into the category of visibly impure ie. not clear crystals. Pressed MDMA pills need binders to hold together so that's an omnipresent impurity.

Noting is pure, and pressed MDMA pills need inactive binders. However in 2010, according to Ecstasy Data, 44 pills tested that year had MDMA as the only active ingredient.

Behold pills with MDMA as the only active ingredient.
from wiki -

"Ecstasy pills are frequently mixed with other drugs along with MDMA (abbreviation of 3,4-methylenedioxy-N-methylamphetamine the chemical name of Ecstasy) or don't even contain MDMA at all. MDA, MDEA, amphetamine, methylamphetamine, BZP, TFMPP, caffeine, ephedrine, pseudoephedrine, and dextromethorphan (DXM) are all commonly found in pills being sold as ecstasy. More uncommon drugs in ecstasy include diphenhydramine, acetaminophen, 5-MeO-DiPT, 2C-B, procaine, and PCP. Pharmaceutical pill are sometimes sold as ecstasy, as well as pills that contain no psychoactive chemicals at all. PMA is sometimes sold as ecstasy.
[citation needed] There is one published case where an Ecstasy tablet contained 8 mg of Strychnine, a toxic alkaloid."

sorry to be on the bummer side of this - but, i am on meds that block the effect of x so i have never even tried it by itself.. i just know what i have read and that is pills are virtually never just x.. it makes me sad.. if we could get pot legal then MDMA would be my closest second chemical to legalize medicinally and maybe even recreation one day if there is a completely safe way to dose pure MDMA..
Every ecstasy pill is based off of something. Coke, Heroin, etc. (from what I've heard, just hear-say).
I've had pure mdma pressed pills, their very popular in holland were you can legally get them tested for saftey.. in the states and pretty much the rest of the world their a little harder to come by, but you can get them, but I like the speed mixed ones (last longer) and the caffine mixed (hits harder and faster) ones the best. better than pure.. but thats just my opinion.
Every ecstasy pill is based off of something. Coke, Heroin, etc. (from what I've heard, just hear-say).
They're not. You would need to put a huge amount of coke or dope in a pill to do anything. That's a myth that was disproved in the nineties. The common non-MDMA/MDA ingredients are other psychedelics, amphetamines, mimics like pipes, or plain old absolutely nothing. Many people think pure MDMA feels like a dopey pill because they're so used to getting pills with amphetamines in them.
They're not. You would need to put a huge amount of coke or dope in a pill to do anything. That's a myth that was disproved in the nineties. The common non-MDMA/MDA ingredients are other psychedelics, amphetamines, mimics like pipes, or plain old absolutely nothing. Many people think pure MDMA feels like a dopey pill because they're so used to getting pills with amphetamines in them.

I've tested some positive for cocaine, methamphetamine, amphetamine, and caffine. back in the late 90's and early 2000's. lucky for me i've never gotten a pipe.
I've never had a pill test for coke. I actually like caffiene as an adulterant and have taken many clean pills or molly with a caffeinated beverage.
I've had pills test for pipes but have never consumed one, thankfully.
I'm aware of Strikes books, I haven't read them but the synths are supposed to be good. I'd rather have a working knowledge of retrosynthetic analysis, a copy of Vogel's, and access to an academic library. Oh that's right I do.
Strike recommends some sources in that book, one of them was his. DO NOT USE THEM OR YOU WILL GO TO JAIL!!!!!!
I'm aware of Strikes books, I haven't read them but the synths are supposed to be good. I'd rather have a working knowledge of retrosynthetic analysis, a copy of Vogel's, and access to an academic library. Oh that's right I do.
Strike recommends some sources in that book, one of them was his. DO NOT USE THEM OR YOU WILL GO TO JAIL!!!!!!

Haha I don't plan on using them but they're interesting to try and understand.
Unless you do testing you have no idea what a drug is. Doesn't matter what your dealer calls it. Generally speaking x is in pill form and molly is crystalline. However, there is no regulation so in reality it's whatever gets shoved in your hand.

Eye wash is not a convenience and it can cost less then a decent set of glassware for distillation. The faucet mount eyewash stations can cost less then $50. Portable gravity fed is not much more. Even those saline bottle stations are better then nothing. I've seen those go for less then $30.

Next pass, if there is one, I will look into it, and thank you for your concern for my vision. The portable one would work where there is no plumbing, my situation.
MDMA can be tricky to create. You might find it easier to make MDA or MDE. Which are very similar. If you can't find directions to make it i'll email you a link
MDMA can be tricky to create. You might find it easier to make MDA or MDE. Which are very similar. If you can't find directions to make it i'll email you a link

I'm interested in that, can you PM it to me? I'm just wondering if I can make anything good besides shrooms, doesn't have to necessarily be X.
You might want to look into DMT extraction.
[A]ll of the teks out there boil down to the same process: Extract DMT into an aqueous solution, collect DMT as the freebase in a nonpolar solvent, then recover the freebase as a solid. All of the differences between teks are just differences in purification techniques. And depending on your starting material and available chemicals, the purification steps in any given tek may not suit your extraction. Which is why I've written the following extraction overview, so the extractor can chart a plan of attack that best suits their extracting conditions. I'm not going to go into mundane detail on accomplishing any particular step, just give enough information that someone acquainted with basic extraction processes could easily accomplish it. This level of detail is covered thoroughly in the teks.