The Truth About Ron Paul - Part 2


Well-Known Member
"uh oh someone dosent agree with my world view, they must be racist, cause the glorious leader is colored"-- duke anthony, lives in a van


Well-Known Member
I wonder just how many more pages of useless banter you can rack up UB? Ten, twenty,maybe thirty? Sky's the limit.
fun fact: less than 0.00032 of voters chose paul in 2008.

some revolution :lol:

ya know who got more votes? this guy:

obama faced off this guy, he shellacked him by over 2 to 1.

so let's see....obama>keyes>paul. by transitivity of loser, obama>paul. :lol:


Well-Known Member
fun fact: less than 0.00032 of voters chose paul in 2008.

some revolution :lol:

ya know who got more votes? this guy:

obama faced off this guy, he shellacked him by over 2 to 1.

so let's see....obama>keyes>paul. by transitivity of loser, obama>paul. :lol:
I'm willing to bet your going to eat those words come next year. :)


Well-Known Member
you think paul stands any chance at getting the nomination?

yawn. too easy.
the nwhy do spend so much time discrediting ron paul, you sure spend alot of energy for it being so easy

and oh no so when are they gonna come search my house for evidence? when did they say they'll get back to you, in fact give me the link and ill go enter a complaint against myself too


Well-Known Member
the nwhy do spend so much time discrediting ron paul, you sure spend alot of energy for it being so easy

and oh no so when are they gonna come search my house for evidence? when did they say they'll get back to you, in fact give me the link and ill go enter a complaint against myself too
i spend time discrediting ron paul because it drives you cult worshippers INSANE.

and i hate people that violate turtles.


Well-Known Member
i spend time discrediting ron paul because it drives you cult worshippers INSANE.

and i hate people that violate turtles.
if it drives us insane, why is you have to resort to threats of the FEC and post sexual advances on my profile instead of responding to the points i have made?


Well-Known Member
if it drives us insane, why is you have to resort to threats of the FEC and post sexual advances on my profile instead of responding to the points i have made?
i did. a million times.

ron paul wrote a bill specifically targeting gays, calling their lifestyle "unacceptable".

and ron paul could be related to hitler. we have never seen his birth certificate. where is it? why does he hide it?


Well-Known Member
i did. a million times.

ron paul wrote a bill specifically targeting gays, calling their lifestyle "unacceptable".

and ron paul could be related to hitler. we have never seen his birth certificate. where is it? why does he hide it?

no you cant just say that, prove it, linguistically? you cant i have demonstrated that, nest point......


New Member
Lew Rockwell talks about Ron Paul on anti-war radio today:


Active Member
Ron Paul gets elected President and gets his way:

Thank you, now I can purchase every gas station in all medium sized markets. Bump up the price and rape you blind. What are you going to do? Nothing, because I now own them all.

Since I still have billions left I think I will purchase all the local utility companies also......... you figure out what happens next... mhuhahahahaa

Since dumbass Bill Clinton already signed the telecom bill and I own all the media in your area who are you going to complain to?

Etc.. etc..etc.... list goes on and on. It still amazes me that the average Full blown Libertarian citizen actually thinks all this crap would actually help. They are partially correct, it will help people already in position to take advantage of the situation. Your position in life will not improve except for the fact you could smoke more cannabis, legally, so as to drown your tears because your ass now hurts more than ever.
Stupid, ignorant people.

Total deregulation is retarded, period. :hump:

Pro cannabis = good
Anti war = good

total deregulation = rape for the common citizen


Well-Known Member
i did. a million times.

ron paul wrote a bill specifically targeting gays, calling their lifestyle "unacceptable".

and ron paul could be related to hitler. we have never seen his birth certificate. where is it? why does he hide it?
Can you provide a link to this? I have been searching and searching and all I can find is the liberal anti-paul websites (by searching for your quote) and very vague details on the MPA. That act has been shot down and reintroduced so many times that I would like validation.

Godwin's law is almost as factual as evolution...


Well-Known Member
Willyßagseed;6175648 said:
Ron Paul gets elected President and gets his way:

Thank you, now I can purchase every gas station in all medium sized markets. Bump up the price and rape you blind. What are you going to do? Nothing, because I now own them all.

Since I still have billions left I think I will purchase all the local utility companies also......... you figure out what happens next... mhuhahahahaa

Since dumbass Bill Clinton already signed the telecom bill and I own all the media in your area who are you going to complain to?

Etc.. etc..etc.... list goes on and on. It still amazes me that the average Full blown Libertarian citizen actually thinks all this crap would actually help. They are partially correct, it will help people already in position to take advantage of the situation. Your position in life will not improve except for the fact you could smoke more cannabis, legally, so as to drown your tears because your ass now hurts more than ever.
Stupid, ignorant people.

Total deregulation is retarded, period. :hump:
but you just described things that are happening right now? dont you know what standard oil is or who the rockefellers where? they are the result of federal intervention in the market which allowed monopolies to form, with a centralized power structure we are more likely to have our regulations influenced by those big money entities, now if we have more power left to the state the state would have al regulatory power over those very entities of which you speak, meaning they would have to buy out at the state level making it more expensive for them to influence our society in the same manner they do now.

you see the regulations we have now dont protect small businesses they run them our of business and make it so that the small business or entrepeneur cannot compete in the market place, our societal engineers are building a world where you will work at mcdonalds law firm,

Full blown libertariansim is ridiculous anyways, we need ronpaul in the presidency because he will stop this ridiculousness where our governmentis overstepping its constitutional limitations, that is the problem with our economy, our government is to big to support, we have to many government workers and not enough private sector jobs, we need federal deregulation and allow states to shoulder their own governing, no one is saying regulation, we are not Ayn Rand supporters, we are saying domestic policies that make sense, this means dont bomb and rebuild foreign countries, focus on developing the united states of america, because only through improving our own economy and infrastructure will we be able to once again help the rest of the world,

we have not been a responsible member of this world, and we must change our ways before we destroy our planet and our future, the only way to do this is take the reigns of our destiny from those puppets in DC that have lost touch with the citizens they represent, and put those reigns back in the hands of the states, so you dont have to fly across the country to let your representatives know what you think in person.


Well-Known Member
Willyßagseed;6175648 said:
Ron Paul gets elected President and gets his way:

Thank you, now I can purchase every gas station in all medium sized markets. Bump up the price and rape you blind. What are you going to do? Nothing, because I now own them all.

Since I still have billions left I think I will purchase all the local utility companies also......... you figure out what happens next... mhuhahahahaa

Since dumbass Bill Clinton already signed the telecom bill and I own all the media in your area who are you going to complain to?

Etc.. etc..etc.... list goes on and on. It still amazes me that the average Full blown Libertarian citizen actually thinks all this crap would actually help. They are partially correct, it will help people already in position to take advantage of the situation. Your position in life will not improve except for the fact you could smoke more cannabis, legally, so as to drown your tears because your ass now hurts more than ever.
Stupid, ignorant people.

Total deregulation is retarded, period. :hump:

Pro cannabis = good
Anti war = good

total deregulation = rape for the common citizen
Actually if you look over history monopolies are created by government intervention. It takes the oppression of law to keep people from popping up the competition. I mean seriously, the anti-regulation argument is the ignorant one; just look at sugar quotas.

You could go ahead and buy all the gas stations. Go ahead, jack up the price on gas. Meanwhile, I'd build a station directly in the middle of two of yours, plummet the price of gas and raise the price of food in the store. Bet you I'd win out :)

The true consumer rape is coming from government price controls that are preventing businesses from doing things like that. Of course in a regulated economy you (the monopoly) would simply lobby the local government to put a limit on how many gas stations can be in a certain area thus preventing me from ever starting. See how that works?