9 bulbs? My Quantum runs on even numbers. If one bulb goes out the adjacent bulb does not light. I have to use even numbers.
FYI I checked Quantum's site about a week ago, still no spectral photos
I think you may have misunderstood. I was saying using the pr0fesseur's system, I have an 8 bulb array. When switching from VEG to BLOOM the pr0fesseur says to only swap out the 75.25 bulb for another RED SUN. So in addition to the 8 bulbs used for VEG (FUJI/BLU/RED/FUJI/75.25/BLU/RED/FUJI) , only swapping out the 75.25 for a RED SUN for BLOOM means you only need the additional RED SUN. 8 + 1 = 9 total bulbs needed, with 8 used at any given time.