Prove to you There's a God?


Active Member
Atheists today are much more complex and diverse than that poster makes them out to be. I never understood the atheist/christian feud, though, so explain.
I've spent time studying Hindu in Indonesia. Let me say it is a VERY refreshing religion/culture. The idea of thousands of gods im assuming hasnt crossed anyones mind. In America, the atheists I know were all raised christian. They also went from being christian, jumping directly to atheism.
When they were old enough to think for themselves, they thought of the bible as a storybook. As in, just another lie they were told as kids..... Now, whenever I encounter an "atheist", they tend to get upset quickly when speaking about Christians. I ALWAYS ask why they seem upset, and I ALWAYS get a similar response. Eventually, the person will start talking down to me as if I were a child, or of little importance. Christians are so stupid, right?
It's until I mention other religions when the tone of voice becomes normal again, and the person is suddenly showing signs of intrigue. My question then is, whats to be mad about? Many atheists these days seem to be mad at God! If not Hi
, than they must be mad at the generations of their families who were christian. No?

If you aren't mad, simple, you aren't atheist. However, I'd love to meet an atheist (in person) who is content enough with their beliefs, NOT to push them upon christians. (Won't happen). Not to sound biased...My atheist relative in his sixties thinks that Im wasting time talking to muslims and buddhists, but he's a lonely old fuck. A speck of shit on this planet. The people I've met here in Asia are much more satisfied with life, especially at old age than ANY American of any religion. In my eyes, these people are proof of Gods existence. Really, all I needed was a little insight.

Learning about culture and human lifestyle is huge for me. I'm interested in knowing why Atheists are so concerned with Christianity. That particular God may not exist to you, but instead of ending all possibility, maybe you should travel a little. Get to know the world you live in, maybe get to know yourself. Bring some weed.

Civil responses welcomed.


Well-Known Member
You ain't proving shit or I would see your evidence as legit and I'd know the messiah hasn't come yet. So quit saying you've shown me proof Jesus isn't real. Actually show me and fuck off with your opinions about him.
You realise if Jesus was real,he wouldn't associate with a bigoted,narrow-minded and generally unpleasant person like you? You are the exact opposite to the person you worship and what he you feel fucking stupid now.

If Jesus arrived on this Earth now he'd tell you to stfu cos youre embarrassing him.

Btw,I love how the onus of proof gets passed to the people not spouting fairy stories and religious bile and how Mr BAC can just use the Bible as proof of itself.



Well-Known Member
The holy bible.
Well, its not too hard to explain why it doesn't make sense to you. The old testament doesn't have Jesus's words in it, and the new testament does and it also says that anything without Jesus in it is completely false and is ment to deceive you because it is of the anti christs.
a lot of people say they are the son of god, or god, nowadays. what makes them any different than jesus? because people believed it we should just take it as fact?


Well-Known Member
Atheists today are much more complex and diverse than that poster makes them out to be. I never understood the atheist/christian feud, though, so explain.
I've spent time studying Hindu in Indonesia. Let me say it is a VERY refreshing religion/culture. The idea of thousands of gods im assuming hasnt crossed anyones mind. In America, the atheists I know were all raised christian. They also went from being christian, jumping directly to atheism.
When they were old enough to think for themselves, they thought of the bible as a storybook. As in, just another lie they were told as kids..... Now, whenever I encounter an "atheist", they tend to get upset quickly when speaking about Christians. I ALWAYS ask why they seem upset, and I ALWAYS get a similar response. Eventually, the person will start talking down to me as if I were a child, or of little importance. Christians are so stupid, right?
It's until I mention other religions when the tone of voice becomes normal again, and the person is suddenly showing signs of intrigue. My question then is, whats to be mad about? Many atheists these days seem to be mad at God! If not Hi
, than they must be mad at the generations of their families who were christian. No?

If you aren't mad, simple, you aren't atheist. However, I'd love to meet an atheist (in person) who is content enough with their beliefs, NOT to push them upon christians. (Won't happen). Not to sound biased...My atheist relative in his sixties thinks that Im wasting time talking to muslims and buddhists, but he's a lonely old fuck. A speck of shit on this planet. The people I've met here in Asia are much more satisfied with life, especially at old age than ANY American of any religion. In my eyes, these people are proof of Gods existence. Really, all I needed was a little insight.

Learning about culture and human lifestyle is huge for me. I'm interested in knowing why Atheists are so concerned with Christianity. That particular God may not exist to you, but instead of ending all possibility, maybe you should travel a little. Get to know the world you live in, maybe get to know yourself. Bring some weed.

Civil responses welcomed.
i dont like christianity because that is the religion that affects my life the most.


Well-Known Member
You ain't proving shit or I would see your evidence as legit and I'd know the messiah hasn't come yet. So quit saying you've shown me proof Jesus isn't real. Actually show me and fuck off with your opinions about him.
even if evidence is legit, that does not mean you would automatically see it as truth. if you hold another truth(as you see it) closer to your heart, you will tend to side with the previously held belief as opposed to the new one.

sorry if i didnt see it, but where is your proof that he existed? if its already been said, a post number will do just fine.
the burden of proof is ALWAYS on those stating a claim. if it cannot be proved, it cannot be used as proof, or evidence to support your ideas.
otherwise i could say i believe there is a big blue whale that flies around in the sky. you cant see him or feel him, and he doesnt interact with our reality in any way. but i know he is there because this book that this guy wrote told me. there is no reason for you to believe me, but should you just accept it as truth because i believe it?


Well-Known Member
Ahh stfu, your an atheist. Gtfo.
Quit mentioning God, your not looking for rep.
Lame ass athiests with nothing better to do then bother people with hope.

EDIT:I gotta say that not believing is one thing, and purposely starting a topic to make fun of someone else for believing and trying to convince them to stop believing is the wrose.
I agree. Everybody wanted to make fun of me because I believe that CookieMonster is invisibly running the world and he shows up on seasame street where he forced them to invent puppets that wouldn't make him look so strange. They have no right to make fun of you and I for our equally valid beliefs.

Cookies and milk



Well-Known Member
Hey all believers why don't we stop replying? Let them win, we believe they are ignorant becausethey don't believe god and majority of atheists are just gonna make fun of us so no more replies and then the arguments and name calling will stop.


Well-Known Member
Hey all believers why don't we stop replying? Let them win, we believe they are ignorant becausethey don't believe god and majority of atheists are just gonna make fun of us so no more replies and then the arguments and name calling will stop.
why would you say we are ignorant because we dont believe in god? the religious are the ones that use the bible as evidence lol


Well-Known Member
Hey all believers why don't we stop replying? Let them win, we believe they are ignorant becausethey don't believe god and majority of atheists are just gonna make fun of us so no more replies and then the arguments and name calling will stop.
Yep, that's the way to get to the truth, ignore anyone that is critical or tries to get you to examine your own beliefs and eliminate cognitive biases. :roll:

El Superbeasto

Active Member
Why don't you stop replying. The op called out atheists. Here I am.

Atheists believe in what we can see and touch. Christians believe in talking snakes, and bearded men in the sky, and fantasies of angels and afterlives in heaven. Who's ignorant?

Hey all believers why don't we stop replying? Let them win, we believe they are ignorant becausethey don't believe god and majority of atheists are just gonna make fun of us so no more replies and then the arguments and name calling will stop.