Prove to you There's a God?


Well-Known Member
Christ is the one who said he was God because he had the father in him, and he in the father.
Christ said he was God before he did his Godly works, it was propesized that he would be born in the year that he did.
And he did in fact do some things that it would take science forever to prove.
How the hell is science going to prove how God brought someone back to life without using herbs, electricity, and other scientific tools?

You really think they would call the scriptures holy if some random dude named jack convinced a bunch of dudes to write about Jesus?
Do you think the bible would of survived as Jesus's words of eternal life over thousands of years without someone saying, btw its just a story?

Come on, don't be retarded. It would be a mythical fairy tale like the greek gods.
hercules did many wondrous things of great strength ( some show to be ridiculously impossible like lifting the earth)

why do you disbelieve that over the story of jesus (which seems to be true in some respects but not necessarily in all respects)


Well-Known Member
personally i just experimented with out of body experiences (astral travel)

it was pretty illuminating on the nature of the soul and the afterlife (As well as of my own nature)

why trust the word of dead dudes (and living dudes you find bit ignorant and closeminded to say the least..)

over my own experience?

all doors are open to those that seek, thats the word on enlightenmentstreet.


Well-Known Member
hercules did many wondrous things of great strength ( some show to be ridiculously impossible like lifting the earth)

why do you disbelieve that over the story of jesus (which seems to be true in some respects but not necessarily in all respects)
Because that hercules shits stupid?


Well-Known Member
personally i just experimented with out of body experiences (astral travel)

it was pretty illuminating on the nature of the soul and the afterlife (As well as of my own nature)

why trust the word of dead dudes (and living dudes you find bit ignorant and closeminded to say the least..)

over my own experience?

all doors are open to those that seek, thats the word on enlightenmentstreet.
Dead dudes? The dude who found out cigarettes cause cancer is dead, why should I believe him?
Dead dudes everywhere saying we killing native americans to become the US.
Why believe them? because its written down and no one called bullshit.


Well-Known Member
I hope you become born again Christian so we can laugh at everyone whos in hell. Maybe God will have a super high definition TV with all the athiests screaming in pain, while we enjoy a high uncomparable to smoking weed on earth.
That sounds like pride to me.


Well-Known Member
People tend to listen when someone calls bullshit on an important matter. Heaven and hell for eternity is as important as it gets, and in all seriousness that why I believe it. Because if Jesus wasn't alive the documents stating what he did and said would of been called a myth as soon as the book was written.


Well-Known Member
Why believe them? because its written down and no one called bullshit.

but plenty of people have called bullshit on religion and christianity as well.


Well-Known Member
so whats the number one reason that you believe? how did you come to religion?
To be accepted by my creater after all the bs that I've done.
I came to religion after being locked up in juvenile hall with nothing to do.
I read the bible with all of my spare time and it started making sense. Then I found out the old testament is bullshit which made the bible make even more sense. Then after meeting athiests and other people with different religions it became clear that their intention was to manipulate me as anti-christs.


Well-Known Member
Why believe them? because its written down and no one called bullshit.

but plenty of people have called bullshit on religion and christianity as well.
Not at the time it was written. Anyone who calls bullshit now is an anti christ. Its too late to correct things if it was false(which its not).


Well-Known Member
I now know that anyone who isn't christian isn't trustworthy. Not even family members are trustworthy because they don't have the son in them.


Well-Known Member
If you can't trust your friends(who are athiest) with your girlfriend then maybe you shouldn't be friends with an athiest.
If your girlfriends athiest, then your fucked.


Well-Known Member
If you can't trust your friends(who are athiest) with your girlfriend then maybe you shouldn't be friends with an athiest.
If your girlfriends athiest, then your fucked.
Which an other good reason why I stay christian, and try to spread the christianity. To have a happier life on earth, and then hopefully be accepted into heaven.

Captain X

22 pages in 2 days? dont the 40 other threads with the same title cover this subject with the same 10 people giving the same lame responses....grow some dope and get over yourself...and your religion or lack there of.


Well-Known Member
People tend to listen when someone calls bullshit on an important matter. Heaven and hell for eternity is as important as it gets, and in all seriousness that why I believe it. Because if Jesus wasn't alive the documents stating what he did and said would of been called a myth as soon as the book was written.
Yet it was the supposed fulfillment of OT prophecies that convinced many followers. You want to throw out the OT completely and then you are left with a bunch of unsubstantiated claims written in a book. There is no record of Jesus by the Romans who were meticulous recorders of histor. There was no record of Jesus by anyone else outside the bible either. Herod died in 4 BCE which is horribly inconsistent with the Massacre of the Innocents as well as the timing of the birth of Jesus. Luke says that he was born during the first census which didn't occur until 10 years after Herod's death.
If the OT is null and void, why did the gospel writers go to such lengths to show where Jesus fulfilled prophecies from the OT? Clearly the OT was highly valued by the authors of the NT, something that is in clear contradiction to your personal claims.
The Lord of the Rings has more internal consistency than the NT. I guess Mordor and Gandalf were real.


Well-Known Member
Not at the time it was written. Anyone who calls bullshit now is an anti christ. Its too late to correct things if it was false(which its not).
Of course people called bullshit immediately otherwise there would be no more Judaism. There were plenty of other religions that didn't accept the teachings, including Roman paganism which lasted for a few centuries. You don't even seem to know the history of your own religion which you regard as truth.


Well-Known Member
yes, i would concur the same..lots of people called bullshit at the time of all the religions.

marlboro, though, i am curious, you say you cant trust anyone thats not christian.

have you ever met anyone christian, that you can fully trust? and has that trust been tested?


Well-Known Member
yes, i would concur the same..lots of people called bullshit at the time of all the religions.

marlboro, though, i am curious, you say you cant trust anyone thats not christian.

have you ever met anyone christian, that you can fully trust? and has that trust been tested?

better yet, ... has he ever met a christian who broke his trust? ;)