LED Without LEDs -My First T5 Grow

9 bulbs? My Quantum runs on even numbers. If one bulb goes out the adjacent bulb does not light. I have to use even numbers.

FYI I checked Quantum's site about a week ago, still no spectral photos


I think you may have misunderstood. I was saying using the pr0fesseur's system, I have an 8 bulb array. When switching from VEG to BLOOM the pr0fesseur says to only swap out the 75.25 bulb for another RED SUN. So in addition to the 8 bulbs used for VEG (FUJI/BLU/RED/FUJI/75.25/BLU/RED/FUJI) , only swapping out the 75.25 for a RED SUN for BLOOM means you only need the additional RED SUN. 8 + 1 = 9 total bulbs needed, with 8 used at any given time.
what i was getting at really is that in my experience with the t-12 lights at least, is that if you fire a VHO bulb at a lower wattage it will last longer than it's lower wattage counterpart. I have not tried or looked into under driving the t-5 VHO's though.
Aquarium bulbs are typically V-HO meaning typically you dont overdrive them unless you have a very deep tank...36"+ basically in theory anyways you can overdrive any T5 but the aquarium bulbs are designed to be overdriven not underdriven.... physically speaking there is no real difference in VHO/HO bulbs except the ballasts and the ignitor!! most bulbs that require ballasts can be overdriven to some degree... just as most cpu's can be overclocked... sure youll shorten its lifespan or void the warranty ... but in the long run will you notice an extra 100W or so in growth probably not...
VHO bulbs deinately are better quality both in CRI and phosphors used!
Having 1 light fixture you can use for both veg AND bloom makes more sense to me.! especially since you only have to change out one or two tubes @ a time...
Well the RED SUNSs are on backorder again, should be in next week. They asked if I wanted to substitute a Giesemann Fiji Pink. I took a look at that bulb and said NO!!! It doesn't appear to be anything like the RED SUN (or Red Life, whatever).
Hello everyone! hope the hurricane didnt do too much damage and everyone is safe!

SO i have harvested and dried 66.25g off my Kandy Kush!!
Thanks for everyones support and i will be starting my new crop in a month or so!
I will be here helping others and supporting further experimentation!
Im not going anywhere and this thread will stay open for everyone who is interested in my work!
remember these guys selling lights only know what they do for fish... For tropical fish red makes the fish color "POP" like blacklight on white..
This is a picture of a beautiful REEF aquarium with fuji purple bulbs.. with actinic super blue and fuji purple.
Stands to reason that the living coral is VERY healthy with this combination.. it seems to be a popular trend among aquarium enthusiasts to keep their coral healthy..
Growing coral is MUCH more difficult than plants IMHO!!
Not to mention the reason water is BLUE is not because it reflects blue light but because it absorbs red-Infrared light. the colder something is the more energy it absorbs including LIGHT! so for example since light is absorbed and refracted by water the corals living @ the bottom of the tank being PLANTS! in essence yes theyre animals but they absorb light because they have a great symbiosis with zooxanthellae hope i spelled that right! so these zooxanthellae need an abundance of light to support the soft bodied corals! i bet 1$ that these aquarium lights have a better canopy penetration than any HID on the market! if it can penetrate up to 3' of water it can penetrate through 1 foot of foliage!
Hey Prof, so I'm watching the science channel. A show about light in our universe. They say radio waves, sound waves, and microwaves are forms of infrared light. We can't see infrared light because the wave forms are so stretched out. This is caused by the universe expanding. Anyway One thing I gather from this is that could this be a reason for why plants like music so much.......?
here's my update pics guys. Please feel free to read my journal, thank you


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Hey pr0f--

Great thread, loving this stuff. I have a couple questions regarding a specific arrangement, if anyone wants to input on it:

My situation is this, I just bought a T-5 8-bulb setup and it came with 8 6500k AgroMax bulbs.

I WAS going to buy all new bulbs, but it is awfully painful for the pocket book right now, so I'd like to apply the 6500k veg bulbs at least.

What would you recommend for a flowering bulb line-up, given the use of the 6500k bulbs for veg?

Basically I'm wondering if there's an easy way I can get away with combining some of the red spectrum bulbs mentioned (like the Red Sun) with the already-purchased 6500k agromax bulbs for a flowering arrangement... or would I need to replace the 6500k's all together for flowering?

Hey pr0f--

Great thread, loving this stuff. I have a couple questions regarding a specific arrangement, if anyone wants to input on it:

My situation is this, I just bought a T-5 8-bulb setup and it came with 8 6500k AgroMax bulbs.

I WAS going to buy all new bulbs, but it is awfully painful for the pocket book right now, so I'd like to apply the 6500k veg bulbs at least.

What would you recommend for a flowering bulb line-up, given the use of the 6500k bulbs for veg?

Basically I'm wondering if there's an easy way I can get away with combining some of the red spectrum bulbs mentioned (like the Red Sun) with the already-purchased 6500k agromax bulbs for a flowering arrangement... or would I need to replace the 6500k's all together for flowering?


Im sorry to tell you that those bulbs have poor PAR however you could buy @ the very least 2 Fuji purps OR two Actinics in there.
let me make this clearer
RED SUN bulbs "AUGMENT" the light you provide you cant just add the red suns and expect results..... you want better flowering bulbs your going to HAVE to replace ALL your bulbs... theres just no way around it...
Think of it like cooking you cant use one ingredient to make pie now can you? what i suggest is to send that fixture back and get one without bulbs and save $$$$ by not getting them in the first place. if they gave them to you for free you still paid too much.(they were included in the purchase price) .. you cant and wont get ANY results using those bulbs >p e r i o d.<
I paid around 300 on my fixture and bulbs if you cant afford that @ least buy 4 bulbs 2 fujis and 2 actinics.. NOW and when you flower add 2 more red suns then when you can buy 2 additional bulbs a 451 and a 75.25... UVL with internal reflectors please :)
I did review a red wave bulb thos MAY replace fujis but have far too much FAR red than id like to see.
Hey Prof, so I'm watching the science channel. A show about light in our universe. They say radio waves, sound waves, and microwaves are forms of infrared light. We can't see infrared light because the wave forms are so stretched out. This is caused by the universe expanding. Anyway One thing I gather from this is that could this be a reason for why plants like music so much.......?
? sorry i have to stop you..with an UM NO...
They are ALL part of the EM spectrum
@ least buy 4 bulbs 2 fujis and 2 actinics.. NOW and when you flower add 2 more red suns then when you can buy 2 additional bulbs a 451 and a 75.25... UVL with internal reflectors please :)
I did review a red wave bulb thos MAY replace fujis but have far too much FAR red than id like to see.
ITS ALL ABOUT THE PAR PAR PAR PAR PARView attachment 1764249damn echo

A bit of confusion again - I have the 8 bulb, you advised 3 Fiji / 1 454 / 1 420 Super Actinic / 3 RED SUN for bloom. The 75.25 was for veg, replaced for bloom with the 3rd RED SUN.
Here you have advised 2 FIJI / 2 Super Actinic / 2 RED SUN / a 451 (is that 454???) / 75.25 for Flower.

So is the "extra" Super Actinic preferable to a 3rd FIJI ? And I thought the 75.25 was replaced with a RED SUN for Flower/Bloom stage.

Please clear this up for all the 8 bulb users, thanks!
Wow. Now I'm confused.


1. Do you have an 8 bulb fixture? I see now- 8 bulb. Me too.
2. Are you starting from scratch?
3. It sounds like you want to know which 4 bulbs for veg + 4 for flower?

I use half my Quantum during veg. Checking the aquarium specialty www, it looks like the 75.25 & Fiji compliment each other to flesh out the blues. I'm thinking 2 of each, alternating them should bath your young- uns in beautiful blue light.

During flower I think you keep one 75.25 on each half of your fixture

If Pr0ff agrees, I will replace my Quantum 2700s with the above set up, but only because in over 2 months of asking, Quantum has still not posted the spectral graphs. That said, my 3 week old plants are looking very healthy
Questions for the pr0f:

(1) Where did you get the output spectrum for the Fiji?
(2) Do you know what the initial output of the Fiji is in lumens?

Wow. Now I'm confused.


1. Do you have an 8 bulb fixture? I see now- 8 bulb. Me too.
2. Are you starting from scratch?
3. It sounds like you want to know which 4 bulbs for veg + 4 for flower?

I use half my Quantum during veg. Checking the aquarium specialty www, it looks like the 75.25 & Fiji compliment each other to flesh out the blues. I'm thinking 2 of each, alternating them should bath your young- uns in beautiful blue light.

During flower I think you keep one 75.25 on each half of your fixture

If Pr0ff agrees, I will replace my Quantum 2700s with the above set up, but only because in over 2 months of asking, Quantum has still not posted the spectral graphs. That said, my 3 week old plants are looking very healthy

He just told me a few posts ago what to do. But I use all 8 lights all the time.

He told me FIJI/RED/BLUE1/RED-(Bloom) or 75.25-(VEG)/FIJI/RED/BLUE2/FIJI where RED=RED SUN, BLUE1=Super Actinic, BLUE2=454. The 75.25 is for VEG, swapped out with a RED SUN for BLOOM. So 3 FIJI, 3 RED SUN or 2 RED SUN and 1 75.25, 1 Super Actinic, 1 454.

But he seems to have told you to use an additional Super Actinic instead of a 3rd FIJI. Thus my confusion.