Prove to you There's a God?

I don't understand how proving jesus existed proves that he was the son of god. He was a man, nothing more...
Believing that Jesus is in the flesh of man and died is the first step. Now to fully understand him you'd have to read the new testament yourself. He does Godly things that no regular man could of done. Healing the blind, bring the dead back to life, heaing thos with elileptics, and paralytics, a leper, Jesus fed 5000(something only a God can do(matthew 14:13-14:21)).

After you realize that he was in fact a god, you will know he did in fact die for our sins.
well, by calling the religulous idiotic im kinda judging them myself :)

but im not passing a sentence though.. lol. and i dont think they are going to burn forever in hell for being stupid.

but gandhi comes to mind "im digging on your christ but i dont like them christians"

so thats why i asked, if all he thinks he needs to do (to get to heaven, presumably) is believe in jesus and his pops?

cause, if so?

then what do you think changes about you, after death?

and other people?

is it always heaven being around people? is it always heaven being around you?

you think when you die, someone´s gonna press a button and make everyone that believes a really nice person?

a forgiving, gentle, loving person?

someone thats actually a joy to be around?

just because they believed?..

..interestingly, they also have to keep on being happy, despite knowing of all the billions burning forever and forever alive..

cause, cant really imagine a heaven filled with depressed people.

gotta be everyone always happy in heaven, cant picture it othervise.. lol

so what made them so happy?

just because they believed? or because all the bad people are gone?

and what makes people bad?

anger, hate, judging, along with some other things..

but i certainly never saw belief anywhere on that list.

yeah, he was a great guy, but, he just never believed in old jeebus and gohoood.

so thats why he´s burning alive forever (or just till he believes (yup torture folks til they are your worshippers (great guy god eh? not a friend, not a father, no apparantly god is tyrant and slaveowner, (we are property, apparantly lol)

want another beer?
Believing that Jesus is in the flesh of man and died is the first step. Now to fully understand him you'd have to read the new testament yourself. He does Godly things that no regular man could of done. Healing the blind, bring the dead back to life, heaing thos with elileptics, and paralytics, a leper, Jesus fed 5000(something only a God can do(matthew 14:13-14:21)).

After you realize that he was in fact a god, you will know he did in fact die for our sins.

didnt he say, something along the lines of " what i have done, you will do and more"

"ye are gods"


and couldnt the line "i am the son of man" mean just that? i sso, am also the son of man. (my dad was a man :))

and btw, how could you say he died FOR our sins?

is god some bloodmaniac that needs blood spilled to clean sins? that sounds kinda disgusting and insane..

but its obvious , he died BECAUSE of our sins, he talked about love and forgiveness, ok, no one cares, but then he said things like I AM (only god said that, but interestingly, once you get rid of enough ego, thats all you can say about your self, you are so varied, I AM )

and by sorta claiming to be god, he insulted their faith and so they got really sinful and killed him.

andother line " the father and i are one"

if god is everything, then everything and everyone is god.

(you´d have to study some other religions and old texts to understand that philosophy though (usually gained through heavy meditation)

then i and the father are one too.



its obvious in the bible that VERY FEW understand jesus at the time. and he said that.

by quoting guys that did not understand him, you kinda are admitting to not understanding jesus yourself..

and still you preach about him lol..

but, anyways, im all for cleaning up for sins, good deal

greediness and anger and hate and all that crap should be out the door right now.

it not only hurts others, but yourself.
well, by calling the religulous idiotic im kinda judging them myself :)

but im not passing a sentence though.. lol. and i dont think they are going to burn forever in hell for being stupid.

but gandhi comes to mind "im digging on your christ but i dont like them christians"

so thats why i asked, if all he thinks he needs to do (to get to heaven, presumably) is believe in jesus and his pops?

cause, if so?

then what do you think changes about you, after death?

and other people?

is it always heaven being around people? is it always heaven being around you?

you think when you die, someone´s gonna press a button and make everyone that believes a really nice person?

a forgiving, gentle, loving person?

someone thats actually a joy to be around?

just because they believed?..

..interestingly, they also have to keep on being happy, despite knowing of all the billions burning forever and forever alive..

cause, cant really imagine a heaven filled with depressed people.

gotta be everyone always happy in heaven, cant picture it othervise.. lol

so what made them so happy?

just because they believed? or because all the bad people are gone?

and what makes people bad?

anger, hate, judging, along with some other things..

but i certainly never saw belief anywhere on that list.

yeah, he was a great guy, but, he just never believed in old jeebus and gohoood.

so thats why he´s burning alive forever (or just till he believes (yup torture folks til they are your worshippers (great guy god eh? not a friend, not a father, no apparantly god is tyrant and slaveowner, (we are property, apparantly lol)

want another beer?

God has things to do bro, hes busy doing stuff.
It is said that if you believe in Jesus you will overcome the second death, and if you don't you will burn in hell for eternity.

When we die, we do not automatically become a nice person. Obviously thats what being Christian is about. So were nice before we die.
Heaven is superior to earth, and if we don't die in heaven then obviosuly its gonna be alot better then earth, unlimited knowledge, unlimited everything. And since God is in heaven, we will be tought by everyone up there who has learned something. I can't describe heaven to you, but I know the standards to get there are pretty high. No everyone who believes in Jesus goes to heaven, you gotta do your own research to see where you stand with God.
There are unforgivable sins, blasphemy of the Holy spirit is unforgivable in this generation and in the generation that is to come.
Its sad to see someone correcting my spelling when were talking about religion. Got nothing better to do? Stay out.

what's worse is someone who thinks they understand religion yet can't even understand the correct usage of "your" and "you're".
didnt he say, something along the lines of " what i have done, you will do and more"

"ye are gods"


and couldnt the line "i am the son of man" mean just that? i sso, am also the son of man. (my dad was a man :))

and btw, how could you say he died FOR our sins?

is god some bloodmaniac that needs blood spilled to clean sins? that sounds kinda disgusting and insane..

but its obvious , he died BECAUSE of our sins, he talked about love and forgiveness, ok, no one cares, but then he said things like I AM (only god said that, but interestingly, once you get rid of enough ego, thats all you can say about your self, you are so varied, I AM )

and by sorta claiming to be god, he insulted their faith and so they got really sinful and killed him.

andother line " the father and i are one"

if god is everything, then everything and everyone is god.

(you´d have to study some other religions and old texts to understand that philosophy though (usually gained through heavy meditation)

then i and the father are one too.



its obvious in the bible that VERY FEW understand jesus at the time. and he said that.

by quoting guys that did not understand him, you kinda are admitting to not understanding jesus yourself..

and still you preach about him lol..

but, anyways, im all for cleaning up for sins, good deal

greediness and anger and hate and all that crap should be out the door right now.

it not only hurts others, but yourself.

Oh man, you gotta do the research yourself bro. Leaning on my understanding will only confuse you more. I quoted so you would know exactly where to look to research into that topic. If im going around telling you what I think the quotes say, that would be worse then not speaking of Jesus to begin with.

Jesus died for our sins with death. Now what that death represented to the universe as a whole is beyond me. He was the son of man because he wasn't in the flesh of God(which is why he died).
It was said that to believe in Jesus you are a God yourself, because there are greater things to be done with carrying grannies groceries. After death believers will find out what else there is to do. Obviously humans aren't the center of the universe if God exists(I can't tell you too much of what I think or you will be distorted by my thoughts and the bible).
Your statement is invalid. I did not ask a question.

and your opinion is a "little off".

i am who i am and i am that person without the NEED of god in my life. i'm happy. seems you aren't until everyone feels the same as you. i'm happy for you, and have no issues with you or your god, i simply chose to live differently.
Well, you gotta admit to believing in Jesus Christ and even try to help non believers become born again christians.
Also its about becoming sin free so you will be seen as a saint. Since everyone sins, Jesus forgives old past sins.

then why do you need to be seen as a saint? wouldnt that be purely for selfish reasons which would make your entire mission selfish and therefore sinful,
and your opinion is a "little off".

i am who i am and i am that person without the NEED of god in my life. i'm happy. seems you aren't until everyone feels the same as you. i'm happy for you, and have no issues with you or your god, i simply chose to live differently.

Can you grasp the def of opinion mr grammer patrol? I think we need a definition patrol around here too.
then why do you need to be seen as a saint? wouldnt that be purely for selfish reasons which would make your entire mission selfish and therefore sinful,
Being selfish is the stupidest way of viewing it. Being Godly and staying away from the path that leads to death is an other way. And it is not selfish to save others from the path of death and eternal suffering.
and your opinion is a "little off".

i am who i am and i am that person without the NEED of god in my life. i'm happy. seems you aren't until everyone feels the same as you. i'm happy for you, and have no issues with you or your god, i simply chose to live differently.

Not to worry, God understands. ;)
Being selfish is the stupidest way of viewing it. Being Godly and staying away from the path that leads to death is an other way. And it is not selfish to save others from the path of death and eternal suffering.

Well, you gotta admit to believing in Jesus Christ and even try to help non believers become born again christians.
Also its about becoming sin free so you will be seen as a saint. Since everyone sins, Jesus forgives old past sins.

then why do you need to be seen as a saint? wouldnt that be purely for selfish reasons which would make your entire mission selfish and therefore sinful,

God has things to do bro, hes busy doing stuff. thought he was omnipotent
It is said that if you believe in Jesus you will overcome the second death, and if you don't you will burn in hell for eternity. die again and burn forever or live forever? so death is burning? and hell? bit odd philosophy but whatever floats your boat.
When we die, we do not automatically become a nice person. Obviously thats what being Christian is about. So were nice before we die.
Heaven is superior to earth, and if we don't die in heaven then obviosuly its gonna be alot better then earth, unlimited knowledge, unlimited everything.maybe, obviously is a bit strong term for something you have no personal experience with or real info. And since God is in heaven, we will be tought by everyone up there who has learned something.again jumping to conclusions I can't describe heaven to you,thats not strange, you havent been there and jesus never described it. but I know the standards to get there are pretty highnot really.. No everyone who believes in Jesus goes to heaven, you gotta do your own research to see where you stand with God.
There are unforgivable sins, blasphemy of the Holy spirit is unforgivable in this generation and in the generation that is to come.

yeah, interesting that it never explains just exactly what the holy spirit is and how you offend it.. (lol)

well, get to heaven.

old jay said, be like a child to get into heaven.

well, brats wont get there, so what is the characteristic of children, well, they play.

learn and explore.

so, start having fun and play games, computer or reallife, its all good (did you know that shootem up 1st person games are massively good for developing your brain?)

according to jesus :)


you understood that marlboro was using you´re , many people use your, i do too. its convenient and people understand it.
its not like im writing a paper for college or that my income depends upon it. writing your is quicker and easier and ive got better things to do with my time than spending the extra time to do "perfect grammar"
