Prove to you There's a God?


Well-Known Member
Ahh stfu, your an atheist. Gtfo.
Quit mentioning God, your not looking for rep.
Lame ass athiests with nothing better to do then bother people with hope.

EDIT:I gotta say that not believing is one thing, and purposely starting a topic to make fun of someone else for believing and trying to convince them to stop believing is the wrose.
Now fucking smoke a cigarette and get over it. Don't bug me with any of your anti christ shit, and don't try to convince me that your really looking for some sort of spirituality to tell me that Gods dead or some shit.

Saying hes dead is admitting to him once being alive, and if hes God then he obviously doesn't die. So your a dumbass to tell me "God's dead."
If you need a God to give you Hope? you're messed up... I have tons of hope for our planet, and know better than to believe in Santa Claus.
Well, if you wanna get that Jesus rep; just admit to Jesus coming in the flesh of man on earth to die because of sin. Like I can.

If it God's existance doesn't make sense, then you diddn't read the whole bible.
If you diddn't read the whole bible it makes sense that your athiest, your beliefs are based upon something you know nothing about.

Like the dumb ass statements athiests make "if gods so powerful why is the devil still alive."
Because the devil serves the Lord, and the devil has a short time to live, and eventualy he dies and thats what makes satan so pissed. Now since Gods so bad ass, hes watching the devil suffer in his rage against all the living.

Second most common statement i've heard, "if gods so powerful why doesn't he end suffering."
Most ignorant statement i've heard. For humans to be orginal from any other race(for sure are angels out there) they needed to be consumed by sin, and the "holy ones" break through that sin and prove themselves in a world of suffering.
The devils gonna fucking die! Why the fuck would I wanna go anywhere near him?

Gods the most powerful living thing in EVERYTHING. Why the fuck would I deny him?

Anyways, smoke a cigarette while you live in "the lot of the land." Fucking stupidest shit I've heard about why someone doesn't believe in God.
I thought the more you read the more it did not make sense. O_o Which Bible do you speak of.?.
The holy bible.
Well, its not too hard to explain why it doesn't make sense to you. The old testament doesn't have Jesus's words in it, and the new testament does and it also says that anything without Jesus in it is completely false and is ment to deceive you because it is of the anti christs.

Making EVERYTHING in the old testament false, even if it had good morals in it. It is still there to deceive you(idk about the songs, some of them are fucked up too(Worst songs i've heard are singing for god to change things, knowing damn well God tells us if we listen to what he said while he was on earth we will be saved) (were waiting for sinners to change their ways, hence repent for heaven on earth is at stake)).
Which Bible, their are many different versions. King James ?? if so lets skip to the part you tell me about the tower of bable
Any religion out there is of the anti christ, Except for Christianity of the new testament.
The word "religion," was ment to deceive you. Its Christian(believer of christ) or anti christ(deceiver). All the other names were ment to cover up anti-christ.
Which Bible, their are many different versions. King James ?? if so lets skip to the part you tell me about the tower of bable

Thats in the old testament, it is ment to deceive.

Haven't read more then 4 different bible versions, the new testament is almost word for word even in different versions, give or take a few synonyms.
Deny who exactly? Ok ok fine if god can exist why can't Santa? Seriously man, go blow that jesus BS smoke up someone elses ass haha.. Or prove to me he's sitting here with me in my plants.. He isn't this is all me and my carefull willingness to respect nature bro.
Deny who exactly? Ok ok fine if god can exist why can't Santa? Seriously man, go blow that jesus BS smoke up someone elses ass haha.. Or prove to me he's sitting here with me in my plants.. He isn't this is all me and my carefull willingness to respect nature bro.
Its says not to greet your false doctrine, if you deny Jesus. So your point is invalid.
No point in playing games bro, you tell me you don't believe and I know your just dening him and trying to be a buzz kill.
Imho by the time science proves God exists he'll be kicking every deceivers ass into dust. And science won't do shit against God because God owns you, science, the scientists, this world, and the devil.
I would love to see you and Sen C. go at it, He says the King James Bible is the one True Bible of God and all others are False. How do you feel about that.
Well, if you wanna get that Jesus rep; just admit to Jesus coming in the flesh of man on earth to die because of sin. Like I can.

If it God's existance doesn't make sense, then you diddn't read the whole bible.
If you diddn't read the whole bible it makes sense that your athiest, your beliefs are based upon something you know nothing about.

Like the dumb ass statements athiests make "if gods so powerful why is the devil still alive."
Because the devil serves the Lord, and the devil has a short time to live, and eventualy he dies and thats what makes satan so pissed. Now since Gods so bad ass, hes watching the devil suffer in his rage against all the living.

Second most common statement i've heard, "if gods so powerful why doesn't he end suffering."
Most ignorant statement i've heard. For humans to be orginal from any other race(for sure are angels out there) they needed to be consumed by sin, and the "holy ones" break through that sin and prove themselves in a world of suffering.

Are you responding to someone particular? I haven't heard any atheist here makes these statements. These sound like statements of people who disbelieve in god and can't explain why, which puts their beliefs on the same level as theists.

In your statements alone you have suggested that god enjoys suffering so much he uses it as a test, that sounds a reasonable thing to question to me. You have also discounted the vast number of people who have read the bible, and still are unconvinced of god, and the even bigger number of people who believe in god but have not read a word of the bible. It sounds like you are responding to people who are simply trying to cause you grief for your beliefs, and that describes 0 atheists that I know here on RIU.
I would love to see you and Sen C. go at it, He says the King James Bible is the one True Bible of God and all others are False. How do you feel about that.

His way of starving his mind from the truth, Jesus's stories and words are all documented. The new testament is the truth.
Are you responding to someone particular? I haven't heard any atheist here makes these statements. These sound like statements of people who disbelieve in god and can't explain why, which puts their beliefs on the same level as theists.

In your statements alone you have suggested that god enjoys suffering so much he uses it as a test, that sounds a reasonable thing to question to me. You have also discounted the vast number of people who have read the bible, and still are unconvinced of god, and the even bigger number of people who believe in god but have not read a word of the bible. It sounds like you are responding to people who are simply trying to cause you grief for your beliefs, and that describes 0 atheists that I know here on RIU.

No one in particular. Im sure that you would enjoy tourmenting the one who tourments your creations and leads them astray from your word.

Believing in God is nothing close to believing in Jesus.
If you deny that Jesus was ever on earth in the flesh of man to die for our sins, then your a disgrace to God(not to you directly either).
After Jesus died on earth for humans to get into heaven, and if you deny him, how do you think he would see you? Why do you think people go to hell for not believing in Jesus?
HAhaha, got your panties in a bunch today have we? :lol:

Personally, i see people who need some imaginary friend in order to get through daily life, well i find it pathetic :)

If god owns the devil then god is responsible for the devils actions which means god is to blame for evil in this world :) Heh :p